Possible new Crate project in the works

lets hope its a DX12 engine.

Cant help but feel excited from the jobs opening posting. Unreal engine, RPG and RTS😍


We need equivalent of Rhykker but for Grim Dawn (he analyses job postings for Diablo and makes conclusions from them).


If Crate has a RTS game in their agenda that would be huge excitement for me. Hell my childhood spent with game series like Red Alert, Age of Empires, Warcraft, Rise of Nations, Battle for Middle Earth etc so I would like to play rts game by crate both single player and multiplayer focused.


Given his “conclusions” about the Handy Games TQ teaser I’m not sure I’d want him to. God knows what sort of games he’d come up with. :crazy_face:


I can play Crate’s RTS but I need Internals for it with an option to lower Game Speed to 0.25 :slight_smile:


Just imagine searching “crate” in order to have edge againts your opponent in early game in a rts game made by Crate.

Well, we don’t know what the town builder is exactly yet. Long ago Medierra said he wanted to mix Settlers and some other game (can’t remember the name and can’t find the link now) for his new project.

If I’m not mistaken Z also mentioned there will be battles in the game but ofc these are just speculations.

You have not been mistaken…

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Zan also said this on the discord back in October. How much is trolling … :woman_shrugging:

townbuilder: is combat optional or mandatory?

I would say it is inevitable
I’m still petitioning hard for wolves to rain from the sky"

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Well I don’t think that’s trolling. If it’s optional whether you fight or not with other players, it will be certainly inevitable because human’s don’t even need a reason to do that :rofl: If they can, they just do…

Well, I meant the raining wolves part mainly. :wink:

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The inventory screen shot does make me remember settlers or stronghold.

Medierra used to be top ladder player of AOE2.

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Indeed; it helped him get into the gaming industry. This from a GD stream by Archon the Wizard that Medierra took part in back in 2013.

“I didn’t get into game development by following my own advice, I never actually thought about getting into game development. When I was younger, when I was in high school, college, the game industry wasn’t as pervasive in mainstream culture as it is now and so I was a hardcore gamer, but it never occurred to me that I could actually have a career doing that. I never really thought about the fact that people made the games that magically appeared on store shelves and I sort of stumbled into it by accident. I transferred from one university to another halfway through college and when I got to the new school I was living 45 minutes off campus. I didn’t know anybody yet and I had gotten a new computer which came with Age of Empires and I just started playing it in my spare time and then I went on to play it competitively. This was a time when competitive gaming was really just starting to take off and so it never occurred to me that I could become a competitive player. People didn’t watch competitive players play at that point in time So to me it was like this horrible waste of time that was distracting me from my college education. But then basically out of the blue some of the developers I guess recognized me from the ladders and asked me if I wanted to be part of a 10 person expert testing team for Age of Kings and I did that and I guess they liked my feedback; they asked if I would write part of the strategy guide and eventually suggested that I should apply for a design position and that was the first time I started thinking oh geeze, I could be a game designer? And also they told me about Stainless Steel Studios which had opened up near where I live; it’s sort of a spin off of Ensemble founded by Rick Goodman, the brother of Tony Goodman who owned Ensemble and who made Age of Empires and I went down there for a weekend and they ended up offering me a job and I actually ended up leaving college a bit early to take it. I did some of the core work on Empire Earth and that sort of started my career in the game industry.”


Always nice to read this again 10 times😂

So it was AOE and not AOE2. My mistake.

Fascynating :vulcan_salute:

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so empire earth becomes an indirect help for the makings of grim dawn… interesting. i myself prefer empire earth 1/2 to age of empires 123, because you can customize your own units’ stats improvements on the field & lots of epoch to play. not to mention the great resource gathering micromanagement interface of empire earth 2.

sadly, like so many other rts, empire earth12 focus too much on warfare. its diverse amount of epoch would make a great empire management rts game similar to sid’s civilizations with many fun roads to victory/survival without resorting to the usual boring rts military win.

makes me wish theres’ a stone age/industrial age scenario options for farthest frontier.

anyway, stoma. kalos. piotr’s novaya russian potato truck😅