[Ranged Cold] DW-Pistols Pure Cold ABB Spellbreaker

Well it would be a real shame if you didn’t at least try the concept. :slight_smile:

Maybe you can only achieve 40% CDR. Then you can have just 128% speed.

I don’t think you can use your existing SB though because this melee cycle concept might require 50/40 Arcanist/NB to really work.

First i need those daggers to even consider levelling a char. I’ve been wanting to try ABB melee for a while butKal’s Scourge Strike buildmade me want to try Scourge Strike

What’s interesting is that if you get 44% CDR, Scourge Strike can neatly substitute for one out of every four normal attacks in the previously mentioned cycle.

CDR doesn’t affect Granted Skills. Only -% energy cost does

Right, which is why each ABB cycle at 44% CDR would last 1.008 seconds, allowing one use of Scourge Strike every four ABB cycles. I know the math dude. :cool:

Hmm, before we get ahead of ourselves we need to see how effective SS is. Since Relic slot is generally a plus skills slot.

For sure, personally I’m so excited about the concept I want to start right away, Lox daggers or Scourge be damned. :stuck_out_tongue:

I just thought of a 2H variant of the above concepts centered around an Alkamos’ weapon with Oleron’s Blood attached.

Suppose your CDR were 25%, slightly less than your DW pistol build’s.

Then each ABB cycle would last 1.35 seconds. Three cycles of this would equal 4.05 seconds.

Optimal attack speeds at 25% CDR, with a 2H weapon, would be 101% and 138%. Suppose we can achieve 138% attack speed, which implies triggering ABB every four hits. Then we can use the following cycle, or some variant thereof:

Oleron’s Might
Normal Attack
Shadow Strike
Scourge Strike
Normal Attack
Spectral Strike
Normal Attack
Shadow Strike
Oleron’s Might
Normal Attack
Scourge Strike
Normal Attack
Shadow Strike
Spectral Strike
Normal Attack

Compared to 1H + Focus this only requires NJE to have two points.

Mechanically, the only issue is executing this 24-step cycle over 8.1 seconds while timing heals and such.

Updated the guide (Mostly the screens) to the latest patch.

I tried a blademaster that specialized in Blade Burst and his damage was pretty terrible. I suppose it would be different if you added Shadow Strike or Ring of Steel into the mix, but at that point you’re looking at so many skill points that you’d be better off picking Cadence or something.

I also have a character that uses a Chillborer+tome and it’s even worse.

Cadence…where’s the fun in that? :stuck_out_tongue: The whole point is to make interesting cold builds. Earlier I realised Scourge Strike has a 2.8 s cooldown, not 4 s. So I reworked my 24-step programme for that and even included PB as well. Now it has 7 active attack skills to use (potentially 8 with Crown of the Winter King). Obviously, not all of the mastery skills will be maxed.

You’ll have to look at it at a damage per skill point and damage per cooldown basis. I think SS and PB have the highest values in that regard but the ABB base skill is not too far behind. The Ring of Steel base skill isn’t very good (for 2H, at least).

My thoughts exactly, 428% weapon damage destroys the point of presenting a concept. I mean one can and should make a Cadence build for actual gamepelay but explaining concepts is much more easier for me w/o the absurd amounts of %weapon damage that cadence brings to the table.

That’s perfectly fine, it’s why I asked.

What is ABB, btw? I’ve played a bit of GD, but I’m not sure what that is.

The main skill of this build Amarasta’s blade burst

I like very much the idea of a cold based sniper, so I have made my own. Currently testing.

Thank you Chthon.

PS - Okay I am level 21 now and I am having lot of trouble trying to keep up with mana consumption, even if I have Inner Focus maxed, ABB is a mana bitch.
Any ideas?. I have 364 Physique, 253 cunning and 343 spirit.

take Iskandria elemental exchange

Sorry if I am a noob, but your skill points are -74 available, so i cant even spend as many as you have on your build, how does that work?

That’s when you have spent all your points but your equipment gives you 74 +1 to various skills. By the way it’s a screenshot from grimcalc.com, not from the game itself :wink:

The gear i’m using gives me +skills which is why it’s -74

-I used Greater Fireblast from Flintcore bolts when i was that level. If mana is a big problem then use Ectoplasm or better yet max Inner Focus. I don’t recommend ABB as a leveling skill

-Friendly reminder, don’t put a point in Cunning

-Welcome and sorry about the late reply