UPDATE 26/08/18:
Added 3 builds: 2H fire purifier, 2H elemental cadence tactician, DW vitality DK.
Need your help with crucible maps. If anyone knows how to do this please write to me. Info under the spoiler:
I’m really really tired of restarting over and over again to get the crucible map I need. As far as I know, devs said they won’t add an option to select crucible in any near future.
I know that someone found a way to choose crucible map (switch off all cricibles except crucible of the dead for example). But the guide was deleted for some reason.
If you know how to do it, please write to me!
Here is what I’ve done so far:
Using archivetool.exe I decompiled Maps.arc from the folder survivalmod1/resources and got a folder [maps] with 6 crucible maps:
survivalworld_f.map -
Need to figure out which of these is the map I need (crucible of the dead), but that’s not a problem, first I need to make any map work to know the method.
So I chose survivalworld_a.map
I deleted all the others and compiled folder [maps] with only this one map into Maps.arc
I used special .exe from this video to do it:
Then I changed the original Maps.arc with my new one - in folder [survivalmode1] and in folder mods/survivalmode
The result is that the game starts, but when I try to start crucible it won’t work, just throws me back into the start menu.
- I decided to try another approach: I renamed the files like this:
Then compiled them into Maps.arc and changed the original files in folder [survivalmode1] and in folder mods/survivalmode.
Still doesn’t work - throws me back into the start menu.
- Made 6 copies of "survivalworld_a.map’ and named them like this:
So these are all the same map with same size, just copied 6 times with different names.
Then compiled them into Maps.arc and changed the original files in folder [survivalmode1] and in folder mods/survivalmode.
Still doesn’t work - throws me back into the start menu.
So if you have any ideas please wtite to me!
I even made a specilal thread about this issue, no result.
When you invest dozens of hours of leveling and farming you want to feel powerful, want to be able to beat all end-game content game has to offer.
The hardest game content by far is gladiator crucible. It is also very rewarding:
for 100-150 waves of gladiator crucuble you get 8 legendaries and other stuff (including rare MI items). This takes less than 30 min for these builds. And how much legendaries do you farm in the campagn in 30 min? One or two if lucky.
You can take a build from Build Compendium, but there are actually a lot of weak ones there and you will be very disappointed dying over and over again. Also, you won’t find some of these masterpieces there.
The builds below are checked by myself in gladiator crucible to ensure that they are powerful and you won’t be disappointed.
As I am frequently asked about best build for new players, here are some tips:
Probably the easiest start has soldier with 2h transmuted forcewave (with Tremor). It combines well with occultist and death knight because they have physical RR and inquisitor - because it’s a incredibly strong mastery in general. Not only 2h forcewave is a beast itself, you can very soon get Kraken devotion for +170% all damage, which is absolutely insane in the beginning. Even if you do not go for forcewave, leveling with a two-hander with Kraken is good.
Put first 11 devotion points like this, 170% all damage from Kraken is unmatched in early game (only works with 2 hand weapons):
More tips:
- this game is focused around Reducing Resistances (RR), skills and devotions with RR are a must in any good build. So after Kraken go for Assasin’s Blade and bind it to Forcewave.
- your own resistances also matter a lot, they are your main source of durability early on. So search for them on gear. Most important are elemental (fire/ice/lightning) and poison.
- Forcewave is considered a spell, so attack speed does not matter anymore, you search for Casting speed now - on a weapon and on rings.
Check this MortalKombat’s thread:
You can go for witchblade as he did, go for tactician version which is more suited for tanking (and in late game you’ll have options to switch into fire or elemental forcewave that do more damage).
Also you can do it as a Death Knight, then you’ll have an option to get Krieg Set (very easy to farm since every piece drops from exact boss) and go for s&b aether krieg build which is pretty versatile and strong.
This is my own DK, started with zero items in both stashes, was able to beat 150 waves of aspirant crucible:
This wil give you idea how a forcewave build should progress.
Builds to clear lvl 150-170 gladiator, in no particular order:
[Times are with 4 blessings, no banners, Crucible of the Dead]
“Great tacticians learn that consistency often trumps potential.” ©
Arpg fans should know where this quote comes from. I added this quote to describe my way of playing/testing builds: I go for 90+% success rate in clearing crucible. If you feel like you are fine with less defenses of you’re pushing for records you are free to make builds more offensive.
MATHS about PTH formula and new cap of effective DA:
“The Probability to Hit Formula (PTH) has been adjusted. It is now capped at a minimum of 60%, meaning that excessively high Defensive Ability values can no longer reduce an opponent’s chance to hit below 60%. This change applies to both monsters and players, but will have little impact outside of the high-end gameplay in the hardest waves of the Crucible or hunting super bosses.”
In this new reality let’s find maximum efficient DA for a player, meaning that above this number all additional DA is wasted because PTH is now limited to 60.
So, here is PTH formula, from official page ( http://www.grimdawn.com/guide/gameplay/combat.php ):
Probability To Hit (PTH) = ((((Attacker’s OA / ((Defender’s DA / 3.5) + Attacker’s OA)) * 300) * 0.3) + (((((Attacker’s OA * 3.25) + 10000) - (Defender’s DA * 3.25)) / 100) * 0.7)) - 50
Attacker’s OA here is monsters’ OA. According to grimtools all Nemesis on lvl 109 (this is their lvl in gladiator crucible) have 2653 OA and no buffs to it, except:
- Iron Maiden who has 2996 buffed
- Kuba, who has +200 OA buff, so 2853 total OA
- Reaper, who has 12% buff, so 2971 total OA
PTH is now limited to 60. So we must find such Defender’s DA (our DA) that all this formula equals 60.
So, for most nemesis I figured this:
((((2653/((3719/3,5)+2653))300)0,3)+(((((26533,25)+10000)-(37193,25))/100)*0,7))-50 = 60
And special cases:
- Iron Maiden ((((2996/((4084/3,5)+2996))300)0,3)+(((((29963,25)+10000)-(40843,25))/100)*0,7))-50 = 60
- Kuba ((((2853/((3932/3,5)+2853))300)0,3)+(((((28533,25)+10000)-(39323,25))/100)*0,7))-50 = 60
- Reaper ((((2971/((4058/3,5)+2971))300)0,3)+(((((29713,25)+10000)-(40583,25))/100)*0,7))-50 = 60
Conclusion: to reach the hardcap of 60% for most cases we need 3719 DA. If we want to include Kuba this raises to 3932 DA, also include Reaper - 4058 DA, also include Iron Maiden - 4084 DA.
As for me, I am totally comfortable with most builds at 3700 DA, some need even less.
DA also gives damage reduction. It is now also restricted, as it is tied to PTH (1-PTH/70), so with PTH equal 60 at max, damage reduction can be 14,3% maximum.
Thanks to Dioarchet for helping with this.
Warning! Very serious picture under the spoiler!
Tips and thoughts about speed clearing. Gotta go fast!
[spoiler]Now that most builds are getting peeled off excessive DA, people are thirsty for speed clearing.
4 blessings:
Quite a lot of builds already can clear in 12 min or less on 4 blessings. As blessings last 25 min, this means that these builds can finish 150-170 2 times on one set of 4 blessings and not run out of tributes that quickly. Start with 100 tributes, 4 blessings cost 48, 25 is the price to start from wave 150 + 10 to restart on wave 150 on the second run. For one run you get 37 trubutes back, so 100-48-25+37-10+37=91.
12min first run, 12 min second run and 1 min left to open the chests (don’t waste time picking up loot - it won’t disappear, wait till your second finish.)
This is a reasonable way.
Now, 4 blessings + Vanguard banner:
Many people upload videos with 4 blessings and Vanguard banner. Vanguard banner is insane, last time I tested it added something like 13% damage multiplier and 13% OA to the build. That is totally nuts, that equals 25-30% increase in damage output and thus the same decrease in clear times.
But the banner costs extra 25 tributes (and 60k iron bits)! So you will run out of tributes after 3-4 runs and then what? Back to farming tributes? That would waste 10 times more time than you saved using the banner.
Vanguard banner is also able to give glass cannons such a boost that they would be able to kill before being killed and so they may seem powerful. But what’s the point if you run out of tributes after 3 runs and are forced to slowly farm them back losing time? Better to pick a build that does not rely on Vanguard banner.
There is a option however - you can do 2 blessings (Amatok + Ulo for example) + Vanguard, this is roughly the same amount of tributes as 4 blessings. However, this is significantly less reliable than 4 blessings and does not suit everybody. You can go for it if you desperately need to decrease your clear time to 12 min - to be able to do 2 runs on 1 set of blessings.
Best crucible for fast clearing is Crucible of the Dead. No matter what your build is, it will always be 1-2 min faster in this crucible. If you’re using a banner it’s better to place it in bottom left, that’s where AoM nemesis always spawns (only true for Crucible of the Dead).
P.S.: I know that some outstanding personalities are able to do 3 runs on one set of 4 blessings +Vanguard. This is possible, but very hard, so I won’t recommend it to majority of players. If you feel you’re pro in this game, go for it
Categories are very nominal, as all these builds breeze through crucible. New standard is under 12 min run on 4 blessings, no banners.
Full Metal Tanks
1-5. Forcewave Squadron.
If you ask me what is the best skill in the game, I’ll easily answer: this. So hold on tight, kids, the cavalry’s here!
Elemental forcewave tactician by Superfluff [updated for]
https://www.grimtools.com/calc/a2d5o1QV [my version]
Superfluff loves to play fragile builds! Luckily, this one can be easily changed into carefree tank, what I did in my version and still 11 min clear on 4 blessings. Nearly doubling effective hitpoints, but losing like 5% damage? Yes, please! Unless you’re after every single bit of damage ofc!Note that like in all forcewave builds “of Insight” suffix helps a lot with mana sustain.
Fire forcewave tactician by Autentist [updated for]
https://www.grimtools.com/calc/RVvKGdzZ [my new version]
[] update: Still great as expected, 11 min on 4 blessings. I optimized my version, now it’s better than ever! Note that like in all forcewave builds “of Insight” suffix helps a lot with mana sustain. -
Fire forcewave commando by Zhuugus [updated for]
2H forcewave commando is best commando! Seriously, this is 11 min on 4 blessings, which is far better than any other commando type I know. I even deleted my kiting dot commando, cause nobody needs his 20min runs now and sorcerer or purifier are a lot better at being burn casters. -
Physical forcewave witchblade by MortalKombat [updated for]
https://www.grimtools.com/calc/gZwgqgbZ [my version]
One of the first forcewave builds I’ve played back in the day, with proper adjustments still excellent. 12 min on 4 blessings in Crucible of the Dead. -
Physical forcewave death knight by Zhuugus [updated for]
I’ve made this based on my version of MortalKombat’s build right above. Just because DK also has physical RR, just like Occultist, and we all know this game is based around RR. 12 min on 4 blessings in Crucible of the Dead.
S&B death knight by Zhuugus [updated for]
https://www.grimtools.com/calc/pZrr4G0Z [new version]
After the DA nerf DK can now be more offensive and feel absolutely comfortable with it cause monsters were nerfed too. 12min is the new clearing time with 4 buffs (in Crucible of the Dead). Waves 160 and 170 are now not meant to be facetankable 100% of the time, kite a bit when you face nasty stuff like Reaper+Aleks+Maiden+Fabius. -
Vitality Blood Knight DK by Superfluff [updated for]
https://www.grimtools.com/calc/aZqKX0m2 [my version]
Here comes the new set! Death Knights received a third very strong build for lategame (in addition to Krieg and phys forcewave). This outheals tons of damage, Counter Strike is doing wonders. But I still find my version with more DA better - just to play safe and don’t worry about anything. 12 min on 4 blessings in Crucible of the Dead.
Beefy Casters
1-4. RoH Division.
If there is a spell in this game that can rival Forcewave it is Rune of Hagarrad. It is so good because it shotguns: all its projectiles can hit the same target. That means it is literally a nuclear bomb!
DW RoH cold Infiltrator by Crabcakes [updated for]
This is a caster. A melee fighting, dual-wield, in-your-face caster. Rune of Hagarrad explodes like a nuclear bomb and kills nearly everything and what doesn’t die immediately rots from our frostburn radiation. 11 min runs. Pretty easy to get the gear. From grimtools’ stats you may think he has too much DA, but no, DA there is with temporary buffs, average DA is a lot lower. -
DW RoH cold Infiltrator by Ptirodaktill [updated for]
I’ve already had the concept of cold RoH infiltrator here, but this one has another approach: gear, devotions, etc. This concept is simply so strong that I felt it definitely should be here. Under 10 min on 4 blessings even NOT in crucible of the dead. Great players can achieve exceptional times with it, others will also have fun for sure cause it’s easy to pilot. -
DW RoH fire purifier by x1x1x1x2 [updated for]
https://www.grimtools.com/calc/Q2zXRr9Z [my version]
Double Warpfire for total cold to fire conversion. Neat, huh! So it is a full conversion build, plus it uses Rune of Kalastor too. In my version I added DA as always, but also invested in such skills as Flashbang and Biting Cold for -500 enemy DA. The criteria is matched easily - under 12 min on 4 blessings even not in Crucible of the Dead.
Edit: DA debuffs from Flashbang and Biting Cold don’t stack, so I put points into Rune of Kalastor instead. -
DW RoH cold Infiltrator by Zhuugus [updated for]
This is my own RoH build. The point of making it was finding a place for Rimetongue set. I thought it could raise saboteur class from non-existense, but no. This set adds zero points to RoH, but as RoH has immense power its all right. Basically, it shows you don’t need a full set at all to rock with RoH.
Under 12 min on 4 blessings even not in Crucible of the Dead.
Cataclysm elemental vindicator by Chthon [updated for]
https://www.grimtools.com/calc/O2GpP4JV [my version for 150-170]
Chthon made his own cataclysm build. I liked his devotion and gear choices a lot, 100-150 took 20-22min. But still had to make adjustments for 150-170: these add you more OA, which fully compensates for the ring procs (even better if you ask me) and massive extra 600 DA, which is huge in crucible. This build finishes faster than Superfluff’s deceiver (which ended in the archive) - in 12 min on 4 blessings. -
Burn BWC purifier by blingi [updated for]
https://www.grimtools.com/calc/qNYDlzlZ [my version]
As the author didn’t bother to update the build after DA nerf, I did it myself. I changed a few things, so instead of having 5k DA that doesn’t work anymore (the effective cap is 3700), this now has a lot more damage and crits. Shield gives great phys res, DA stops at 3700, heals from pot and Word of Renewal are enough. Remember, this is a kiting build, do not facetank waves 160 and 170. I had no trouble even against double Reaper+Maiden+Fabius. Under 12 min. -
Physical mortar defiler by Zhuugus [updated for]
https://www.grimtools.com/calc/r2BOzJJV [new version]
I’ve had this dream for a long time: making a defiler for 150-170. Main problem was that defiler is probably the worst class in the game and is nearly unplayable. So you should imagine this is a very exotic build! I should thank Cmak414, because I took idea from his mortar purifier.
After DA was nerfed in [] this needed a reliable source of sustain. And I found one! I use Gladiator’s Distinction belt to convert all vitality from Scales of Ulcama devotion and Kilrian’s Soul component into physical so they can provide a good healing source. It works! I also made this much more damage-oriented, which definitely helped with clearing times. 12 min on 4 blessings, 10 min on 2 blessings + Vanguard banner. Since patch [] Mortar Trap has projectile speed increased by 33%, so now you are able to kite in circles around monsters and mortars won’t miss every shot anymore.
Remember that this is a defiler, leveling it is PITA, don’t even try it if you don’t already have all the items, particularly Beronath sword. In other words: absolutely new-player-unfriendly. But still, this sucking class that received zero love from devs with this particular build can be on par with the tough guys. Defilers still need massive support from devs, this one is pure exotic, it represents words “overcoming” and “despite” in GD. -
Aether spellbinder by Ptirodaktill [updated for]
This guy makes a glorious comeback! It was #1 caster in builds for 100-150, but when new waves came out in december 2017 it became a glass cannon. Piloting it before [] was a job for perfectionists and/or masochists. But now it is great for everyone once again! Author has a dozen versions of it, I chose this particular one because it has the most DA of them all and additional 15% phys res from the amulet - these help A LOT. Most of the time you will be casually facetanking using MoE and MoT, but there is one situation when things get complicated - double Reaper spawn. They build up their attack, so they can eventually oneshot you even through MoT. So do not tank them more than 5 sec of MoT and 3 sec of MoE, immediately kite afterwards and repeat only when these are recharged. 13 min with 3 blessings, and it means you can buy all four and finish under 12 min, thus you can do 150-170 twice on the same set of blessings! -
Radaggan vitality deceiver & cabalist by Superfluff [updated for]
Both guys here are very fast and strong, I can’t choose my favorite. The amount of life leech is amazing. The best way to pilot both is to buy all 4 blessings and go to Crucible of the Dead as this way you finish under 12 min, so you are able to do 2 runs on one set of blessings. We’ve got ourselves a new awesome set. -
Blood Knight bleed warder by Excelsiar [updated for]
Bleed incarnation of Blood Knight is a kiting DoT caster. Try to make bleed as many targets as possible and the huge bleed duration will take care of them while you run away in safety. This is also very fast, 12 min on 4 blessings in Crucible of the Dead, so you are able to do 2 runs on one set of blessings and not run out of tributes. Note that main attack is Cadence, Savagery should only be clicked once every few seconds just to maintain the OA/DA buff. -
PB vitality reaper by sir spanksalot [updated for]
This Reaper truly stands for his name: he reaps! Reaps everything and the carnage can’t but fill your heart with joy. The author has 2 variants, always choose the DPS one, it still has very good durability, plus offense is best defense! Under 11 min on 4 blessing even NOT in crucible of the dead. Bloody. Juicy. Fun. -
Vitality Ritualist by Weyu [updated for]
You know how I like 3,5k+ DA, right? Well, this one doesn’t need it, it’s healing through skills is enormous! And very fast too, 150-170 under 12 min on 4 blessings. As weapon-based builds are on the rise how (especially 2H ones), this one stands proud, defending caster’s glory.
Moar stuff in the next post!
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