[Ranged Cold] DW-Pistols Pure Cold ABB Spellbreaker

Thank you :smiley:

Your Helm should be Korba Helm/Clairvoyant Helm. Your current helm gimps your Cold Damage by converting 30% of it to Acid

AS being low affects Infiltrator but Spellbreaker is fine w/o it since the latter doesn’t have any notable WPS

upping thread cause this is awesome! :stuck_out_tongue:



Huh, you even find a time to make a vid :smiley:
I mostly play in grimtools recently :rolleyes:

It’s another game in itself :stuck_out_tongue:
My brother (who doesn’t play GD) often asks me why I spend more time thinking about builds rather than playing them.

Exactly guys. I can live without GD but will probably die in a world without GD tools :rolleyes:

@korsar it only takes a few minutes:p

Nice vid, I just realized I don’t have any augments on my weapons and am using the wrong component in legs

10/10 theorycrafting

Maybe for you

Thanks for the video. I’ll add the vid a little later. I need to add new cold build concept to this guide so will re-do the entire write up and reupload images and stuff. Maelstrom is due a defensive update as well

Alkamo´s touch of Anguish and Alkamo´s Touch of Dread?.. Alkamo´s Agony and Alkamo´s Torment are better?.. Only this my friend, want to try this build :wink:

I’m guessing the extra 5% OA the epic set has (and slightly higher possible flat damage rolls, weirdly enough) is more worth it in this case than what the legendary set offers. The legendary set does have a bit of conversion though…

The epic set is probably more likely to drop sometime this century too. :rolleyes:

Don’t forget the total speed bonus, the AoE damage reduction, the incredible +skill bonuses, etc etc

Which is on both sets. :smiley:

It’s certainly good, but it depends on the build I suppose. Infiltrator has Censure which pretty much does the same thing but better, and since I assume they don’t stack (…right?) the legendary proc wouldn’t do too much here that the epic version doesn’t already do. I’d definitely want it on a Spellbreaker though, since I’m personally not a huge fan of using Oleron’s Might for damage reduction.

For DW builds, definitely. For this build in particular…well, Shadow Dance and Elemental Awakening are always nice, but I could take or leave Blade Barrier and Phantasmal Armor bonuses.

I suppose it comes down to personal preference really, they’re both great ring sets and not too far apart in terms of power. Unless I’m missing something obvious. Sounds like something I’d do. :rolleyes:

Infiltrator has Censure which pretty much does the same thing but better, and since I assume they don’t stack (…right?) the legendary proc wouldn’t do too much here that the epic version doesn’t already do.

Touche. I was thinking more for the breaker than the infiltrator. :stuck_out_tongue:

You are certainly right, my friend.

Guide updated

Added Korba Vindicator and Trickster Gunslinger concepts

I’m a little confused with ABB does it actually hit also the primary target or only do damage only to adjacent target ?

How the hell did you dual wield pistol on trickster???

The medal gives support for dual wielding pistols

Thank you I even googled and couldn’t find any dw pistol on trickster, was going mental how he got it.

I’m currently leveling this build, and I have a question. Why did you take Ring of Steel/Circle of Slaughter for the Spellbreaker? It doesn’t proc anything, crowd control is already good, damage is low, dangerous bosses have high stun resist. What am I missing?

Ring of Steel/Circle of Slaughter is for the chance to apply fumble.

Didn’t expect chton has explored dual gun ABB concept before. Really nice…

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I’m currently theorizing an Infiltrator version of such a build, but a little bit more on the budget side. I wanted to include the amulet Myth. Executioner’s Judgement.

Grimtools link

I fear it’ll be squishy, even in MC, but it could be fun.