[Ranged Cold] DW-Pistols Pure Cold ABB Spellbreaker

Thanks for the super-fast response :slight_smile:
Iā€™m not sure if Harpy has changed or something, but my reading of it is (adding up the parts):

Cold Damage: +39%
Pierce Damage: 39% and 6-13 pierce dmg
OA: +15
Cunning: +10
Bleeding Resistance: +15%

Whereas Owl has:

Elemental Dmg: +24%
Spirit: +10
Burn/Frost/Elec: +30%
-RDR: -15%
Ele Resist: +8%
Skill Energy Reduce: +5%

Iā€™m not sure how much of the Owl stuff is actually useful in this build. The 30% burn etc doesnā€™t seem useful (or is it?), elemental dmg is 15% less than cold and since we only seem to get benefit fom tghe cold part, that seems a 15% loss.

Ofc the small resist is useful and the spirit = a bit more dmg, not sure how muchā€¦

Overall Iā€™m not sure which is best, or if thereā€™s much to choose (it looks a bit closer than I thought now I wrote out the totals for each devo), but Iā€™m still getting used to GD - but thatā€™s why I asked :slight_smile:

EDIT: One reason to go Owl is if levelling as PRM, when 24% Ele dmg = effectively 72% with PRM since itā€™s cold/fire/light. Going back to re-spec later would be painful since weā€™d have to undo all the way back to about 11 devotion points (I think).

-Actually the difference is so meaningless you could go for either. 15-20% damage modifier doesnā€™t change much for this build

-No problems with people asking, i help with what i can :wink:

Updated the guide with Oleron Nuke and some other equipment changes

How does your char live in tough battle?? I have similar melee build and I think cause of zero physical resistance he gets big damage and dying fast, so sadā€¦

I still havenā€™t been able to decide what to do with my Spellbreaker. Keep trying new cold builds. Iā€™ve got something similar to this but 2H; picked up Kraken devotion for that juicy boost and then some Amatok points because I already had all the requirements. Using Northern Wyrm right now but I did try Will of Fate to see if that pass-through perk would help.

Seems to do ok, also using Nightā€™s Embrace for the skill it grants. With that buff up, you can even freeze most bosses. Could do with more OA and attack speed right now though.

-Nightā€™s Embrace is too much of chore, i only use it in builds where i need it. Like the Pure Cold PB Caster, and even there i sometimes forget to use the skill and make do with Mirror and Nullification

-Northern Wyrm is not a good weapon, i tried with a Frostborn Rifle of Fury and the DPS loss felt huge to me

-While Empowered Will of Fate is a good idea i feel it works best with Fire Strike. I made an WoF Fire Strike build when i was new to the game, it works great with Brimstone.

-Cold doesnā€™t have a great spammable LMB skill. The strongest pure cold melee skill is called Scourge Strike which comes from a relic. They could help cold builds by making it so that ABB hits with both weapons.

-Btw, Amatok sucks :slight_smile:

-I am great with timing my skills so i donā€™t die to the likes of Moosilauke, Ben, Rashalga and Fabius.
I think Iron Maiden can still kill me, i consider her to be stronger than Rashalga mainly cause you canā€™t kite her.

-Btw, your build looks nice. But i am guessing you die cause of your uncapped resistances rather than physical resistance.

-You donā€™t have Mark of Divinity for WTF moments

-Youā€™re wasting the hat slot and belt slot

For aether I use consumable (moveton, but no way :slight_smile: ), other 1-2% of resistances don`t play a role I guess.
So what can you suggest as a hat and belt, same with your char or something else??

-Clairvoyantā€™s Hat is the only one that comes to mind

-Olexraā€™s Flash Freeze weapon you are using can be and should be changed to Loxmereā€™s Dagger of Shattering/Fury/Voracity.

-Shoulderguard needs to be Zantarinā€™s for overcapping Lethal Assault, HP and resistances. The current is pretty good though, so this change isnā€™t mandatory

-Use Cronleyā€™s Signet for more AS

-Spellbreaker Waistguard for more flat cold damage

Doesnā€™t DW Melee ABB only hit with one weapon?

I use Beronathā€™s Fury, heheh, Lethal Assault still on 19/12)
Great thanks to you, man, Ive changed medal and hat and stopped dying so much. its sad that there are only a little ways to make strong build in this game, so most chars are look alike (I really didn`t want to make a clone of your one).
About other equipment:

  • I don`t like too many green items ^^
  • Blade Breaker Sash are same with Spellbreaker Waistguard(except of flad damage, ofc), but also has more OA and bleeding resistance, I`ve found it more better in my setup.
  • I like your builds, but I am OA whore, like JoV, not attack speed:D

So now it looks like this:

-If youā€™re going WPS Beronath+Lethal Assault then go for more AS to make the most of WPS. Thatā€™s what iā€™d do, but i guess it comes down to personal choices :slight_smile:

-Try getting more OA from constellations and augments (Devilā€™s Crossing sells some nice augments)

-You need one more green item to compensate your bleed resistance and youā€™re all set :slight_smile:

-Your welcome, and good setup

What should devotion skills that proc as ā€œX% Chance when hitā€ be bound to?

I picked up Wayward Soul from the chariot thing and tbh it took me by surprise that I had to bind it at all, I thought it would just proc X% of the time when I got hit.

Choice of skills atm is:

Pneumatic Burst
Mirror of Erecteons
Maivenā€™s Sphere of Protection
Iskandraā€™s Ele Exchange

Maybe Maivenā€™s since itā€™s up all the time. But in the OPā€™s build Maivenā€™s isnā€™t taken, soā€¦ what then?

Any on-hit skill in any build is always attached to an aura that stays up 24/7. While PB does stay effectively 24/7 binding things to it isnā€™t recommended

I donā€™t use Maivenā€™s, i think i have it attached to IEE

Thanks - Iā€™m still levelling so using things that solve those problemsā€¦

So now Iā€™m wondering where youā€™ll assign Giantā€™s Blood? Is there another 24/7 defensive skill in the build that I missed (other than PB)?

Star pact :slight_smile:
My chestpiece gives me another aura, intermediate setups can use some other aura granted through components.

Hello Sir!

Im a noob on this game, and on your build spellbreaker with 2 guns, i have a question.

How can u get so much points on your character.

If i put 50 points in arcanist and 50 points in nightblande.

I cant finish your build. Can you explain.

Thank you.


-The skills include the bonuses from the items

-For instance, my main skill Amarastaā€™s Blade Burst (ABB) has a maximum level of 16. This means that i canā€™t ā€œupgradeā€ that skill beyond level 16 by investing anymore skill points.

-If i want to go beyond level 16 then i need items that grant me +x to Amarastaā€™s Blade Burst. ā€˜xā€™ here signifies a varaible number that is different for each item

-When a skill is upgraded to a level beyond its max level (16 in the case of ABB) it is called Ultimate Level. Each skill has 10 ultimate levels. So despite all the item bonuses ABBā€™s max level is 26 (16 skill points + 10 ultimate levels)

I hope i could explain it :slight_smile:


Thank you!.

One more question and i let you free :3.

Itā€™s ok to put first 50 points into 2 masteries or itā€™s better to max one.?

Iā€™ve been leveling this build up (with some deviations), and can attest that it is a lot of fun. With the new patch The Northern Wyrm gets a little upgrade, so Iā€™m looking forward to trying it out. *I should mention that I prefer the use of ranged 2 handed (so far). Havenā€™t tried dual wielding pistols yet, and Iā€™m level 74.

Legendary - The Northern Wyrm: added 10% Attack Speed, added Frostburn damage to skill proc

I have tested Frostborn Rifle of Shattering and 2h is inferior to DW Pistol imo.
I will post some results in the next patch :wink:

Would you recommend I change my relic since Iā€™m not dual wielding? What relic would you recommend?