[Poll] The skill modifiers on OK conduit are

If RR only works with celestial presence, then maybe the tooltip description can be changed to reflect that.

“-15% RR to celestial presence”

Also, if that’s true then same must be true to wind devils and raging tempest - though since most devil rr mods are elemental, raging tempest is already a given.

Not really for Wind Devil as it already has it’s debuff aura as part of it’s base skill whereas Guardian of Empyrion does not.

Checked devils tooltip and yeah you’re right.

I’d like a poll option for “Too many Aether focused options that just end up overlapping each other” please.

Can’t edit the poll mate. I tried to after making it initially as Lee pointed out to me that it might come across as sarcastic, but no bueno. :confused:

Unfortunate. I really do think that something should be changed to enable interesting builds, because that’s what Conduits are intended to do. And having multiple Aether options that overshadow each other doesn’t do that.

The problem I’ve seen so far (here and in Mad_Lee’s thread) is that feedback starts in the form of “How can we make this good?”, not “How can we make this interesting?” and Zantai is/has just dismissed the thread after that because it isn’t supposed to be good.

Edit: I’ll expand on what I said in that thread. I’d like a Vire’s Might Vitality decay focused mod. I want to skate a trail of blood across the ground that my enemies slip and die in.

Comparing -15% constant passive RR aura and -10% proc from a ring RR is like comparing racing sport bike and a bycicle with electric engine, mate.

Can anyone confirm that? Conduit mod clearly says RR to Guardians, what does Celestial Presence has to do with it?

Well, all we want is for mods not to be completely useless. Right now we have two mods that are not useless, everything else is garbage.

Zantai has confirmed that Guardian needs Celestial Presence to apply RR, even RR mods, and they are not gonna change the skill mod descriptions to say it applies specifically to Celestial Presence because all skill mods always mention the base skill it’s affecting.

It’s pretty much a “deal with it” situation.

Rotgheist does that for you

Ha, imagine poor players who don’t know that because they haven’t read this thread or Zantai’s post burried on this forum somewhere that craft RR amulet and don’t invest in Celestial Presence because why should they.

I already played aether Opressor with HoS as exclusive skill and RR conduit to guardians without pushing OK to 50. Didn’t feel the power :sweat:

Git gud with psychic powers, mate, you should’ve known that Celestial Presence is needed to activate that mod! And Crate won’t add two lines of texts explaining that to mod description, because, well, reasons!


Shit. I was theorycrafting a build with that conduit (of course with 40/50 OK). Glad i didn’t proceed with that draft.

Inaccurate descriptions are an issue. First time i encountered it with Time Dilation, the list of skills working with it you’d never have guessed without testing everything live. But in this case the description is straight up deceptive and leaving it as it is now is… well, unprofessional in my opinion. Not up to the standards of this game.

I must admit that if it wasn’t for the wiki and other players, I would have zero idea on how anything works in this game…

y u do dis Z?

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Now imagine early dota players when the game wasn’t big. Icefrog won’t even talk to people!

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I presume as much, because there is no way GoW auto attack can inflict stackable RR.

This also means that GoW RR mod for other than phys, bleed, fire, acid, and vitality; will not be effective. Because you will most probably only put one point to celestial presence, making the range lackluster.

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I blame Zantai for that too :zantai:

Ofc there is big problem with OK conduits.
They all should support aether, not only 4.


I agree with a lot of the above.
Most Conduits have 2 or 3 modifiers that improve a skill in some way that supports its natural damage type, so it would be nice if OK had a few of them too instead of only build-enabling or off-damage type ones.

If only so that when you’re using the amulet for the stats it provides, you don’t get a huge chance of landing a skill modifier with an unwanted damage conversion.

I used to use the +2s Ascension one (as probably most other people did), now it has an Aether damage modifier that doesn’t do anything for the build. And as someone mentioned, Aether builds would rather take the RR one so this one in particular is a prime candidate for a more universal bonus.

The Judgment one looks underwhelming as well: the damage bonus is small for a skill with 5s base CD and there’s a caster offhand with the same conversion. The latter fact goes for some other skill modifiers as well, but this looks particularly weak. Compare it to the Aegis modifiers, a skill with half its CD.

I’d rather see it get a flat CDR mod, which benefits all Judgment builds, and a damage bonus to its main damage types which then can be converted through other skill modifiers.