Rainbow Pet Conjurer - The Flying Dodo

I’ve been trying both Cataclysm’s Eye and this Bound Wraith I have https://imgur.com/8QIVOrq and so far the Bound Wraith is way more efficient, specially because the extra pet. But, I don’t know if there is any scientific way to test this and have clear “results”.

EDIT: Plus, the +8 seconds for the Primal Spirt in the Bound Wraith are insane. You can keep the Primal Spirt summoned almost all the time.

Appreciate all the insight. I did wonder if it would be actually overkill considering all of the other bonuses the gear setup comes with, but it also felt a bit of a waste to give up a whole item’s worth of pet bonuses for +1 to all skills. Still leveling this particular character so we’ll see once it’s up to 94. Thanks!

The thing about +1 to all skills is that it translates to alot of free skill points depending upon the build. For example, here it provides with atleast 10 more skill points for me to play around with. That gives alot of flexibility to the build in general.

Also, as I said before, the Chaos and Stun Resistances. Losing them would hurt quite a bit.

Then there is the no more 26/16 Familiar, the fact that we aren’t focusing on fire damage at all, we already have overcapped poison res. etc

Pretty much all you gain from M. Wyrmclaw is the OA/DA and in my opinion atleast, you lose too much for it.

Hi there!

First, I’d like to thank You - this build really rocks! I’m a fun of minions/pets builds in arpg’s but after many hours spend with my cablist and witching hour stuff, thanks to You, i’ve refreshed old build and… kaboom. Just great work putting it all together – it’s really hard to die with Your setup :smiley: Just keep up good work :slight_smile:

Now, to the point of this post: in the light of changes to mythical will of bysmiel – what do you suggest for amulet slot – mythical Heart of the Mountain? Lost of the additional pet is huge, so maybe exchanging it for another pet would be good option?
Unfortunately, i do not have HotM, so… will stick with Mythical Will of Bysmiel for now :slight_smile:


Ty and glad that you like it :smiley:

And yes, my goto will be Mythical Heart of the Mountain.

Ty for answer - about 20 mins ago i dropped MHotM :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Wow congrats i’ve never been able to find one :frowning:

Ty! I’m incredibly happy for this one to drop in light of nerf to MWoB :smiley: Now i only need to find the two missing Beastcaller’s Set pieces … :wink:

And btw - i’ve only played crucible in gladiator 2 times in my life, and in the second playthrough 1-150 with this build it dropped for me, so… maybe i’ll stick to crucible some time more, despite not being fun of this mode :stuck_out_tongue:

Updated build for FG: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/O2GDYpJV

Elemental Variation of the above build: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/b28QBoqV

Ty for updated version - in fact, i’m hooked with your new version, posted in separated thread :slight_smile:

Glad to hear that :smiley:

maya-san any hope for an update this build around 1.1.0 changes? tnx.

The original build still works for even with 1 less familiar.

Or you can always use this one:

While I said it is for FG, it doesn’t use anything from FG, so even without the expansion, you are good to go.

EDIT: Everything should be updated now :smiley:

Turns out you can still complete gladiator Crucible with Extra spawns, without using Blessings or Banner. Takes some time though.

Why did you eliminate the Salazar+Wraith version of this build :(?

I’m actually using that and is still osom :cool:

I will be kind of abandoning this entirely once FG rolls out and move on to the Fluffy. Sry :o

You are breaking my heart like Kate to Sawyer in Lost (?) :stuck_out_tongue:

Well… on the bright side, there is no reason why you can’t use Salazar+Wraith with the Fluffy.

Eg: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/q2mWxj0Z

That’s great. You can call this build the “Bound Fluffy” :wink:

Bound Fluffy…

…well bound fluffy it is :smiley: