Rainbow Pet Conjurer - The Flying Dodo

yeah! we need to give credit to the Bound Wraith!

Is this pant OK for a Conjurer?

Yes. They are better than OK :stuck_out_tongue:

The question resides in the fact that Iā€™ve been trying to farm for months a good bysmiel pant with no luck, and yesterday without even looking, this nemesis dropped this pant.

Now I donā€™t know how to move, since I am actually using the Mythical Chausses of Barbaros because my chaos resistances are very low (around 69%).


Well, if you donā€™t need the resistances from the Aleksanderā€™s pants in the pic, Barbaros will provide much more damage. So either is fine.

But you could still try to move around augments/components for the extra chaos res if you want to use these pants. Post/PM a link to your build if you need any assistance with that :slight_smile:

Here is my currenmt build! https://www.grimtools.com/calc/wV1MAlDV


I made a few changes to it. You can disregard the ones you donā€™t like :smiley:

The only thing you really need to change in your build if you want the extra Chaos resistance is to swap out the component in your medal for a Black Tallow and replace one Malmouth Soulguard Powder augment with Coven Black Ash. That should give you enough Chaos resistance to equip Aleksanderā€™s Pants while being at 80% Chaos res.

Thatā€™s great! I will try this even dropping some dmg from my previous pants during FG! Thx for the support man!



What do you think of this beauty instead of MHotM?

Should be fine :smiley:

maybe combining this with some sort of poison build ā€¦ idk ā€¦

yesterday i tried to kill the new celestial and my pets cannot handle such dmg ā€¦ maybe the flying dodo needs some change on the devotions so the pets can survive this kind of encounter ā€¦

iā€™ll try again during this weekend

Bound Fluffy might be a better choice :stuck_out_tongue:

ill try that ā€¦ damn sexy bound fluffy

Would you suggest using this build to farm the trinkets for the fluffy build or use the budget fluffy build instead? I have almost all the pieces for the dodo.

Use this if you can. It performs better than the budget fluffy.

can I use this build for hardcore ? including for Shattered Realm for 30+ ?

Okā€¦ so the weirdest thing happenedā€¦

I updated the build for the current patch. It is still not for FG and specifically only to be used if you donā€™t have Forgotten Gods expansion.

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Updated for

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