[Ranged Cold] DW-Pistols Pure Cold ABB Spellbreaker

After using it for 60 levels now hagraad is actually sort of bad for AoE. The trigger box is a bit small and white mobs tend to die to ABB AoE plus Inqisitor passive pros before the rune triggers.

However it provides unmatched single target damage against mobs with huge hit boxes. Cthtonians and big bosses can get hit by all the expanding waves resulting in massive burst damage. Its second modifier also lowers da considerably. Definitely a boss killer ability.

It would be useful to know what the white skill points look like. I think I’ve overdone a couple of them such as VoS. Maybe just state the skills that are not maxed if you want to keep it short.

EDIT: One other thing - I’m wondering about playstyle now that Inquisitor Seal is in the mix. It has a small radius which means you kind of have to stand and tank to keep mobs in it, whereas I tend to move to avoid damage. So I don’t find myself using that skill much, but then I only have 1pt in it so far at level 43 so maybe it will get good enough to allow me to tank.
How are people using it - and are they finding it useful?

If you are asking about base points without bonus from gear, hold down Control+Shift in GrimTools

Aha! Thanks :slight_smile:

is it viable in expansion?

Absolutely though I think this build is now very much overshadowed by doing the same thing with nightblade+inquisitor.

By the way guys keep your eyes out for Hagarradian Enforcers. Pure cold pistols made exactly for this build with +blade burst/lethal, chilling round, 4% cdr, and a nice proc

Why else would I bother updating it?

Not really Mr. Tomo. If you check the updated GT links I made sure to add links for both Infiltrator and Spellbreaker. While Seal and an extra heal are good.
But CDR from Star Pact, Mirror, Maiven are still very good. Which is why I didn’t abandon this build. Both Spellbreaker and Infiltrator have their strong points. My playstyle favors Arcanist much more, others might like Inquisitor

It’s an “Oh Shit!” skill meant to be conjunction with BB, PB. It’s useful in boss fights since kiting doesn’t do you much good there

I’d recommend the Runes, they don’t suit my playstyle for this specific build. But they’re pretty OP

After a while this build became very powerful in Veteran with only 3 points in Physique and the rest unused.

It became squishy as hell as soon as I hit Elite though. I’ve not put the points in it and seen what difference it makes, partly because it seems unlikely that adding Physique will get it from squishy to viable so I think I’ll park it and try the necro for a while.

One major issue was that he never really found much that was useful and all the stuff I had muled away wasn’t much use either. There may be end-game itemisation for this but up to level 52 I found very little I would call good.

i started a similar build as my first character after the expansion dropped. around the end of veteran i found your thread and while i had a lot of the basics figured out, you definitely inspired me on devotion and equipment choices!

just running through the game self found for the most part (i have gotten some lucky drops… 3 mythical frigid barrels and a regular haggardan enforcer). i am level 86 and in void’s edge right now. ran into really my first hiccup in the swamps of ultimate act 5. crafted a clairovoyant’s hat and switched some stuff around and i am rocking again.

with some more gear this could be a very strong character. the squishiness is worrisome so far, but I think i am pretty far from perfect gear right now.

i am running aura of conviction instead of aura of censure. i find the extra tankiness from the physical resistance and the OA really help. the resist reduction from censure is great and all but i find the real issue is taking the hits that do land.

Is there a clear winner between Infiltrator and Spellbreaker? I haven’t played Arcanist or Inquisitor before so don’t know.

I know people don’t like it when I say it but I rarely play the actual build while leveling up. Spec’ing into it at later stages is something I prefer to do

Arcanist suits my playstyle much more than Inquisitor so it feels more tanky to me. It might be a matter of different playstyles at the end of the day but I’d recommend Spellbreaker

I find that Rune of Hagarrad is super fun to play with, but I’m not quite sure which other skills are worth leveling less to max it out. Any suggestions?

You want to maximize Haggard? Hmm


Something like this should be good

Chthon, are you a sympho metal fun?? :smiley:

That was…unexpected to say the least:rolleyes:

How the fuck did you even find something like that?

bc I’m a sympho metal fun :slight_smile:

I’m playing HC and in HC, physical resistance is everything. And best source (>+25%) for phys res is Shields.

Would this build work with pistol+shield? How much DPS I would lose comparing dual wield pistols? Right now I have dual wield melee spellbreaker pure cold, but playing HC in ultimate… living in the edge. It is damn fun build, but I was thinking if I could convert it to pistol+shield as I have already full cold gear + devotions.

Your statement about Physical Resistance is false but it’d be a pretty lengthy discussion to explain myself.

I don’t play HC. Maybe someone here in the thread uses this build on HC. The Spellbreaker can work in HC cause of Arcanist

But if you still insist on wanting a Gun and Board setup. I added a theorycrafted setup in the main thread
Check it out.

Thanks. But I guess soldier+demo pistol+shield would be much better than trying to force this cold build to use shield. And yeah, I this thread is wrong thread to discuss about phys res, heh.

Of course

Much better support and has been tested



My build is meant for DW and works well with it. :smiley: