Reaper Madness

After doing an exhaustive (at least 3 minute) search of the forum, I couldn’t find a general thread on Reapers. I’ve started leveling one, and was curious about what synergies you all have found useful in the main campaign. My goal is to go hybrid, a squishy caster with melee debuff/nuke. So far it’s ABB and BH.

I see a three way interaction, with Vitality being at the top because it’s so easy to support, and then Cold, and then piercing. I’m thinking about trying for cold damage, but the vitality route looks interesting as well.

Please don’t post links to threads with completed builds. I’m more interested in a theorycraft conversation than seeing what a lvl 100 BiS reaper looks like. I don’t have top-tier gear already farmed, and I don’t farm top-level Crucible. I want to play through the MC on Veteran and be able to run the harder Roguelikes with little problem.

This looks like the meat of it for Cold damage:

The real question is conversion; gear that would convert either pierce or vitality damage to cold. so, based on gear, your skill selection could change a whole lot.

Am I remotely on the right track here?

Can’t have Dual Blades/Execution/transmuted Pneumatic Burst and transmuted Bone Harvest :stuck_out_tongue:

Skill selection is mostly right though, only differences I’d make are picking up Spectral Binding for OA/Health and putting a point into Circle of Slaughter for the Fumble chance.

“Requires a 2-H melee weapon”


Sorry, I’m lower level right now, so using BoB and not dual wield. I’m also really thinking about blade trap if I can find the right conversion gear.

I always wonder about spectral binding - it looks wrong to me on paper, but it seems to do a LOT in actual play.

If I do Pierce (or Vit) = Cold conversion, should I pick up a dev route that gives lots of flat Pierce (or Vit)?

Health Buff
OA Buff
Aether Buff (commonly used for this)

Physical, Vitality, Aether RR
Attack Speed Debuff.

Radaggan’s Damage Buff
Spark of Reality Armor Buff
Uroboruuk’s Terrify Ret

Sorry, can you expand on that? I assume this is gear?

Those relate to the skill modifiers for Spectral Binding as you assumed.

Can’t suggest anything but allin on cold damage without gear support for other things. You can go auto attack or aa+ss though really don’t have the points for the latter w/o gear. 2h with bone harvest is fun especially if you have a soulrend you can ravage things with ss+bone harvest and time dialatio. Can go acid with deathguard set (do NOT do acid w/o this set), but unless you have a giant boner for acid bone harvest it’s better to just go witch hunter because it’s way better

Blade trap is absolutely useless without the rime tongue set. There is no shortage of aoe in grim dawn and it doesn’t work on bosses w/o the set and against a lot of elites it’ll only be active for a split second before they brush it off due to cc res

Thanks mang! My SOP for bosses is DOT Crit Kite. Get a good delta between my OA and enemy DA (plus RR, ofc), apply high DOT from multiple sources, and do the ‘ohshitohshit’ dance.

More Rhowan’s Crown… That constellation is almost required for elemental casters (well, el melee too), AFAIK.

Not almost required it is required. There is 0 reason not to take it it’s way too much of a damage boost. The only possible exception is if you’re using BWCs reduced all res modifier

Yeah, I just try to avoid talking in absolutes on internet message boards, because internet message boards. Knowudimean?

OMG, it’s sooooooo squishy…

Obviously, I need to drop components into gear etc. I also shouldn’t play theorycraft builds on Veteran and then expect to cake-walk SoT. LOL.

I can see how Reapers can be a highly, highly versatile class as far as glass-cannon builds go. I can tickle this thing to produce either Vitality or Pierce damage, probably even a Poison or Aether build with the right gear. The two classes are VERY complimentary, much like the Hunter/Spirit compliment of the TQ Bone Charmer.

I’m going to blatantly and possibly rudely ignore (sorry!) your desire to make a cold build and allow my biasedness to come into play - Have you considered going with the demonslayer set?

It is arguably one of the strongest sets as of now. Ptir, fluff, and I spent quite some time refining a PB reaper to the point of ‘fuck off nems. Daddy’s in town.’

I have! I don’t have any top-tier gear (see sig, for realsies). I’m digging this character through 40, we’ll see if it’s still viable 50-60. It surprised me that there aren’t many Reaper builds - it strikes as being an ultra-versatile class, if a bit sqeeshy. I really need to get around to digging out that thread for damage conversion, lol.

I think I’ve finally found an alt I can stick with!

This has been a LOT of fun to play so far. (Only level 40)

Just a placeholder question, I’ll expand later…

If we get a good pierce > cold conversion, can we use blades of Nadaan constellation and a pair of swords (derm slicers) to get ridiculously high cold damage?

Damage can only be converted once so your plan does not work.

Even if it did work despite the slicers having nice base damage you’d lose out on some sweet modifiers, free points, etc from cold weapons

Foiled again! Drat and blast!

Approaching 50…

Blade Spirit is indeed a55. They don’t do anything. I wanted to try them out, because I will want some non WPS to bind rumor and elemental storm to… But I dunno.

Anyway, linky link… Gloating, scathing rebuttal, advice and admiration always appreciated. So far she is sailing through veteran - a first for me when not using a guide.

You’ve done yourself a great disservice by not just going allin on nightblade and spreading your skill points out so thinly something you shouldn’t do on any build. At this point you should be looking for maxed out lethal assault, shadow strike, night’s chill, and soon NJE. I like maxing out spirit for leveling or at least like 12 points just to rip through mobs, but it’s really not needed I just like it. That being said it’s almost always a nice 1 pointer to have for devo proccing. Alternatively you could not max out nb so fast and max bone harvest/soul harvest alongside lethal ass+ss. WPS outside of execution are quite useless this early on and even execution isn’t that great before you get some more as and flat damage

Amatok is a horrid devotion to rush for cause it’s impossible to proc with any sort of reliability, blade burst is a shit proccer for it to cause it’s awful for proccing against single targets no matter how good your crit chance is and it’s not spectacular against mobs either. Respect into hawk+quill and grab ele storm asap. Tsunami is straight up garbage btw! Spider useless as well

Btw on really any melee build imo you should just bumrush fiend for flame torrent it’s super good for leveling no matter what and helps you tear shit up. I always go fiend into ele storm on my nb builds

I typically build the characters as I expect they’ll be played at endgame instead of maxing a ‘leveling skill’. It’s more fun for me this way. The exception here is Tsunami bound to BH. They have the same pattern, together they own faces. I will prbably ditch Tsunami for T3 constellations, provided this is still fun to play on Elite. The way it’s geared right now, I didn’t need to concentrate on either ABB or BH - with tiny little tweaks, they both clean the screen.

NJE doesn’t fit the build at all, don’t understand why I should max it?