Hello, just wanted to share some of my ideas, not sure if it has been suggested or planned yet, but maybe you will find something interesting
Raiders castles/ walled outposts
I like the idea behind raiders and outposts that are already in the game
The first time I saw this I thought about what if this game had some sort of raiders’ castles or maybe different types of fortified outposts (not just towers, but properly fortified forts maybe with storehouses inside). It would add an additional layer to the game, especially in the late-game stages. Raiders have catapults and can destroy our city walls, so why can’t we also? -
Impassable terrain
Maybe it is possible to add some kind of impassable terrain in the mountains, I understand that minerals are mostly located in mountains and our settlers should get there somehow but maybe it is possible to place all the mineral resources closer to the bottom of the mountain and make the top of the mountain impassable. Or maybe, for example, it could be possible to get to the top of the mountain but settlers need to build a road there at first (And raiders could only get there by the roads that we build ourselves)
I think it will add more area for city planning and defending. Right now the only impassable terrain is lakes, so for defense, we are just trying to wall small narrow passages between lakes and if we can also use mountains for that it would be really nice
Sorry, I just saw that raider’s castles have been suggested already, but it is really a good idea at tier 5 to spawn a fortified outpost we can conquer
I have thought about 1 more idea: at the beginning of the game when placing a city center, the visible area that scouts reveal is a bit small. I know that some mods reveal the whole map but it would be nice to be able to see a little bit more when placing a city center so that we can preplan our city a little bit better. Most of the designs are 50+ more cell squares for big cities
P.S Awesome game and great job