Random question of the day - What do you reckon are the roses and thorns of patch

Roses are definitely the empowering of some epic items.
As for thorns, well - I’m still crying after the loss of +1 summon limit for Mortar Trap from Conduit of Destructive Whispers.

I mean, I can get 27 seconds duration, and 2.3sec cooldown reduction without that Mortar “buff” they replaced it with (speaking of nominal values, not calculating in the global CDR). And it’s well enough to place 6 mortars comfortably.
Now, the bonus makes it 2.8 seconds cooldown reduction, with 31 duration, and it’s completely excess, considering the lack of that sixth additional mortar.
I might even venture as far as to say, that this new buff is useless. Both flat 0.5 CRD and 4 second dura is pretty much neglectible when handling more than 3 mortars. And because I try to balance those according to my blightlord shieldbreaker (5 mortars, 3 guardians of emp.), the sixth mortar was well to compensate for the lack of mobile that RR aura / player scaled phys/fire pets Oathkeeper gets. Now, I am left without that compensation, and my warpsmith (uh, I mean Pyromancer) feels like a sad, sorry sack of bones in comparison.
Oh well, at least I could place RR debuff on flashbang instead, so it’s not all that sour.

C’mon homie…this was long overdue :stuck_out_tongue:

My one consolation is that my OG mortar blast lord has seen nothing but buffs from itemization :rofl:

[grumble grumble] talk about justice… [grumble grumble]

It was’t overdue! It was loved, and will be dearly missed. :stuck_out_tongue:

As I said, I miss the punch this sixth mortar offered, especially when compared with a monster with 5 mortars and 3 guardians, being pretty much the conduit for phys and fire damage themselves, offering also RR aura for those.
Let’s just say I don’t understand this change. But, such is life. Banhammer swings and strikes - why should I be the one lucky, whose favourite build has not ben squashed? :slight_smile:

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I mean…if you really think about it - no other amulet in the game is capable of increasing your DPS output by 15%

EDIT: All the while giving you crafting bonus, and just incredible overall stats

But the replacement mods on that conduit are complete garbage. Copy-pasted from Devils and Totems. Big FU to players who farmed and grinded for it. There’s no possible Mortar setup where this conduit is of any use.

I don’t disagree it’s garbage. I think crate should have changed the skill mod to something completely different.

I’m just saying that the removal of +1 summon limit to mortar is OP and is long overdue for some nerfing.

Maybe what they could have done is just added something like a -8% damage modifier to mortars, while keeping the summon limit

Not really, only but in some quite exact case - +1 to demo is still solid, +2 to vindictive flame helps for my pyromancer to survive blood orb of chton and hungering void, and still have decent health regen.
It’s just, the bonus they replaced it with is useless. In its stead, I do pad things a bit using the RR debuf on flashbang, but that’s just about it - a lackluster in all but name.

Vit FS modifier is also pretty solid

It’s not that simple. Pyran lost +1 on the set (from 6 to 5; now it has just 4, poor fucker) but performance didn’t change. Actually, new records were beaten.

I don’t know about fire but lightning Mortars aren’t really much weaker offensively now with Halakor. Even stronger, I’d say. I almost beat my pre-patch record despite the Box nerf on the side. So all in all it was defense that was nerfed not offense. Losing a conduit is a big hit to defense.

Maybe, but not in combo with blood orb of chton (all ele to chaos conversion).
And - you need to use fire strike in the first place. :wink:

Which is why the amulet was overperforming.

4 --> 5 increase is big. It’s essentially 25% total damage modified to mortars

Lightning mortars have always been good because of lightning in general.

But fire mortar remains strong as hell IMO.

It’s of course no world record breaker, and I could probably squeeze in more damage on my spec, but it currently does 5:45 cr.

Not too shabby at all

Blood orb on the demo shines best with infernal knight BWC spam imo.

Mortar oupiedness could’ve addressed by the ridiculously op medal and gloves.

Also, the question of the “Big One.” It doesn’t shoot, man. Why is it even there?

What do you mean “it doesn’t shoot”? I see its proc quite often.

I actually really like the gloves tbh. If it weren’t for mortar traps, you’d rarely see it being picked.

And I concur that the medal is OP. But removing the phys/fire damage conversion on the medal would kill even more builds imo.

I wonder if flat skill bonus to Mortar Trap wouldn’t be the better choice for that conduit.

I mean, ultimately, not much would change, as I have it hard-capped anyway. But I could at least reallocate some points freely.

I’d leave it hardcapped regardless. It’s still damage on your primary attack

I know, but if I have it hard-capped now, and - hypothetically - get +3 on that conduit (instead of that dura/CDR), I could reallocate 3 points to, say vindictive flame, for more hp regen and total speed, STILL having the Mortar Trap hard-capped.

Which - considering the Hungering Void proc - is never too much.

Plus, for builds less reliant on Mortars (a.k.a. that don’t hard-cap it just for the sake of it), that bonus would still boost them. So that would mean quite a bit of flexibility, as they could either dump the points in something else, leaving the mortar tagged/softcapped/whatever, or max it - they would just have these some points more to consider placement of.
Just my loose thoughts.

Just now I got a bit of a worrisome thought regarding Hungering Void and Mortars placed before the proc triggering, but that’s a matter for Gameplay Discussion instead.

Literally, anything would be better than the current mod. The current mod has no use. It’s like a blank conduit.

If someone wants conduit for mortars should take… Vindictive flame or Flashbang.

Better conduit to convert the damage to cold or something like that than -CD mode.