Should all my houses upgrade, when my Town Center upgrade did not complete yet?
Did anything else that provides desirability get upgraded just before the houses started to?
Good question, not that I remember, they all went up the moment I pushed upgrade. So, it would be really special timing.
I’ve seen upgrades start when I put down my building plot, I’m assuming the game acts as if the building was already done. If I turn off construction the upgrades are still there but not completed.
Never noticed if that was the case, but could be that once you start the Town Center upgrade, because it’s inevitably going to complete, that the game assumes it’s okay to upgrade the home(s) as well?
I’m also curious if this is a new town built with some of the new 0.9.6 options, because if you were eliminating the req’d costs for upgrading, then you could definitely have mansions with a level one Town Center as part of a free-form build style that those options can create.
Not using any special options, started with all default core game settings.
I turn off house upgrades because these will steal the lumber I need for the Town Centre and other high level builds.