Primal strike energy usage

If you ditch Empty Throne you have a lot of freedom and take Behemoth but you’ll probably not like it
For example

It’s ok but resistances are not.

Build is now ok. The trade-off Behemoth for Scythe was necessary for energy regen. And the bigger life and DA offset the skill even though the skill is really useful with CDR of Ultos. I will post the build soon.
It is ± the same as my first version but energy is fixed. Thanks
So 2H melee PS without Savagery is possible :slight_smile:
I hate using skills like Savagery or ABB for buffs only. It interrupts the gameplay.

Nice. Glad you’re using Purple devos because the standard cookie-cutter Blue setup is becoming painful to look at for me. Also Skeletons from Revenant are not very thematic for an elemental warrior and I find the Spear not aesthetically pleasing.

I don’t like using those buffing attacks as well but instead of avoiding them I chose to automate them instead.
For example you put ABB on 6, run GDAutocaster with


and now ABB fire’s automatically when off cool-down while you’re holding LMB and attacking with it. And the behavior is optimal. However Savagery is not that great to automate because it doesn’t have cool-down and I cannot spam it to assure asap usage, only once every 1.9 seconds for example but if you’re not targetting enemies you’ll lose the buff. Yeah, Savagery is a bitch.

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I use Scythe often in builds. But in this I didn’t. I also often use Wolverine. Nice workaround but I try to work things out in the game. I have a lot of non standard builds that I will be posting in the coming weeks and like 50 more thought up but not played yet. Like 3/4 out of them are using double rare gdstahed MIs but a lot of them are OK for no green mafia as well :slight_smile: And some of the builds with double rare MIs could even work with single rares.

I’ve made a Primal Strike build today as well but meme Physical :slight_smile:
Using Scythe too. Yellow Primal Strike and Inquisitor Seal visuals. Also got some nice Illusions ready. (small update with different gloves)



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