Prioritising repairs

My upgraded temple had been requiring repair for 6 or more turns yet no work was done. I had over 50 Builders of which only 22 were engaged, no new constructions, and 139 Labourers, and still no repair, even when I had the resources (stone). Builders made their priorities housing upgrades, which didn’t use the stone I required, but something used stone and now I have none. I’d like to see a priority button attached to the repair button, or the repair button to take precedence over any other jobs Builders or Labourers do.

More info: New temple being built after old temple was abandoned, required 3 stone but no one brought them. Resource recovery was less than half, about 20 stone. Requested stone off next trader, got 290+, and construction began, but the last 3 stone required never arrived. Just as the number got to 2 stone over 53 Manor houses were abandoned, and so was the game.

That a huge problem late game. Especially with big buildings like grand theaters and libraries that are far from the town center. The issue is that even when the repair is prioritized, it still takes years before builders bring the needed materials. What usually happens at that point is that the originally needed materials are suddenly insufficient because the integrity of the building has degraded further and now requires more materials for repair. It becomes an unending loop of material transport that ends in the building becoming dilapidated. Before that happens, I usually move the building to the same place and prioritize the move with the maximum number of builders.

When building housing clusters far away from town centre, you also need a storing facilities nearby with minimum quotas set for raw materials/luxury items etc.
You need to think about logistics too.

I also have a lot of issues with keeping buildings in healthy state. And it’s not about logistics, even if everything is well-supplied and placed nearby everywhere, builders are doing anything else instead of repairing buildings

Are you sure you have plenty of the materials you need to fix the building?
Quite often it happens when your stocks are low, the builders will go pick the materials but before he reaches the storehouse someone else is going to nick the materials needed, this will reset the builder. Also in the meantime new materials have been produced so you will still see you have the needed materials but the builder have just been reset so it starts the loop from the beginning. I always keep minimum of 100 of each material in every storehouse designed for each cluster and never have such problems.

Yes, there are enough materials but all these materials should be distributed properly, and as far as there are no proper redistrubution system in game (markets should be able to do this in theory), resources became “unreachable”.

A workaround for it is quite simple, you should have brickworks + lumber + storage and (!) gold storage neaby every major district. It helps a lot to keep buildings in healthy state.

Here is an example how it works. I had almost completely abandoned city. and despite 80 lumber in stock whole city was suffering from lack of bricks only. I “supplied” nearby depot with bricks and immediatly resolved almost fully abondened city:

Depot is located in right bottom corner. This depot was supplied with 500 bricks and IMMEDIATTLY in 1 year resolved most issues and about ~80 buildings was immediattly repaired. But in same time these buildings in left top corner are not able to pick those bricks and I had to build one more brickworks to repair those buildings

Is it only bricks you need for repairs? I see you barely have any planks.
Perhaps you’ve got plenty of other building sites. Especially walls, fences and flattening ground are killers to building repairs.

As I mentioned, all buildings were asking for bricks only.

I was hoping to figure out why is it happening to some people and not to others. How many builders and laborers have you got?