[Ranged Cold] DW-Pistols Pure Cold ABB Spellbreaker

Next patch Nemesis due to little flat damage bonus and a bad-ass pet

And for now,


Ahh yes…I noticed this in the changelog:

Relic - Nemesis: added 9 Cold damage. Nemesis pet now deals pierce and cold damage, rather than physical and bleed, damage increased, and his attacks have a chance to reduce Defensive Ability.

I wanted to say thanks for the super-fun build, I am getting near the end of the first difficulty and I can say this is completely viable to level as-is. I hate playing builds that make you level as something completely different for the entire game, so I gave this a shot. My advice:

Fist Act: Max ABB and Lethal Assault right off the bat, use the strongest gun you have the important stat here is attack speed, we get a nice flat damage from ABB so you want to apply it asap. You might want to stick to the fastest rifle you can find until you can equip enough pieces of the Marauder’s set if you have it, or make the gunslinger talisman. Pick up PB and Phantasmal Amor but don’t sink too many points into either until you feel you need a better heal, keep pb at 1 point.

Second Act: At this point I found I needed to go into arcanist to keep my energy up, so I dipped in until I got Mirror, grabbing OFF and the buffs along the way. Leveling Mirror makes all the difference here and with OFF you can play very safely around bosses.

Third act and above: At this point I felt I needed to go back to nightblade and max PB, Night’s Chill and grab more spirit. I felt I needed to leave Nightblade at 15, because I didn’t see the cunning being too useful at that point. Night’s Chill + Veil at 10 make melee easy to dance around. Frost Revenants and Chilled Heroes will give you the most trouble here. That said, pushing through Arcanist gave me the most returns for my points as pumping both OFF skills gives you more frostburn and you can keep most mobs frozen or frost-burning until they die.

By the time you get Star Pact, you should be well into Leviathan so your damage will spike significantly.

I found it easier to gear this than my ABB / Cadence blademaster who uses pistols. Order of Death’s Vigil has great guns for this build if you don’t have any leveling gear, but anything with high base physical with deathchill bolts will do. Once whirlpools start coming into the picture you can ignore most trash.

Thank you for your kind words and your input on the character

Good to see you having fun.

I should probably start playing this build more often :eek:

I don’t understand why there’s a key binding for EITHER OFF or Ring of Steel (both are in the build’s skills, so shouldn’t they both have a binding?

Dang it!

Thanks i forgot to add new GrimCalc. Actually the old setup had OFF. New one uses Oleron’s Might nuke

Setup is same just zero points in OFF

Gotcha. Thanks for quick reply.
I’m using OFF to level (too early for Oleron’s, only level 31 atm). I also tried PRM but it was weak, so a while ago I parked the build and then yesterday I decided to get it out of mothballs and try using dual pistols and it’s actually pretty playable.

I already had maxed OFF, so I took the points out of PRM and maxed ABB and the two do enough to deal with all but cold immunes.

I started maxing its addon LA, but starting to use a lot of mana.

I’m only starting Act 3 Veteran but it feels fine atm. Later I may run into issues perhaps but I hope to have better equipment - I’m just using 2 random guns one of which is acid-based damage!

So all in all, the build may be playable from earlier than people think.

-Nice, Acid gun. On my 2h-Acid Pyro i gave some ideas for those looking to go Dual-Wielding Acid :wink:

-Also, Thank you for posting here, i did quick run with this build (i haven’t played it in a while) And i enjoyed it a lot.

-GrimCalc added
-New Screenshot added :cool:

Yep so they are, thanks - I can’t see where the OFF points moved to though (refreshing the page I lost the old skills images - but the skills look the same except the OFF points seem to have sort of disappeared?).

What am I missing?

Nullification is 5/10 (prev. 3/10)
Arcane Will and OFF are now gone

Why 12 points in Elemental Damage btw? It doesn’t seem to add anything (no cold damage).

Elemental balance? It gives crit damage

What he said, Crit damage FTW

I noticed oleron blood in one of the guns. Oleron blood was also recommended to my 2 x exterminus pyro. What aeems 2 b so great about this socketable over lets say in my case haunted steel or devil touched amo? I have a few in my stash…

Haunted Steel is life steal and life steal is sustain.
If you can spare a slot which you most certainly can then Oleron’s Might is a great candidate due to reduction of enemy damage which is extremely useful

You are right. 20% must be well wort it. Basically for endgame the final setup would be steel and oleron.
I dont know but somehow i didnt pay enough attention to this dmg reduction.

Thx :slight_smile:

Your welcome. Enjoy the Exterminus Pyromancer :cool:

Update on levelling this with pistols.

I got it to 52 atm. Maxed ABB and LA, use maxed OFF which freezes the screen lets you shoot the hell out of stuff for ages. Cold resist/immunes and bosses are ofc a challenge but it has enough to grind them down with some kiting.

Veteran was easy - I had 30 unspent skill points although he died a couple of times on Warden which was disappointing.

All of Veteran was done with a couple of random green guns and pretty rubbish self-found stuff - decent resists though.

At 50 I swapped in a couple of blue cold-dmg lvl 50 guns. The difference wasn’t as spectacular as I hoped, but I went into Elite…

Elite is harder - more deaths, he feels very squishy. I tried maxing VoS and Night’s Chill to slow mobs down but it didn’t really help.

It’s still playable and making progress, just slower now - really need to find a way to make him tougher/tankier soon. I may park him for a while and play another build for a while, will post again if/when there’s anything more to add.

Call me crazy but i just got used to the idea of not playing the actual build till i had the gear for it. I think i respec’d into the current build at about level 65 or so