Questioning the v1.2.1.0 change

Thank you!


Dude. They’re reducing physical damage from the mobs as well. Relax, it’s a play test and there will be changes.

Also @Zantai, roughly how much is the reduction in damage done? It feels like 25-30% but it’d be nice to get a number for now.


I don’t know if this idea has already been expressed or not, but here it is:

People don’t like it when their characters are weakened.
Because everyone remained at the previous level, but we were lowered, we are like some kind of scumbags.
But you can go from the other side: strengthen bosses, strengthen other classes.
If the boss is strengthened, then he is strengthened for everyone at once, everything is fair here. And if they strengthen the lagging class, then it’s like extending a helping hand to the weak - the sense of justice does not protest.
This will not upset us either (my favorite pet breeder has been humiliated far and wide for the second patch in a row), and will spur interest in those classes that have been strengthened and for which new prospects have opened up!
I don’t know, maybe, of course, my approach is more difficult to implement than yours.

If you want to ponder the merits of “no nerfs, only buffs”, the internet is rife with the topic, including this forum. Strengthening monsters is trivial, and hardly feels any better in that context. Sometimes it even feels worse. Not to mention it does not help weaker builds at all, it only brings the strongest builds in line. The gap remains the same and can potentially make the weakest builds completely unviable.

In this case, however, yes, player Physical Resist was nerfed, but monster Physical damage was too. This isn’t a blanket nerf. We are happy to hear feedback on where issues arise and will act accordingly. We are not interested in armchair patch notes analysis.


I would like to echo @Paikis, can you provide a ball park number for the reductions in mobs phys damage?


@Gnomish_Inquisition has a good point. What’s the point of having single digit res? Seems better to remove and adjust at this point. This is like the dark one set absorption change that almost occurred.

Otherwise I like the idea behind the changes.

I’m not sure I want to give exact numbers because people will read way too much into them, haha. We’re looking for your experience with the changes in practice. The numbers could be gibberish for all it matters, which is why we always emphasize gameplay experiences over numerical theorycrafting in feedback:

1 Like

Here it comes, boys🫣
Handle 4 BOSSes narrowly in v1.2.1.0 (1)
Handle 4 BOSSes narrowly in v1.2.1.0 (2)

Builds with a large decrease in physical resistance collapse, but other builds didn’t seem to be much different from usual.
I’m sure someone will come up with the best solution.

sr75-80 review
1.block Warlord
physical resistance26%>17%
didn’t change much.

2.dw Witch Hunter
physical resistance65%>43%, Health regeneration reduced by 10%
It endures well. Cabalist (Lost Souls)
physical resistance38%>19%, Health regeneration reduced by 10%
It looks weak numerically, but nothing actually changes.
very comfortable.

  1. pet Conjurer (Beastcaller’s)
    physical resistance78%>39%, Health regeneration reduced by 10%
    player can not tank.
    Individuality vanished. collapse(If you don’t do tank, no problem.)
    Conjurer, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

This is a request
Isn’t there a replacement correction for mastery skills whose removes some of the physical resistance disappears?
Decrease in required skill points, etc.

I want the enemy’s debuff icon to be displayed like the player when pausing.
I don’t know what’s going on while I’m moving.

If still being able to tank 4 bosses at once is supposed to be evidence that this tuning pass is flawed, it’s not working.


True dude. Seriously, maybe at least 200% Sunder is fine. Then everybody would definitely respect them.

Is that build serious? What can it do? Farm SR65-66 in half an hour?

These are true builds, dear.

Which can farm SR75-76 in 6 minutes.

Meaningless and humorous.

It seems that you fell asleep when you spend your skill points and devotion points? Too many useless skills.

Both have conquered Ultimate SR100 in with ease.

And the Conjurer feel no stress farming SR75-76 in The Cabalist’s skeletons become weaker so player need to be a bit more careful.

Perhaps there is a language barrier involved, but throwing blatant insults around is not tolerated on this forum. Please tone it down.


Sincerely sorry, I thought those BD bad so I couldn’t help say so.:pensive:

I like 100% block rate and high block recovery.
and it took 15 minutes for SR75-76.

This part I can somewhat agree with.

^This and

is just skill issue.


Fun fact - this particular thread has triggered a wave of tanty reviews, mostly in Chinese, on steam.

Anyhow, being able to tank all 4 bosses in SR80-81 even after the PR nerf just shows the physical damage nerf on enemies has worked. Mind you, I rarely if ever try and pull all 4, but that’s because I loose track of threats due to being autistic, so 2 is where I max out.

Now, do I like the change to Stoneplate and Emberguard items? Nyet, DA/OA are usually easy to come by, but CC resists are often a pain in the rear. So I’d rather see the PR% replaced with CC, or, as a completely insane idea, armour %+, since armour can tank physical damage decently. And is hard to come by for casters outside of Light’s Defender.

And the removal of PR% on affixes is going to be painful, but that does mean hopefully more options for what’s viable for affix rolls instead of going for PR%.

But ultimately I’ll wait till the patch hits to assess the changes, which judging from the physical damage nerf will not cause a lot of problems. Hell, might even make SR85-86 doable for some of my builds, though for the Wendigo’s Howl mace ones, probably not unless that mace got some more buffs…

Meanwhile I shall munch on some metaphorical popcorn as Ridiculer acts like a little emperor on this issue :3

And yes darling, that is exactly what you are being :stuck_out_tongue:

Alas, I have to buy new fat bastard shoes next week (155kgs[1] = need good shoes) and due to being in NZ everything’s twice as expensive, as in NZ$289 expensive. So I can’t adorn foolish reviews appropriately anytime soon.

[1] Pass the anti depressants that don’t cause weight gain + the ADHD meds if you actually want me to loose weight, primarily the ADHD ones, because it’s stopping me from exercising :upside_down_face:

Mmm, yes, some fun reads in there.

Never been called racist in a review before. Would really like to know how that one came about.

It’s especially heartening seeing players with thousands of hours, who clearly enjoyed our work, slamming us for a PLAYTEST build, the first of many builds before this actually releases. Really reminds us why we do what we do, free update after free update.


A PTR no less. Changes that have several months before they even go live much less in their current form.

Such BS. People like that is why some games go to shit. Be mad, sure. Give shitty reviews because of a PTR. Sorry that is cringe.

Door —-> outside —-> grass

They should go play LE. Everything there is a damn one shot even in campaign.