Probably an oversight and not a bug, but Rylok's mark drops from oppressors and not Ryloks

Ryloks and Oppressors are 2 different Chthonic creatures entirely.
The Ryloks being the creature Karroz, Sigil of Chthon turns into. Oppressors being the large balor-like muscled winged Chthonics.

Currently Ryloks are not for some reason present as regular enemies in the game (or at least, so few I’ve missed them entirely while playing). So Rylok’s mark as a name for MI dropped from Oppressors makes no sense.

This MI needs to be moved to Ryloks, or the MI needs a name change to “Oppressor’s mark”.
It could be a bug, but I think this just might be an oversight?

karros turns into an unraveller chtonic demon. its a different type from ryloks. they are more tentaclier than ryloks and can summon more mini tentacles to harass players.
the ryloks are the humanoid chthonic creatures with tentacle beards, back limbs and sometimes wings. they ripped the backlimbs (spines?) from weaker ryloks to wear it as trophies and for prestige between them. oppressors are one of the higher tier rylok class monster. so its not wrong that they drop rylok mark. theres a zantai’s Ashes of Malmouth misadventures around here somewhere that tells us more about them ryloks.

edit: found the link to the rylok misadventure:


Thanks for clarifying. I got this wrong impression from a wikipage checking out the various chthonic creatures. Listing oppressors and ryloks with different image/models.

wikipage of many franchises can sometimes offer misleading information due to lack of credible official sources or just lack of updates. for example, try checking titan quest (grim dawn’s spiritual predecessor) wikipage… i shudders from lots of out of date information hanging in there (fortunately the official titan quest forum is always up to date)

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Well, if people aren’t prepared to help keep it up to date then that’s what happens. Wikis don’t make themselves you know. It’s up to all of us who love games to update any wiki pages for them if we can.


Would be nice if Crate actually setup their own “official official” wiki page as a true extension of the site tho. Plenty of game/devs maintain their own wiki. Crate could do it an designate you the official maintainer of it medea. that would make you happy i bet :smirk:

Not really since I don’t understand much of how editing on wiki works. I can do simple stuff, but things like tables, etc, and I’m lost.

Well im sure other mods (and forum members) would be more than happy to pitch in and get it in shape in no time.

Oppressors are just Ryloks with wings. It’s the same model.
Winged Rylok you can call it.

Lesser Rylok and Greater Rylok. But Oppressor sounds much more brutal!

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I wonder if the differing ones having wings is a reference to this :thinking: :

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For clarification, as I don’t think it was explicitly stated, Ryloks, Oppressors, and Taskmasters are all Ryloks and can drop the Mark/Crest.

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