Poll - Environment 1

May just be result of new folks wanting to vote, but just a FYI seems like quite a few folks are brand new (as in just joined today). Hope there aren’t people trying to skew results :rolleyes:

i second void (null)'s idea…

but i really hate the thought of actually picking one of these.

or you guys (crate) could just tell us what we have to do to get all of them? :eek:

Evil forest, i like the sound of it.

That’s the image the name sound on my mind, THE LIVING FOREST! :b

I picked void as it seemed like it could a) provide a nice contrast from the rest of the game b) I like having little side portals scattered across the world.

After reading comments I’d be willing to drop it for a WWI battleground or trainyard, but there’s no edit function. ^^

It seems Void is winning. One plea - don’t have the background a trippy swirl of moving colors. That is murder on the eyes, and therefore cuts into playability as you fight off a headache.

No, just the first time kickstarter told me about a poll. Till now didn’t have motivation other than lurking once a month or so to see what is new.

Id take the Void or the Forest. OR How about a Demoic Portal that brings people to fight at the gates of hell I.E Cerberus! :slight_smile:

I’m surprised there are so many votes for the void… every game of the genre has some “otherworldly” location with pools of blood and stuff. Something like a railyard would be pretty unique to GD.

Had to vote for battlefield.

I want to see the results of the war, I want to see the devastation wrought by the invaders, of the empires gallant but futile resistance. I want to see gargautan war machines littering the landscape of the lifeless or not so lifeless battlefield. I want to interupt Aetherial harvesters scrounging for bodies.

I want to feel like I am civilisation’s last hope.

I don’t want much :slight_smile:

My second choice would have been the shipyard, great description there and third the railway.

The others sound cool - void less so as others have said it’s been done before okay most probably not as well as Med suggests :slight_smile:

God. Anything but sewers, catacombs, graveyards :-/


I voted Evil Forest as I want to see more of this. :slight_smile:

Edit Can I get the video to show here?

And wow it is over 2 years since that video was posted!:eek:

I agree 100% with orkybash. Not only does The Void seem kind of generic to me, it also somewhat reminds me of the horrendous Arcane Sanctuary of Diablo 2 which received much criticism from the community.

Personally I like the Shipyard best, as it combines “Mystery of the Sea” elements with “decrepit and forsaken structures” and industrialism. So awesome and sort of fresh compared with the other options.

Two general questions/remarks:

  • Is there some way to limit the polls to backers/preorderers? I would imagine it should be possible to give a forum account some sort of premium status
  • I think it would be better to hold these polls anonymously, as there is an effect that draws people toward the currently most popular vote which skews the true outcome of the poll

One other thing mentioned before:

Since many people here would be fine with either railyard or shipyard and the voting total will split up between these two, might I suggest the following:

After the poll ends, have a follow up poll between (a) The Void and (b) Shipyard/Railyard (assuming the poll ends similar to the current state).

If The Void wins, then the Void it shall be. Otherwise you can either go for a combination area (ships and trains) and if that is not too much effort you can have yet another poll to get a final decision on shipyard/railyard.

[edit]: I thought about this a bit and to me it seems like having a follow-up poll this way would feel like cheating since we add up votes for different environments. So I think the clean way out would be to first decide whether a combined Railyard/Shipyard environment would be feasible, then have the follow-up vote like outlined above.

The game already got a graveyard, if you seen one of the pre-alpha videos. Grim Dawn has that feeling and setting to pull off the sewer areas, and it would be interesting if it is someway connected to a catacomb from a crack on the walls thanks to erosion and time. I know Crate has what it takes to make those environments better than D3, in that eerie department.

I vote for Evil Forest 'cause I like open spaces without tunnels and walls - some kind of claustrophobia I think. But if you make this location, please add more green colors, don’t do it like in Diablo III. Also interested in Railyard, it can create more steampunk atmosphere.

Can’t believe people are voting up the void, seems so out of place.

So many options, sooooo fu-king many!!! I can’t pick…damn it. =))

I am torn between the railyard and the shipyard being the most innovative, but I would also like to see the void portals…heh.

Medierra, you did this on purpose!!!

Anyway, shipyard got my vote, it is maybe a tiny better than railyard, and both of these sound a bit better than voids.

And why is that? You know, they did not just pop up on Cairn, right? They have to came out from somewhere…somewhere otherworldly connected to Cairn via Void portals.

I like the idea of a railyard/shipyard combination and possibly a second poll.

Really, I’m just not a fan of the void idea. As others have said, it sounds a bit generic and out of place.

Agree that Void feels like its been done too many times now, I voted railyard but also like the shipyard.

I would rather feel like I was on a journey through the game world than have portals popping up taking me to different areas.

What a bout a pure pos-apocalyptic industrial landscapes with full of despair and darkness? A place where full of metal pipes and unuseful machineries…