[Ranged Cold] DW-Pistols Pure Cold ABB Spellbreaker

Well that seems normal in GD, although in other ARPGs it would be unusual.

I like to play the final build asap though - especially since you often need different gear and devotions so storing an extra set of stuff is a pain (and remembering to do it).

It’s actually fine levelling as pistols, just the kiting is the thing… although I’m not clear that it will be any different in the final build setup!

In fact, being able to play this from the start is a plus for the build. That said, I did do the first 10 devotions in crucible so I had a head start.

EDIT: I suspect removing the VoS points and getting Mirror / Blade Barrier RoS up would make this tankier and improve kill speeds. IN fact I think the VoS points might be re-assigned elsewhere, not convinced that it makes enough difference to be worth 20 points.

Hmm, thanks for sharing your experiences with the build. It’s surprising that i know so little about early game of my own build (i know everything about end-game though :D)

You responded so fast that you may have missed the Edit:

EDIT: I suspect removing the VoS points and getting Mirror / Blade Barrier RoS up would make this tankier and improve kill speeds. In fact I think the VoS points might be re-assigned elsewhere, not convinced that it makes enough difference to be worth 20 points.

I dare say it’s been a while since you levelled yours though!

I get that a lot :smiley:

When you say remove points from VoS you mean for early game right?

Cause Veil is a strong end-game defensive skill

Added a little tip for players cause a solution appeared in my head for you guys :wink:

I’m going to give this a go with 2handed ranged.

OFF or Ring of Frost?

Ring of Frost suits me more

OFF has a better range though

For 2h ranged I am still trying to test its max potential but need a good rolled green rifle
Should work though imo

Are there any sources of converting pierce to cold? If so one can make interesting use of something like Gutripper to convert bleed to frostburn?

Yeah, i think you’ve been misinformed on this one mate

Bleed isn’t the DoT form of Pierce

Bleed is a separate damage type

Pierce is a separate damage type

I stumbled upon your build while working on a similar idea except I really wanted to use the Northern Wyrm for originality’s sake.

The build is pretty similar to yours except I buffed the Blade Spirit further and grabbed Amatok/Blizzard which I bound to the Northern Wyrm frostwave attack, it works nicely as a CC.

Still pretty trash overall. :eek:

Edit: Welp, it was actually my easiest Log clear despite all devotion skills being level 1-3


Yeah Northern Wyrm isn’t very good

I did some Rifle vs. Pistol testing using green weapons and epic/legendaries, it seems Pistols always have the edge no matter what with ABB as LMB

As for Blade Spirit, never like relying on it for anything

Updated some stuff for latest patch

Most notable change is in devotions (completed Hydra)

Have fun

Hi Chthon,

i wanne try this build as a total beginner, but it looks cool…:slight_smile:

Can you tell me how to setup my attributes and which blacksmith i should choose?
And the Skillpoints without + would be cool…:slight_smile:


Wow, this build look great. Definitely considering something like this for my next character.

-Physique is the top priority
-Cunning/Spirit only if you need it. But Inner Focus should help with spirit

-Blacksmith, pick anyone of your choice. That choice never mattered to me since Etram Fad in Tyrant’s Hold (Elite/Ultimate only) is the best Smith there imo

I am really tempted to try some of your dual pistol builds… but I dont want to spoil inquisitor gameplay… so no matter how good the current builds are or even those on top of my head…, I am going to pass and wait.:cry:

While crafting helm, Empowered Essence, belt and medal you can accumulate up to 20% elemental resistance using Duncan bonus, or something similar with other resistances, it’s very useful sometimes.

The new set for Inquisitor/Nightblade is meant for Cold ABB

My Spellbreaker will love it

And as for the upcoming classes i am more interested in the Kymon Faction thing (you can’t join as a Necro) than build possibilities atm

Yes, won’t deny it.

I hope you update this build when the expansion is out and you can use the Inquisitor instead of the Arcanist.

I have in mind something similar, it will probably be my 1st xpac build abb(lethal assault) + tha cold proc passive from inquis tree + that sexy cold trap.