[Ranged Cold] DW-Pistols Pure Cold ABB Spellbreaker

what is your playstyle preference. sorry If I have to ask this again bro since I am finally choosing my 2nd mastery. Infiltrator or Spellbreaker and I dont want to make a mistake. I understand you want to play more defense but Inquisitor has defensive skills as well, no?


I recommend spellbreaker much much more!

more defensive, no enery issues. Infiltrators will be forced to take bard’ harp or some energy devos hence lowering damage potential. Breakers have faster abb cooldown. The only thing probably more advantage for infiltrator is rune of the haggards cuz it’s beautiful to look at :rolleyes:

fair enough but what do you think of using shard of beronath alongside ABB to charge our attacks?

Sorry for the late reply
To your previous message, the Inquisitor does have good defenses and more RR but damage absorption, nullification, CDR and Mirror are too good to give up imo.

As for Shard of Beronath, it’s true I can use it and it might be a DPS boost but tbh I wanted use ABB as an “auto-attack” and since not much has changed in AoM I decided to stick to the original theme

As for Auto-attack based cold builds, I have one on the way. This build is also getting an update. For now stick to Epic version of Alkamos’ rings (main change)

^ shard of beronath only gives us minimal dps increase about 2-3k, and its an additional annoying skill to watch out for in application to this build so better stick with abb :D.

ok now here is how the build performs against madqueen at least.

spellbreaker version: ( nullification and mirror timed very poorly though :rolleyes:


as you can see killtimes are not breaking records unlike other dw gunners, but hey admit it its not that bad! :stuck_out_tongue:

If you even can facetank and kill this bitch - that’s already not bad result :slight_smile:

Kind of underplaying Inflitrator honestly. Chilling Rounds add a big dps boost that gets even stronger with Mythical Chilling Grips of Hagarrad adding a ton of flat damage to it. ABB is not even used a damage dealer, only a LA proccer because ABB damage kind of sucks. Plus Rune of Hagarrad can deal insane of amounts of damage, like 50k-60k per projectile.

And i don’t have much issues with energy in my Inflitrator.

Me too. Still have problems with Kuba and Reaper.

Why Mythical Iceskorn Talons though? Mythical Chilling Grips are better in my opinion.

I also have an annoying time killing Kuba because he has like 100% cold resist and the blood pools reducing your damage by 30% makes it harder.

I honestly find Mythical Hagarradian Enforcer to be a little too slow for my taste. I think it definitely needs an attack speed increase (to at least 15%) and higher base speed.

For SBs Kuba is a big pain. For Infiltrator Kuba is a less of a pain :smiley:

Iceskorn talons are better for ABB builds

As for Hagarrad’s Pistol, I’d much rather have its proc have a 0.8 second CD

@korsar I have an efficient way to deal with Reaper-

Don’t kill Scorv :stuck_out_tongue:

I was thinking that with the Runebinder set, which gives you a great default attack, and -26% elemental resists on the Seal, and of course a bunch of WPS’s for taking Inquisitor, a 2h ranged infiltrator would be pretty awesome.

Yes, sadly it’s just playstyle preference. Reason I dropped infiltrator cuz I have another build in mind for it. Not a fan of the WPS procs too, but its not saying its weak. I will do a chilling surge build soon, love the visuals but imo it looks awkward on a gunner.

Maybe I had issues cuz I am not using bard or something and I hate to pop a potion and arcanist is just easier on the mana :rolleyes:

Other options include using gear with +energy regen on it.

Mageslayer set sucks for the build if that’s what you are thinking

@Norzan, of course Infiltrator isn’t inferior because of Rune of Hagarrad. Hagarrad’s shotgun is top tier damage but I am not comfortable using it on a gunslinger. You can’t even compare ABB and Hagarrad imo.
But the original concept is using ABB as main damage source which is why I max ABB and not Hagarrad

I was not thinking of anything specific.

How are Iceskorn Talons better for this particular ABB build, at least the Infiltrator variation? It’s already pretty damn easy to cap ABB and just 20% crit damage doesn’t that much. Chilling Grips add a ton of flat damage to Chilling Rounds, which is the WPS you want to go off between ABB cooldown.

I honestly prefer to have its attack speed raised first. Specially when it’s clearly meant to be fast so that you can get as much Chilling Rounds between ABB cooldowns.

and the SB version needs lower proc cooldown badly, we dont have nuke skill like Rune of Hagarrad let alone Chilling round WPS at our arsenal. I could live without the WPS but I would certainly want more attack speed and improve cooldowns on the pistols.

How this even possible :rolleyes:

Wanted to post a new build related to this but I am kinda short on time so hear is the update
I’ll explain changes later today

Nice build.
This build was the reason I thought that I wanted to post to the forum.

My build is:

AS is low:(