Regarding meat types and hunters

My hunters kills wolves and of course take the meat but, they do not take the meat of boars
I recently saw a bear, do hunters collect that meat? Boar meat is a logical choice to gather so why aren’t they doing it?
In my current map, deers are far, far away from the setlement, and also there are constant wolves attacks. In such inclement weather and with very low food, any meat should be gathered and used, in my opinion so, is this a bug or intended? Any ideas?

You can make your hunters attack the boar manually. It’s the only way to hunt them.

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I had done it, thanks, my question is why they do not use the meat for food

I have noticed this as well. I can’t tell for certain if the hunters are harvesting the boar carcass. I am 75% sure they are, since the hunter goes over to the carcass and it disappears, but considering that I’m not seeing a jump in meat production even after killing ~4 boar a year I’ve got that 25% of doubt.

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They should. My hunters will harvest any boar they kill, otherwise I just manually make them do it.

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Can confirm they slaughter the boar.

You can see in the image the guy has 3/4 boar carcasses in his cabin, and I followed him and watched him butcher them. It took him a while due to his limit on how much meat he can handle but I was glad to see that I can rely on a nest of boars near me for a decent amount of meat.


I think it’s maybe a bug because today, they picked the boar meat but left some deers -.-
I think it happened because they killed the deers while I moved them exploring, and not in their hunting zone
Anyway, it’s good to know how it works, thanks

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As they can only carry one carcass at a time and pick a random one to drag home, you may have just missed that he goes out afterwards to collect the boar carcass, which also usually happens before they start butchering.

Typically I see them collect all carcasses before starting to butcher any of them - though just one at a time - as the carcasses vanish quite quickly if they are just lying around outside.

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