[Poll] The skill modifiers on OK conduit are

It might sound a bit cocky, but I don’t need to personally test every memey build to have an opinion on it.

Judgment one is probably useful for Cyclone. Not because it’s good but because it’s +1 to OK and +3% max resists. Literally poll option #3, just this one is preferrable over other prefixes.

Elemental Aegis I fail to see any decent use at all. Perhaps you’ll tell me, since you say you see it working.

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Irrelevant interjection:

Off the top of my head, this is what I think a whacky, and niche modifier would look like -

“Guardians of empyrion now scale with pet bonuses, and not player bonuses, etc. etc.”

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Okay. For some real evaluation of these conduits.

  1. Judgment mod should be changed. There’s an offhand for that. Unless you don’t want judgment as main skill you’ll want that offhand on a lightning judgment build. And if judgment isn’t a main skill then wouldn’t the amulet bet better used in support of that main skill of yours? No reason to use that.

  2. Guardians mod is great. Yeah seriously it is good. If only bonemonger didn’t have an amulet slot bonemonger oppressor would actually be cruci good cause of this mod.

  3. Cold RF is great. Real build enabler that doesn’t interfere with any crucial pieces of stuff like cold dervish.

  4. Aether and Chaos EoR - Imo should have phys conversion too for more flexible itemization.

  5. Same with VM mod and Chaos aegis - need fire to x conversion for better itemization options.

  6. Elemental Aegis - Eeeeeh. Maybe there are people who like this, I dunno.

  7. Ascension. This. Is. Just. Purely. Outclassed. By. The. Guardians. Mod.

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This. I know Zantai put in his guidelines to please test stuff before giving feedback but I don’t think that should apply to these kinda stuff. That’s why the statement even says “Please provide your gameplay experience” rather than “It is required to submit actual gameplay evidence of stuff”, meaning Zantai understands that too. If this was the #deadbuilds thread testing would be nearly mandatory to even make me look at it but this is wacky build central.

+1 to this or Conduits letting you convert pets from pet scaled to player scaled and vice versa.

Currently, the Pet Conduits just make me go “why?”

On Wild Whispers, you have a modifier to Briarthorn, but you can already get the same with other items while not sacrificing the amulet slot.

On Undying Whispers, you have modifier to convert Blight Fiend dmg from the superior Physical + Acid to crappy Vitality. Why anyone would want that? idk. Another one is for Skeletons. And you can use neither with the Vitality/Skeleton Pet set: Lost Souls.

On Eldritch Whispers, you have something that buffs familiar but can’t be used with Bysmiel’s Trinkets. However, given how you need to use the entire set instead of the Previous option of just M.Will of Bysmiel, I can see it having some use if for some reason you want a more powerful Familiar but can’t use Trinkets.

That said, you can simply get something like the Heart of the Mountain for an Extra Pet instead and if you aren’t going for Trinkets, chances are you are not focusing on the Familiar, which means an item for just the Familiar won’t do much good.

The other one modifies Hellhound by converting its dmg into chaos + giving it some flat chaos dmg. Would have been great, if Hound was viable on its own or had a dedicated Set or atleast one that didn’t convert all its dmg into Vitality.

I get the idea of Conduits existing to enable weird or otherwise impossible builds. But atleast when it comes to pets, I find them lacking compared to other options. And if they were never meant to be competitive and just for screwing around in Campaign, I can understand.

But I for one certainly won’t complain if they were also good enough to not make you feel like you are deliberately gimping your build just for the sake of variety.


Players scaled pets to pet bonuses one or vice versa sounds like a cool idea @Maya ! But don’t know if it’s applicable.

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I’d like some of the Conduit pets to go towards damage types that lack options or feel underpowered currently: And really to just go ever so slightly more crazy with it.

Why not have Briarthorns convert their Physical or Pierce damage to Fire? Would go well with Beastcaller + Swarmlings. Give Raise Skeletons a meaningful conversion to it’s modifier - could be towards Fire again, or Aether if someone wants to do Diviner Skellies. Conversion from something to Physical damage is another interesting take as well that could fit into a pet conduit somewhere (but I’m not sure where).

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If I understand the pet situation correctly (which is a mighty tall assumption to make), physical pet builds suck.

Hence my suggestion for making guardians pet scale-able.

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I can see the balancing be a nightmare + there is the thing about making it work in the first place and I don’t know if there are any engine limitations to that.

But if possible, it would certainly go well with all those Pet Hybrid items :yum:

Yup, things like those would be :ok_hand:

I have also been asking here and there (or mostly just complaining) that Pets don’t have a pet version of Bero reforged. While I would prefer Physical Pet stuff to be more general since I feel they require buffs all around, having atleast a conduit would be nice.

So, +1 to all of it.

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You understand correctly *nods*. Also one major reason for that is Armor. The major strength of pets, which is how flat dmg scales multiplicatively with the number of pets you get, also ends up working against them since each instance gets checked against armor.

Having more access to Physical RR would definitely help a lot regarding that.

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Yeah, it boils down pretty much to two useful Conduits: Aether/Chaos RR to Guardians and Cold Righteous Fervor. Everything else is hot garbaggio. There are no “what ifs” here, those mods are just silly and useless and noone in the right mind will ever use them.

Yeah, but not so long ago there were three of them, aether one then had AS/CS for ascension

Honestly, this one had it coming. 12% AS and the ability to have a near permanent Ascension with Time Dilation was by no means fair, especially considering how well Time Dilation is aligned with standard devotion setups for some of the damage types.

I don’t like how it was remade though. It doesn’t enable any wacky builds.


Agree. Lot of builds are using conduits even without the need of the provided mods just for +skills and +3 max resistances. And EoR builds are using even the energy regeneration boost. So adding Ascension boost and AS was too much. Now though this conduit is useless. Even for really weird reasons to be doing aether OK build and have amulet slot open, you will prefer -15 RR mod and not flat aether one. So this one, together will few others can be reworked.

I voted mystery because the conduit for aether rr and maybe cold Fervor are not total garbage. Problem with the rest is that some of those mods - their effects can be easily achieved with relevant gear. Chaos Aegis? There’s a set for it. Aether EoR? The helmet for it already converts 30% elemental, and the slot is taken by the rr conduit anyway.

Oh christ please dont change the -chaos and -aether RR one on guardian. I actually use it on chaos EOR and thank god i dont have to cast curse of fragility every 5 second anymore with nice stats to make sure im not paper.

The Aether EOR one is utterly useless so feel free to replace that. No way people gonna run it over -RR ones.

Now i wouldnt mind if you actually split the -RR on guardian of emperion to two modifiers: one that converts a damage type to chaos + 15%RR and one that converts a damage type to aether +15%RR.

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I see no problem with the Aether EoR Conduit existing. As Fluff said:

RR isn’t the only stat in the universe, and having the EoR Conduit deal with conversion (and also provide flat and crit damage, let’s not forget) means I have other item slots freed up so that I’m able to improve my build in other ways.

And if I really wanted the RR? Now that I’m not being forced into equipping the Magelord rings, there’s always Mythical Band of the Eternal Haunt, which provides most of the RR that the Conduit offered anyway. And doesn’t require I pour another 10 skill points into Oathkeeper just so that I’m able to grab Celestial Presence (which is required for the Conduit RR to take effect).

I imagine a similar argument goes for the Chaos EoR Conduit.

The only Conduit I’m not that keen on is the Aether Damage to Ascension one. It’s a bit…boring, for a Conduit. Why not take a page from Bloodlord’s Vengeance and throw some Something-to-Aether conversion on it too?

I think magelord rings are still BiS for better conversion on soulfire, but those are very valid points for sure.

Wait you need Celestial presence in order RR to Guardians conduit to work? Are you sure on that?

But the thing is both aether and chaos are not good damage types and on top of that their EoR versions haven’t got much support from gear.

Yeah, maybe Magelords are BiS, at least offensively, but I guess it just depends what you want in your build. In this case I prefer other rings with different supporting stats, but that’s just personal preference more than anything else.

Aether EoR can still clear SR75 without using the RR Conduit and Magelords though, so that’s something at least. Performance can be pretty hit and miss though, but I suppose that’s expected for SR75.

Pretty sure. At least, I’ve heard as much from a fair few people. Kinda sucks, really. :unamused: