[Ranged Cold] DW-Pistols Pure Cold ABB Spellbreaker

Sorry one last question, really all into Physique is that correct? no Cunning, no Spirit? its just Physique 360 seems low for max level. I am still far from there, i just dont want to make a mistake, thanks.

Yes all into physique.

You see Arcanist’s Inner Focus helps you with Spirit and Nightblade’s Anatomy of Murder helps you with Cunning. You don’t need to max the latter though since simply by putting points into Nightblade’s mastery bar you’re cunning returns would met. Anatomy of Murder is still there to help you deal The Iron Maiden Nemesis

Feel free to ask for anything else, this build is a little tricky to work with imo. Have fun

I have a silly question. Wpuldn’t the frigid north gun to some good dmage?It has somemean Frostburn values on it. Looks like good potential with the improved elemental awakening and ABB

Nah, this gun’s shotgun ability through Ice Spikes and a little extra CDR helps us. The only case where this gun’s Ice spikes work against you is with Rashalga :slight_smile:

Pardon the noob question, but I’m trying to figure out whether this alluring build uses attack speed or casting speed; ie, is ABB considered a spell or a weapon attack? Your stats show casting and attack speed % as about equal–do you need both or is neither that important? Thanks for bearing with me.

weapon attack so attack speed

May I ask where is the best place to farm the MI gun? They drop off any human cthonic mob?

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Use empowered marauder’s justice. It’s a pretty good gun. I won’t rely on RNG too much to get the Bloodsworn gun.

Otherwise Crucible runs should get you better chances of droprates.

I got mine in the main campaign though. No specific area. Just farm and pray to Chthon.

Ok, sounds good thanks for the quick reply! have a spellbreaker that kinda abandoned will try this one out.

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Thank you.

Sorry but which skills do yuo attack in devotions and what augments are you using in weapons and jewelry? tahnks! very nice build!

The devotion binding is in the guide itself

Amulet, Ring- 20% total damage, 2% OA & DA (Devil’s crossing)

Weapon- Outcast’s cold powder (not the exact name)

Nice build anyway. I tried with 2h, but wasnt that effective.

U skip the deteails about the pistol… I didnt even find on google… So pls make a sreenshoot and put into the thread or in comments.

If you read the guide correctly then Empowered Marauder’s Justice is the recommended gun here. This gun was pure luck.

I don’t mind shrugging off the laziness to post a screen but it won’t do any good as that weapon isn’t needed here. Before i got the weapon i didn’t even expect it to be BiS. I’ll post a screenshot in the Trophy Room (can’t break tradition can we?) and add a link here. Sound good?

Read the guide again, i mention Empowered Marauder’s Justice as the apt gun.

There’s no guarantee you’ll find this gun. Also, you’re making me work too much :p. Do you still need the screen?


Good to see you’re still around. Means we can expect more builds from you?

Oh empowered maruder i have 2 or 1 and always find 1 in rush to ultimate. :smiley:

I just asked the screen from the green pistols hard to indentify the prefixes and sufixes. I will check the maruder. :slight_smile:


Y i was working on 2 new char based on skills weops. i finshed today 1, but it wasnt that good. :confused:

The other 1 i will post on the week. This was surprised me, how effective can be. :slight_smile:

Anway we had a lots of char so hard to make new 1, but the 2 new char coming. Making us to work. :smiley:

Nice, i planned to quit posting builds but i think i might add one last build to the compendium before the expansion.

Use GracefulDusk and type in the prefix and suffix.

Y same here. Need to rest to get new build ideas. :smiley:

Can I check why Harpy is not used in devotions?
It gives 5 Ascendant for 1, same as the others in the guide (Owl and Wolverine), but what we get from Owl/Wolv looks a bit uninspiring compared to Harpy (pierce + cold dmg, cunning, resists, OA).

Is it because the build needs more DA? Or do you think it’s just an option to choose Harpy for for damage - if so, which of the other two can we afford to lose?

-Hmm, Harpy adds flat pierce damage to the mix, which i don’t like when i want to go pure cold

-If you want to get harpy that badly then loose owl (you’ll loose some skill energy cost and some bonus frostburn damage)

-Wolverine is pretty important since i don’t like sacrificing DA on any build i make.