Poll - Environment 1

Makes more sense to include them all in the game since everyone would enjoy what they want.


Are you gonna take the votes as a way of prioritizing which goes first from most vote to least vote? I would prefer to have all these environments in the game. Would make sense to the highest vote as the first priority and the least vote being the last priority (probably after beta into the full release or the next expansion).

I went for Catacombs. Got to be somewhere all these undead are coming from. But as others have said, they all sound good. Can’t wait to see them.

I like the idea of the voids, as they could pop up anywhere. And out anywhere???

I like the idea of the void too but what if it became too common? Hence my idea drifted to my enjoyment of Stalker (pretend it’s all caps with …). Sewers were my vote. Sewers/underground areas like in Metro. Had some scary times in those two games. Take Grey_area’s idea connect sewers to them. Hidden test labs, survival bunkers, have a hidden lab with a void generator. :slight_smile:

Railyard for me. I’d love to see broken down locomotives and battling between deserted passenger carriers.

I’ve had my fill with the void ever since Hellgate:London came out.

For the most part i’m actually all right with the idea of the Void. But what would the stories be behind the void and more importantly what type of enemies would they be and what would be the backstory behind the void?

Are they simply souls of the damned condemned to the world’s equivalent of hell bent on claiming a body of the living for themselves so as to seize a conduit that has the means of escaping?

Are they demons intent on using your characters soul as a host/vanguard for the oncoming invasion from the void.

-Is it simply an alternate dimension where the denizens simply regard lakes of blood to be as beautiful to them as a waterfall under a clear blue sky is to us, and who view your characters intrusion as a legitimate threat/act of evil?

I picked railyard all the way. Mainly because its something so completely different from what has been done in an ARPG before. It would be something totally fresh. Everyone who picked void think about it for a minute and remember that something like that has already been done in diablo and while its cool and all wouldn’t you like to see something different?

I am disappointed that my planar overlap did not make it. I chose the shipyard, sound interesting to me.

Vote Railway or I’ll summon Snig’gral’lew to eat your souls! :wink:


voted railway!

No, no, no!! Just think of the Acrane Sanctuary in D2. Grooaannnnn. Weird, technicolor platforms magically floating in space with random teleporters between them belong in a Wii game, not GD! Dammit, I hope the void does not win…

So could any of them, really, if you wanted to play with the concepts involved. Railyard, for example: An elder civilization’s extradimensional transportation network, left to rot when that civilization died out, now infested with who knows what scavengers and predators. Our minds cannot make sense of its true form, so we perceive it as a titanic, neverending railway full of cyclopean, rusting trains, defunct ticket-taking stations, etc. I’d play the hell out of that. :slight_smile:

What if…

…the Cthonic Void…

…is all the assets from all the other levels all mixed into one?

Then they could make the shipyard, the railyard, AND the Cthonic Void! :smiley:

As with most I’d be happy with any of the enviroments as long as they are done well, which I expect that they will be.
But I had to go for the Battlefield. I’d love to come accross an old area full of trenches and no-mans land, and be able to path all through it, in and out of the trenches, with some tunnels and bridges leading from one sector to another.
Still I can see all of these areas being created in time ion the new expansions.

Also the rail-yard is very suiting to “victorian” era that this game is based on. It will suit the overall enviornment vary well. Plus then they can use parts from the rail-yard to add across other parts. Image finding the occasional derelict train car or an old train crossing and other stuff around the world map.

Rail-Yard 2012!

Dang! I voted for the least chosen option. I must have a very selective taste. :cool:

To me it’s not so much about looking cool and more about what the place is about lore/story wise and why I’m there. That’s why I tend to find the sewers drab because it’s almost always just filler setting wise.

It’s also a make or break for catacombs. I can totally geek out over them if they have interesting lore to them and if I’m there for good reason, but they are just said filler if they are there just because… graves are creepy I guess…

That’s why I ended up voting void, because it springs from the game’s lore and there’s a bigger chance it will be implemented with a context.

In order,

  1. Catacombs
  2. Battleground
  3. Shipyard
  4. Railyard
  5. Evil Forest
  6. Sewers
  7. Void

My opinion is that I’d like to see the post-apocalyptic world of Cairn, in all it’s glory, before we go tromping around on an alien plant.

Seeing as how this is kind of an important vote… I am wondering if it would be possibly to take a second vote after this. Use this vote to whittle down to a top 3 and then take a 2nd vote on the top 3?

The Void sounds pretty cool. However, I believe it’d be even cooler if it took some of the ideas some of the fans have posted here as well. :slight_smile:

(In other words, seeing some chaotic mish-mash of different areas would feel exotic and “voidy” to me.)
