Preserving Greens

It would be really nice if we could preserve greens at the Preservationists. That’s what sauerkraut and kimchi are, preserved cabbage. Honestly, people have developed ways to preserve almost everything. Being able to preserve eggs and greens via pickling might even be something that could be done in houses, not needing a dedicated building, but needing a second pottery or glass resource.


+1 to the need of sauerkraut!

Greetings from your fellow German :slight_smile:

This has been mentioned before. I agree that it should be a thing, but it is a part of a larger thing. Most pickled greens require vinegar, and vinegar is a by product of wine. Hence, clearly we need grapes and wineries. :smile: Just a thought.


Aaand that’s a great way to tie in a great idea in terms of both game mechanics and historical basis. Would actually make me grow Greens

Actually vinegar can also be produced from apples. Aaaaand… incidentally, we already have apples ingame. :wink:

Yes, but that would require apple cider. Hint hint…

Come on, you don’t need a whole new production chain for this. You can make everything managed by the same preservists, just a few apples (maybe 1% to 5% of the amount taken for preservation) can be “consumed” along with greens to make green preserves. If you like everything to be even more precise, just add a small amount of water and 1 honey per 100 preserved greens, but I think that’s not so needed.