Reasonably powerful builds

Leathery Hide in helmet seems like a misclick, it’s gotta be Living Armor there.

I am a new player and have a couple of questions:

1 - How do you view the constellations thru the grim calc links?

2 - Is the Necromancer used in any of these builds? It was not apparent.

  1. Cabalist and Death Knight are class combos with necro.
    Just serach for them on the first page. :wink:

Patch will make them much stronger from the sample changes alone. Especially terminator.

But yeah testing in 0.6 will be different and a lot easier. Idk if i’ll post another video. Both builds can do 10 minutes or under on a machine that doesn’t lag so new vid won’t be too substantial

My guess is Zhuugus wanted max stun and more hp. It’s not a perma overguard build.

Exactly. This is to have max stun res without overguard. I made this before DA builds appeared, capping stun res seemed really important back then :slight_smile:

Speaking about DA: 17 out of 30 builds in my 1st post don’t stack DA. I would definitely not call this DA meta.

Brykx answered this.
Besides Death Knight and Cabalist there is also Spellbinder.
Among these I definitely recommend Death Knight as it is by far most new player friendly.

Why are you so sure? PTH cap at 60% is 3900 DA as they say. Now I’m comfortable with DW builds at 4200 DA, but some nerf to crucible will happen also. Seems roughly the same to me at first glance.

Was talking about the two builds in question, terminator and boruuk. i’m sure becasue I know how I made the build:) Both have 3500 DA so DA thing does not affect them. With cruci nerfs and blessing buffs alone they will be even better. terminator is already a blast to play if you are aggressive and know how to. after 0’6 he’ll be even more beast.

As for DW huge disadvantage, I know all too well. Belgo DW with 4200-4500 crap was my first feedback on the whole DA conundrum in a thread of my own. I wanna play DW builds without bending over for DA and do some actual dmg instead of finishing by doing paper cuts while being nigh invincible… That is what I personally want of the next patch. And Belgo was not the only build that turned into a caricature of itself in crucible, there are many others. Just did a Poison ABB bile launcher build wit 3x stalwarts and 8x greens in 170…yay

And what Zantai gave was just a sample. Waiting for more stuff

I could be wrong but w/o stacking DA only DG WH and Korba Trickster can do 170. But it’ll be like Dark Souls i.e heavily dependent on the person piloting it.

don’t talk to me about korba the freak:D I know he can. He’s the exception that hardly makes the rule.

Hes got cold dmg (already better than belgo) and frostburn(no comment)

korba depends a lot on the map as well. Something sneezes at it you die. But at least he/she has the capability to out dps the situation (what JoV is also talking about in the DA thread)

trying to make Belgo work was a traumatic experience…

Behold, the new IT Tactician for Crucible after the patch. Destroys content and tanks it like no other, damn.

FINALLY, no MIs required. - with Blade Arc.

Cause Octavius, this set is amazing in all respects.

I think i used Kalastor medal for resists/IT dmg cause I had Spellscourge ammy for more cdr in crucible

Everyone and their mother wishes to be like CHAD Octavius.

I prefer the Sigil, cause of the Reflected Damage Reduction. With everything combined, I can accumulate up to 75% reduction, rendering those pesky Arcanists useless. THAT’S why I always go for the Oleron’s Rage route, not Conviction.

Having Trauma and Physical Damage on it is a nice bonus. If only the proc would work on 1H, though.

DW are in a very good spot right now I think.

DW spellninder - 13min clear
DW blademaster - 16min
DW trickster - 13min (with 4200DA it doesn’t die from sneezing, I facetanked 2 Reapers without much trouble)
DW infiltrator - 12min
DW purifier - 13min (not posted yet)
DW saboteur - 20min (not posted yet)
DW vindicator - 13min (not posted yet)
…and many more I have in mind

Times are average, I was focusing on safety, when pushing for records can be faster. Yes, most of them survive on DA and rely on high-rolled Ugdenbog daggers. But dw concept surely works now. Sometimes you have to know when to retreat and kite a bit, but overall I call them safe.
And I want devs not to screw this up! I want to keep enjoying my dw stuff, not bury it and press “F” to pay respect!

I;m pretty convinced classic flat dmg DW (melee) is pretty crap in comparison to other builds and so are other great fans of the style. Not tricks, spells, runes. Korba is a wild card if played at it’s rea potential (that 4.2K DA is not an exampe, I don’t even wanna think how that build looks:D )

Nice one :smiley:

I do hope its a joke

Is the double pistol gunslinger still a viable build?

If so, is there a current guide?

BM was chinese poison one. Yes, 16 min is pretty good for me, this is average time, it’s reliable and not many casters can do it faster.
Don’t compare these with your pierce one, they made pierce damage too shitty for it to be competitive.
DA hating again? please, stop it. This mechanic is exactly for dw melee builds. I don’t care what mechanics present in the game I must use to make build work.
Infiltrator is present in my 1st post, you can look at it. Rune only for DA shred, SS only for blink.
Purifier goes with 2 Ugdenbog daggers. Saboteur is strictly worse than purifier, but pretty viable, 20 min is a good time for many builds. Multipliers don’t bother me, never paying attention to them.
Vindicator - ugdenbog daggers again + many storm totems.
I saw your SS reaper, i was going to test it, but postponed it to the times after the patch hits.

Why is it so? I listed times for dw builds that are comparable or even better than whose than almighty casters have. The only downside is gear dependancy for most of them. And relying on DA - but I refuse to consider that a downside, my poisition is than stacking DA is not worse than stacking resists.

Indeed, I phrased that incorrectly. What I meant is than from my personal experience with non-shielded melee builds, dw in particular - they can be just as good as casters. They just have to stack DA to do so. I don’t even consider that a price to pay. But I know some people have irrational hatred to DA even in the cases where it is absolutely needed.
Btw, I liked your message to Zantai very much, it was one of few voices of logic and rationality in that thread.

Until wave 150 - sure. After wave 150 these builds now survive if they can stack 4k+ DA. Many people now turned into DA haters and thanks to them devs decided to nerf DA mechanic. If devs give us enough compensation for the nerfs then these builds will still be viable, we’ll see in next patch. Until then these is no reason to test these, too much will change.

Many people now turned into DA haters and thanks to them devs decided to nerf DA mechanic.

That´s wrong. Read Zantai´s postings.

Since …AoM? Cause 3k hours I played before that it wasn’t. It was enough to have high enough DA not to be crit (including debuffs) not high enough not to be hit at all and do horrendous dmg. (i’m talking straight up DW melee auto attack, so not debating that list you compiled)

I don’t hate DA, just love DW and what they represent, offense is their defense, ideally

AoM brought in new players, and new needs for builds especially after crucible 170. So I can understand why lots of players are convinced the DA thing is perfectly normal and all builds function the way they are meant to.

First time I was called a hater here lol. BTW crate gives not shit about these haters. All they need to do is check out the build thread;)

Until wave 150 - sure. After wave 150 these builds now survive if they can stack 4k+ DA. Many people now turned into DA haters and thanks to them devs decided to nerf DA mechanic. If devs give us enough compensation for the nerfs then these builds will still be viable, we’ll see in next patch. Until then these is no reason to test these, too much will change.

I just remembered poison meta in PoE. You know, these mines with Bladefail tuned to 3million DPS. After playing one i deleted the game and couldn’t touch it for months. Such cheap tricks are fun for short time but gets boring fast and put a lot of pressure - why do you play ARPG if you know how to win from the start? What the point in difficult content if you can one-shot anyone with one skill and be unvulnerable at the same time? that’s just a waste of time for a shitty game.