Rainbow Pet Conjurer - The Flying Dodo

I started playing Grim Dawn again since 1 month ago (did not played the game for years). I started a complete new character, from scratch. I decided to follow a specific build, so I went through thousands of builds. For several reasons (not only the pretty explanation from Maya in the first post), I decided to follow this build EXACTLY as MAYA proposed.

After 1 month (where I basically completed the game in all difficulties and gathered all items, and so on), I can tell you that this build is INSANELY GREAT.

I’ve seen many people critizing the build just because was not matching their “know how” of the game, but I believe no one even tried it 100%.

Of course I have some suggestions for the build (or maybe questions, probably any of you guys know a lot more than me on how everything works in the game), but just following this I was able to complete all quests and kill all bosses without even trying.

Ty for your kind words :smiley:

And if you have questions/suggestions/anything else you can think of, feel free to ask/suggest them. I will be looking forward to it.

I will admit, I have been giving a bit too much love to Moggy Puppies as of late. But I couldn’t totally abandon Ishtak or that weird Tree. So…

Updates across the board (not really). Some changes to the main build (you probably won’t notice it).
And a major update to the Budget Version. It can now do Crucible utpo wave 150 :smiley:
It still falls a minute or 2 short of being able to do it twice with the same round of blessings though :cry:

What do you think about my build: www * grimtools.com/calc/r2B3ydzV

Replace * for .

  1. Do you think the balance is OK in terms of devotion, skills points and resistances?
  2. Will you replace the rings for M Spiritbinder Glyphs?

Erm… you linked my build :stuck_out_tongue:

You need to click on the “Link to this build” button on the top-left ( looks like “<” ) and copy paste that one.


here it is!

www * grimtools.com/calc/q2Mzm44V

replace * with .

Personally, I would go with something like https://www.grimtools.com/calc/L2Jzrl42

But yours should do fine even without changes (watch out for those plants with acid/poison attacks though). Just, one thing. Why the Life Leech resistance on the Relic? If it wasn’t by choice, then sure. But we have no use for it since we aren’t tanking anything. That could be instead changed to say… 12% Chaos res. for eg.

Thx for the comments!

Actually, the Life Leech Resistance on the relic wasn’t by choise (basically I do not have the blueprint yet :P).

Regarding the pants, do you recommend another ones?

Finally, do you believe that with the M Spiritbinder Glyphs the build would be more effective?


Mythical Chausses of Barbaros could work or any good green pants.

With Spiritbinder rings, you can’t get max Familiars and capping resistances would be a bit of a problem. But I used to use them in earlier versions of the build and they are certainly viable.

I am really happy about this drop from yesterday:


Congratulations :smiley:

Ok… so, with FG coming out any day now and Shattered realms being a thing, I wanted to make the Dodo, future proof (or atleast try).

Since I have no idea what will change or what we will have to go up against, I decided to turn to Crucible as testing grounds.

Made some changes to the build and took on Lokarr’s pets and…

GrimTools Link: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/O2GDG9JV

Crucible 151-170 + Extra Spawn, without Blessings or Banner: https://i.imgur.com/Y5iMg1B.jpg
No potions, tonics or other consumables used as always. Took about 16 mins. Pretty easy :smiley:

Will update the OP with the rest of the stuff like Ravager and all that later.

Will you also update the alternate version? I would love to see some new approach on the alternate version with the tips you provided to me (other pants or augments for example).

You are going to have to be a bit more specific. See, the only requirements to this build are Ishtak devotion and Mythical Beastcaller’s set. That leaves alot of possible combinations. For pants, just make sure to cover your resistances and any will do.

EDIT: Also updated the build. Saw that I could softcap “Ground Slam”, thought to myself “Why not?”, did it.
Crucible timings remain pretty much the same without Blessings/Banner.

Yeah, that was what I was thinking!

This build man is really good, I am just thinking if it will be possible to simply update this with all new FG items. I hope so, since I love pet’s based builds, and the balance in this one is impressive.


Glad that you like it. And I hope so too.

Crucible 151-170, with 4 Blessings + Banner: https://i.imgur.com/kTCKZHH.jpg
No potions, tonics or other consumables used as always. Pretty easy :smiley:

Ravager of Minds: https://i.imgur.com/DEzkfq0.jpg
No potions/consumables used. Took about 8 mins. No risk of death unless you just stand there and let him hug you for a few seconds.

Avatar of Mogdrogen: https://i.imgur.com/vuzZqcs.jpg
No potions/consumables used. Took about 15 mins. Pretty easy, even though it took kind of long. Just take care to not bore yourself to death :stuck_out_tongue:

How would a mythical wyrmclaw work as an offhand instead of cataclysm eye?

Good question. I haven’t tried it out, but have my reservations regarding whether the OA/DA bonus to pets is worth losing +1 to all skills. Plus you also lose the Stun and Chaos res from Cat’s Eye.

Wyrmclaw would be one of my absolute last choices for an off-hand on a pet build. Pet builds end up with tons of OA and Crit damage without trying, there are few serious sources of pet fire damage, and pet DA is irrelevant.

Anything with + all/shaman/occultist skills is better, anything with bonus to specific useful skills is better, the Black Grimoire is better, a Bound Wraith with any affix whatsoever is better, Bloodsworn Codex is probably better, most shields are more useful for pet builds than Wyrmclaw.

Cataclysm’s Eye is the BiS off-hand for most pet builds that aren’t using with Witching Hour. A really good Bound Wraith can be conditionally better, but even that is often questionable.