[question] What is the storage capacity of the (T2) Trading Center?

This one isn’t quite clear.
I see the icon on it with the dark barrel that says “This building’s storage is full!” for quite some time now.
Trading Center is T2 now.
It used to show the icon with the warning when it was T2 with less than 1k items moved to the inventory.
Now I have more than 5k items stored for all kinds of trades, but what are the limits for capacity?
I don’t want it to “bug out” at some point when adding more and more stuff for trades.

If this gets an overhaul pass, I could see the current setup expanded with another upgrade:
(T1) having 1 worker, with a rather small inventory, say 1k items tops?
(T2) having 2 workers, maybe 2.5k items for max storage capacity?
and another upgrade (T3), when the Town Center is (T4), with 4 worker slots and a 5-10k storage cap.
Max gold in the Trading Center would be another question.
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Stored food and spoiling, what’s up with this?
I can’t remember seeing food going bad when stored here, which is probably not what the game would like us to do.

I can confirm food won’t spoil in trading center at all - I use this to store medical roots and herbs as well as some other foods for hard times

You can batch sell herbs and roots to traders from time to time. If you have some good spawns near your town you refill in quickly as it’s regrowing ressource

Never got an offer to sell “normal” food to traders though :frowning: The 4 coming to T1 trading station only sell food and never buy it.

and stuff…

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Yeah they only buy manufactured goods. The only one that buys some food is Massuke, but its the conserved fruits though. Regular food nobody does…

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