[Ranged Cold] DW-Pistols Pure Cold ABB Spellbreaker

I do actually
In fact I plan to update all my guides. But not really sure about posting new ones. Might as well just use those “reserved” spaces in my threads to post new Build Concepts but I don’t think I will post entire new threads

I have started the process of updating my guides. The Grimtool link for the updated version has been added
As a bonus some builds much like this one will receive a second GrimTool link that will contain the same build concept done with a different class combo

Please notify me if any of the links is broken in any way

For now it’s only the GrimTool Links. I don’t have too much time at the moment but will update the write-up at some point. I have around 20+ other build guides to tend to so I am sure you guys can understand


Level 100 GT Link for Spellbreaker and Infiltrator added

I think an abb cold infiltrator gunslinger will be my first expansion character, did you see the silver sentinel set? It’s a mythical epic and looks like it suits it perfectly

I did see it. I spent hours staring at the database drooling :rolleyes:

Anyways you can use either this setup or the Mythical Sentinel set, both should work well. I personally went with this one

Yeah, mine was more a rhetorical question :yum:

Yeah I got half my mind on comments right now. :eek:

I am having troubles sorting through all the Grimtool links I made in the last few days:undecided:

It looks like you went full physique. I’m wondering why not more cunning?

I’m levelling with as little in physique as possible, currently level 30 with 3 in phys and 27 unspent. It’s doing ok, a little low on damage now but I’m just using what I find atm.

I like to play through using the build itself, since that’s pretty much the whole game in GD, no real end-game unfortunately (unless the expansion changed something I’m not aware of) so atm I’m mostly Nightblade for ABB/LA and VoS.

But having got dual wield from Inquisitor early I’m also wondering which relic to use for levelling since I don’t need to use Plunderer’s. I’m thinking Deathchill?

Physique = DA + HP = Saves your ass

Cunning isn’t recommended but I won’t stop you from experimenting :smiley:

You can use any cold relic, deathchill would be pretty good for this

Have you considered the updated frigid barrel Pistols? They have a lot less direct damage but grant 90 Frostburn dot and a whipping 10% chance of 1900 Frostburn damage. That is a lot better than direct 190 damage, because you can keep reapplying the dots to get the big boost.

No cigar, if you checked the new GT link. The Haggardian pistol’s proc and base cold damage outdo Frigid gun who has base physical damage
Also there’s bonus to LA on the new leg gun

Really cool build. I just play a standard classic SS/ABB cold damage melee spell breaker but this looks fun too.

For a new player, you can afford to drop the greens and hunt for the The Sentinel Set, it’s good for this build as well.
The new gear support makes this very approachable even w/o greens

Hi, I’m still quite new to the game but i enjoy crucible quite a lot, is this build viable for end game crucible farming? It looks pretty squishy but what do I know. Thanks for cool build anyway :slight_smile:

I don’t have any reason to lie. Someone who knows the game can make a glass canon build do end game crucible and same applies here, the CDR and other defenses are good for vanilla and you can make it work with Crucible if you know both the build and your enemy.
But I won’t recommend it, due to lack of efficiency (if that’s your thing). Sorry if that’s what you were looking for

The build can farm the end game with relative ease but crucible is a different monster entirely and needs special prep

Thanks, that was exactly the data I was looking for, awesome clarification :slight_smile:

Just noticed

Welcome to the forums :rolleyes:

The frigid gun is more about the dot component, but you are right. The extra proc on top of the huge base damage makes the blue pistol a lot weaker.

I think Bard’s Harp is a great fit for any ranged build - entrapment and slow resist plus a lot of flat DA/OA on the proc and never use an energy potion again.

Check out this tree variant:


It loses 5% OA, but the bard proc makes up for it when it’s up and it has a lot more flat, % life and regeneration.

Viper resistance shred comes last and is usually pretty negligible anyway.

Don’t recall energy issues. But it’s been a while. I’ll test it out. And thanks for effort. It’s always appreciated :wink:

The huge energy regen is just icing on the cake. I am really drawn by the elemental/pierce damage on the way and the resistances, especially entrapment and slow, which are hard to come by.

I will, of course, test many set-ups and try the best for me :slight_smile:

I am currently leveling an Infiltrator (lvl 50 atm) and I occasionally run out of energy by spamming rune of Hagraad. I have no idea if it will get better or worse by max level, but Spellbreaker has free Energy Leech, %Energy regen and flat regen bonus so I doubt you’d ever had energy problems with it.

Ah yes Rune of Haggard (especially Frostburn modifier) is pretty good for this build. I didn’t take it since I don’t enjoy such a playstyle. But it’d help with AoE if one encounters any issues with it that is. The Frostburn will help in DoT department