Question on inquisitor wps and flat damage on default attacks

Just did some test - seems like I was wrong =( :cry:

Thanks, I will :slight_smile:

1-point BS and SS. I see 15 projectiles. Guess it’s 18 actually.

from 2x guns shots yah sounds normal :slight_smile:

@ ptiro. Id doen’t matter if it doesn’t work like that. The power you witness is still there. But if it did work like that it would be cataclysmic

I will do more tests tommorow, need to sleep Atm after adom .

Sleep is for weaklings :stuck_out_tongue:
Seems it works how Ptiro says, each protective from every hand procs his own ES and BS. Just every of it reduced to 30% of power and all together not more 100%, so nothing OP here.

Sounds really weird, there is nothing non OP with ES adding up close 5x30% wp dmg.

I played purifier a lot and felt the power. I’d just be surprised it’s not way more powerful if this is the case.

Brimsone vs single target doesn’t shotgun much anyway(but devastating vs mobs with pass through) but ES sounds broken

Edit: Did some testing and there is a significant increase in Brimstones at SS proc. Can’t confirm ES atm

I mean with 12/12 ES and 16/10 SS it’s 2x5x10% = 100% WD from ES, not 300%.
Ranged BS doesn’t shotgun, sure.

At 33% of power (I suppose its multiplied by %WD of SS? ) Lets count at 18 ES 33% WD.
So it work like .3310.33 ? Its 100% WD on top of 396% WD of SS*firestrike multiplier. And there is flat phyz dmg. :ouch:

yah only that ES is a separate spell from FS. Should be unaffected by any wps

It’s a separate explosion adjacent to FS

Was redesigned like this after jajaja sabo

Not 18, 2x5 = 10, not more.

Dunno, I really dont have a time to mod game for testing this. Maybe when I come back.
Still I guess WPS work not in the same way as transmutters.

On every SS i am getting 10 numbers floating at lvl 10 SS.

3x2 SS (2 miss cause dummy is small)+2x Brim projectile from each gun and 2x ES from each I guess?

Random question, but couldn’t you mod a bigger dummy? Or at least create a little map with many dummies lined up to avoid misses, although good luck trying to figure out how many ES you get when each hits multiple dummies :smiley:

I’m almost sure at lvl 10 SS its 8 procs of both ES and BS, but still only 100% of their damage, SS doesn’t multiply it.

I should have 6x more numbers so~16. I seem to get only 2x ES

ES is working differently than wps, with dagallon guns I for example get seal of the void procs on literally everything that gets hit but I never get more than one ES per gun. If I had to guess I’d say it’s a hard coded limit of some sort.

Since I slept before this had so much discussion in here, what I get is that:

  1. Fire strike flat (non WD) damage is added in full to each storm spread projectile.
  2. Static Strike flat damage is added in full to each Storm Spread projectile.

These two alone are enough to make WPS purifier very strong.

The bit about explosive strike and brimstone still isn’t so clear. So each projectile procs explosive strike but there’s a hard cap on how much ES it can proc? So that it doesn’t become so OP? is it the same with brimstone?

Brimstone gets proccd all over the place with SS. Making a huge chain reaction with pass through

But vs single target, a single brimstone shard hits the main target no matter how big it is. 2x shards if DW.

Ptiro said that it’s the same for ES but the difference is that unlike brimstone the single target gets hit by ES as many times as SS projectiles hit it. And that sounds broken to me. I mean if desolator 2h version did that it would be insane imo. If its’ already happening then i’m surprised it doesn’t do way more dmg. Cause as I said above, ES would not be affected by SS % WP dmg since it’s a separate “spell”. yould mean ~ 8x 30% wp extra dmg on each SS

This one’s a bit conplicated. We do know that ES has a similar part to static (% of flat phys damage) which should work the same way as static does, which makes Ptiro’s statement have more sense. But I think the most likely outcome is exactly the same as Brimstone. Each projectile procs ES but only one will hit the target. The % chance of phys will work the same way as static cause the probability is calculated after each hit. This way it wouldn’t be too OP against single target and the OPness against mobs wouldn’t even be noticed cause you oneshot most of them anyway.

Kinds OP if you have 2-3 targets. Anyway. I feel like we are digging around for what we already know. Fs+ inquis wps is very strong when done right but no OP.

If ES+SS is ( 0.30*0.33 ) x 10 or something like that then i guess it explains it not being OP. Still 99% extra WP dmg and then +420% from max FS and SS wp% multiplied

Well, I`m lost in this cause. With 10k Weapon dmg my purifier delete Dummy under 15 seconds :rolleyes: I can only explain it by severe shotgunning of SS and broken interaction of firestrike line with shotguns.