Questioning the v1.2.1.0 change

Yeah, I try to leave in advance and kill her with DOT. Not really convenient. And still often be affected.

she obeys the mechanics i mentioned earlier
you can clearly see the it in action here
no close range blitz activation,
when she blitzes she doesn’t repeat/chain after breaking it
and if you break her blitz/evade to the side she doesn’t hit/nor continue
unsure if you folks don’t play on updated patch, or somehow this noob casul scrub pilot gained massive Maiden skills over the rest of you experienced folks if none of you picked on up on these changes… :neutral_face:

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Yeah, I haven’t been blitzed repeatedly by her. It’s another guy’s issue.
What I hate is her damage. Blitz and Forcewave can both easily deal over 10000 damage(even higher, sometimes nearly 20000) to BDs with 20 or 30 phy res at SR75. Too silly. Our dodge skill won’t make it acceptable.

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did you see the video? sr 75-76 maiden tickles…
*i get that you’re probably referring to way higher shards, but also gotta keep scaling and “intended difficulty” in mind, but considering how many blitzes i ate in that video, i think it’s fair to go play/try the enemy phys dmg nerf first, because seems like they hurt less than ever on 75-76 - didn’t even dodge benji sunder or anything

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Iron Maiden is honestly a bit of a surprise and mystery because she is human enemy and can carry pretty wild stuff and powerful melee guns like fabius.

Perhaps sometimes that’s why she does eliminate some player in 1 swoop while other player in another dimension beats the shit out of her because of less powerful items she carries. I love how she got upgraded, in past she and faby was a joke but now in shard like 90 it’s pretty tuff ngl.


As a controller player, I rarely have enough buttons on my builds to have both the disengage rune and the evade button at the same time, which appears to be where the majority of your dodges come from. Additionally, the sequence around 2:25 - 2:29 proves my point anyway, as you use Vire’s Might to provide some spacing, and even with the additional Evade, she Blitzes you anyway.

That also doesn’t consider the boss rooms where she’s blitzing anything that comes within 100 ft of her, and that also doesn’t consider that many builds just don’t have the DA to avoid being crit, or the regen to stop the massive DoTs she puts on you.

she has cadence, and she does both DA and Armour reduct

her blitz can smack you hard, but her Cadence can also RNG and smack you
, and you can’t really do anything but luck out on the cadence hit


does not, notice what happens; since i’m babooning around and have to try manually trigger her blitz here i misjudge it, and i trigger it at the end of vire, which means she starts her blitz when i’m evading thus following it through to end - i didn’t break off her blitz because i evaded too early/triggered her blitz way late
*it becomes super obvious if you slow the video speed down so you can audibly hear her blitz not even beginning until i’m 2 walking steps out of VM right about to hit evade

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This Shieldbreaker has a shield, high-level Ascension, Blast Shield, Resilience, maybe even Phoenix Fire and Stone Form. It ought to bear 7576 easily at the most time. And I totally agree BOSSes shouldn’t be too weak at 7576. But as you can see, such a strong BD takes 12000 damage at 0:24. What about weaker BDs? Virtue’s Light Shieldbreaker is one of the top BDs now. That can’t prove the Iron is not hurtful enough.

doesnt’ have stone form (why would it, it’s fire dmg)
but yes it has a bunch of layered defense, doesn’t change they are dealing less dmg than before :man_shrugging: - and it seems quite noticeable, if you actually play the patch

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Cool 91% Sunder. Love from Zantarin.


So I said maybe. At least it’s useful for some BDs with a shield.

avoid it?
like i mentioned earlier in your thread, i don’t get why we are even entertaining the notion of arguing sunder values: on the most obvious sunder attacks
Zantarin shotgun, Aleks Meteor, - these are the most easily avoided and the most intended to be avoided; so why are you (deliberately) not avoiding them? it’s like taunting the devs “your 92% sunder didn’t kill me like it was supposed to; increase it higher until i 1shot die”
it’s why i mentioned gargabol and ilgor swipe sunders, because those are hard to dodge because they are fast both in telegraph and execution; so are those “fair” now on 1.2.1 ? - because imo aleks meteor and zantarin shotgun could have 1530% sunder; and it would not be unfair…

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One of my friend’s Saboteur(above) was just killed by Benn’Jahr’s poke+boom. 20000 health 1 shot die. Gosh.

Have you considered that many players aren’t comfortable is having to fit within a certain cone of safety (where you can still get bopped by Forcewave, anyway) where leaving that cone equates to near certain death? The Chronomancer boss in Last Epoch has a literal circle of death where if you’re in it the second it spawns, you’re basically dead. I can think of (and have played) many caster / ranged builds that can handle many bosses fine if they have the spacing to do so, but you’re not disengaging from a 250% movement killing blow that can come at any moment you’re outside an invisible cone of safety.

You’d think you’d be experienced enough to know something about patch notes, but here it is: Just because you’re personally unaffected by the changes does not mean that the changes can be a detriment to the game as a whole.

i don’t see your point?
you’re trying to say that players being “uncomfortable” means ignoring the very mechanics; that will lead to their deaths, instead of using those mechanics to fight safely…
if you dislike her blitz; you can 100% prevent it from triggering by being X range; this is your choice/option
if for some reason, you are more uncomfortable, eating a less lethal attack (forcewave); which is your option/right as a player; then still have the option of avoiding her blitz, it’s probably just gonna be the harder of the 2 choices you pick if you don’t like practicing timed evades… but it’s still there
^and my point is, either of those options, are significantly easier now her blitz is fixed… (and FW phys dmg got lowered) - there has never been a time where you could control her blitz engagement this much and this safely it’s in our/player favour now…
*it’s borderline like arguing if you stand and fight in aether ground and die from it it’s not a choice/like we don’t have the option to move and not stand in aether ground/lava…
chain blitz got fixed, her blitz range and speed got slowed, she doesn’t blitz in slightly under mid range at all anymore either; you have options to choose from you can use to your advantage in either scenario, which of them you pick is entirely up to you, but all of them are better than they have ever been…


one more step to transition from making your builds matter to twitch dodge reflex game, wondeful…

Yes I’m not stupid. I know and I always dodge them. I mean Why we are making GD an one-shot-kill game? It used not to be so until the silly Sunder is added. We try our best to develop ways to survive from some dangerous Sunder attacks that is inconvenient to avoid, and protest this mechanism(at least its insane figure) which don’t fits with GD at all. Yet guys like you keep thinking we are too stupid to dodge attacks, or thinking we are taunting devs’ 92%(maybe 192% next year, haha) Sunder’s too weak. 30% Sunder is really really high enough. Don’t we like a challenging game? Of course we like. But we want to try hard to defense BOSSes’ strong attacks, instead of being chased around and around. If the game turns out to be the latter, why shall we play Diablolike?

they are not, the attempt is to make player respect certain attacks; and not just tank everything

but clearly devs dont’ want us to just outstat all attacks… if a “dangerous” attack can be handled standing still and just amassing 1 stat freely, is that attack dangerous when it requires no player response other than “more phys res” ?
*and yes i get the irony of it potentially just being swapped for “more HP/more Armour” :smile:
Zantai said it directly in the playtest post:

phys res stacking builds caused a disparity, that’s not fair in terms of how easy some stacked phys res, and the comfort it gave - some builds getting 50-60 phys res easy, while some struggle to get 20, and those with 50 benefit hugely from it “perhaps too much compared to how much they got”…

that doesn’t mean this current change is the best or only solution, but Z is trying “something” to even the playing field
personally i don’t see how keeping phys res in doesn’t just still end up benefitting a few builds, specially high armour builds, so why not just try remove phys res completely for a couple weeks? - but Z probably has his reasons
but players not actually reacting to the changes, and just facetanking zantarin shotgun/aleks meteor/“not respecting the dangerous telegraphed attacks despite being increased”, doesn’t exactly say anything about the change if nothing is being adapted to at all :sweat_smile:


So finally you admit that the devs are teaching us how to play the game. That’s the most intolerable to most of us players, no matter in which game. We musn’t tank the damage, just because they suddenly don’t want.
But GD was never such a game. Our characters don’t have 0CD flash like D2, and don’t have the damage to kill BOSSes at once like many other D-likes, too. What we have always been doing is to bear the bearable damage and stand still fighting most of the time, even mage BDs and gun BDs are mostly doing so. The whole game has formed its own unique self-consistent fight system, but now the devs’ “genius” idea is bring GD into a mishmash.