Poll - Environment 2

@John - Well, they have not said how big this would be.
I don’t really imagine a Ruined Fort being that big while being a Ruined Fort. I imagine the evil forest would be way bigger - but I like the forts. Good place for a boss that drops a lot of decent loot.

Damn, another one where I have no idea which option to pick. Are you doing this on purpose?! =))

I like the Battlefield with the bodies scattered all around, the Ruined Fort as the reminder of great things of the past, and Farm Slaughterhouse for it scares the hell out of me as a vegetarian. =D

But I guess it is Evil Forest for its dark and scary atmosphere… and the things that can be done with the shadows…creepy. =)

Ruined Fort. Cob-webed, torch lit halls leading to who knows what in the dungeon?

Very hard choise between Catacombs and slaughterhouse :frowning:

Flip a coin. Let fate decide for you.

I voted for Battlefield, but I have a proposition, how about a combination between Battlefield and Ruined Fort?

Was thinking the same, maybe you could have a fort overlooking a battlefield.

I read all the descriptions and thought: all these have been done so many times before. All except the farm slaughterhouse (as far as I know). -Which takes my vote for it’s originality.

Sadly, it seems like the Ruined Fort is winning. I’m not saying it seems like a bad idea; just that it reminds me of running around in the Cathedral in Diablo 3. Been there, done that.
Go go slaughterhouse!

No love for sewers…Does that mean this would be the only game ever to not have a sewer level?

@Phrosen Slaughterhouse while not everywhere, is fairly common. Diablo 1 had one with the first boss, Call of Cthulhu:Dark Corners of the Earth had a fishery/slaughterhouse, Doom 2, Prey, Quake 1 and 3, Onimusha, and quite a few others…basically any game that involves alien/daemon invaders typically has that level/chapter where they show them chopping up humans like livestock and processing the meat like we would farm animals…usually in a human slaughterhouse for “bonus irony points”.

I voted ruined fort before I knew it was so far ahead. Slaughterhouse was my runner up and I’d be happy with that. The rest, of course I’ll like because it’s GD after all, just seem less interesting or new.

Awesome choices. I am hoping for the farmhouse, or the fort myself. They are all so awesome sounding so far though hard to decide

Fort boring. A more frightening catacombs.
Slaughterhouse also attracting interest. But I want to have everything in the game area.

I think this voting is for what the developers should put serious-serious time into making great. So, if there is a small sewer level in the end, no one would mind as long as things like this are top priority. But thats what I think. We’ll have to wait and see.

Long time no see everyone! :slight_smile:

But anyways, ruined fort sounds the most interesting, as the rest have been done to death before.

Just my two cents.

Its not like we need a massive sewer system that stretches for ages. The sewer only needs to be size of a developed town. That should take like 20-30min worth of exploring. it would be great that a sewer can be integrated in the story as an alternate route of heading into town or out, if the town gets overrun by the mobs.

I only see Evil Forest and Battlefield being the only in the poll that may be a massive region since those can go for miles. The rest are small.

20-30 minutes for sewers? Damn, that’s too long. :smiley:

Unless they put the final boss in the sewers though. Wouldn’t mind that.

And use the sewers as continuation to the expansion. Explaining how the survivors make it to the railyards/shipyards alive.

Using the land route would seem deadly based on what we know so far about the environment. So, taking the sewers to get to the railyard/shipyard seems to go with the story better.

[Edit: Did not mean to double post same message twice.]

Kinda shocked to see the results. I thought The ruined fort was the least interesting. I voted Battlefield. All of them sounds great though, and at the end of the day it all comes down to if they are well made, which I am sure they will be given what I have seen and heard of the game so far.

Ruined Fort?!? come on guys! D3 Act 3 all over again pffff

Well, I was not specific enough how long the sewers should last. 20-30 minutes is normal or a bit excessive if you fully explore it while dealing with hordes of enemies, and avoiding pits of acids lying around waiting to dissolve you in the dark. The boss should be a giant rat that can…drink beer. :wink:

I like the idea you suggested on how to integrate the sewers in the game, hopefully Crate can think this one over as a fresh idea.