[Ranged Lightning] Crit Striker - Thunderous Strike Rifle Vindicator

So maybe I’m missing something, but how do I wear a gun that requires 572 cunning? I’m left with 376 following this set up religiously. I know it was built in which might be the problem, idk.

Hawk gives -10% cunning req for weapons, the harbinger gloves give another 15%. You need 515 w/o those gloves or 429 with em

That was my problem, I completely forgot about the constellations xD

Well, raka’jax seems to be better than poorly rolled sparkthrower, just saying. I guess that something like charged of alacrity could possibly be better but no luck thus far getting one.

Do runs of the Ancient Grove to check Vinelton if possible. A Charged of Alacrity will turn up sooner or later, they’re fairly common. I might even have 1 lying around that I’ve never used if you want it :wink:

Sorry, mate. I’m very noob and my english is pretty bad. I can’t use that link. I really like this build but I’m a bit lost. Physique, Cunning or Spirit? All Physique?

This build is 1.5y old

I recommend that you study this instead: [] Lightning 2h Ranged Vindicator, Gladiator in ~ 7 minutes

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