[REL] Grim Dawn - Plus[Update 8]

Can you perhaps uploads some screenshots of the new locations?

yeah i can post a few, there are also 2 secret locations and side areas to find in the normal maps.

I will try this when i have some spare time it looks good :smiley:

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Report two bugs:

  1. When the ferry passed back, the character fell into the water and could not go ashore.

  2. After entering the cave, the character is stuck here and cannot move.

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Feels great to explore again. There are ways to improve this:

  1. Too much running around empty lands. more mobs spawnpoints or less locations.
  2. a lot of invisible walls. espesially in first dungeon.
  3. I got quest to kill chtonic boss after I killed him. So I guess there is an error with portal order direction.
  4. create NPC who would say that this point is the end of Isles. It is not clear when you finish. Is Forgotten Isles Outskirts the last location? If so then should create two-way portal to devils crossing and back.
  5. Why forbid to use rift?

The idea behind is great I love it. There are also unfinished locations without mobs which can be accessed. I hope you’ll finish it someday.

Overall it feels like Shattered Realm with more chtonics, chests all around and running running. You should create some ways to teleport. because running all the way around is very time consuming. Took about 3-4 hours to explore all I could.

Who is Fury? :smile:

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Hello everyone, it has been a while but in the meantime i have taken the time to start a fresh project called Grim Dawn Plus, The Forgotten Isles has been added to this project.
i have read the messages and reports of people here and i have decided to remove some areas from the mod entirely(few caused an issue with pathing), the pathway through teleporting has been adjusted, Teleporting has been allowed on all maps, World and everything else freshly built on update v1.1.9.5.

Quest has been removed until final content has been added, at which point Quests line will be added with new areas for them.

[See first post for updated info and download].

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The focus of the mod is certainly with Shattered Realms in mind, to offer similar content and all that, i have actually no idea who Fury is XD.

This portal is not working. (unfortunately, there is no area name for each parcel)

This portal and others have been removed already in new updates.

Your pictures are from old build.

Grim Dawn Plus(v1.1.9.5) - Update 2: 367.29 MB file on MEGA

The portal is not working because the map that it was linked to has a new portal on another location. ( and besides as i said it doesn’t exist anymore, and all teleports are checked and working (part of this update was to remove the map that it was linked to and it’s now in a new place), Update 3 is already built, and it comes without those portals completely. so for better explanation the content that the portal is linked to is actually in the game and in the mod just not by this portal anymore.

Edit: the names of maps are gone on purpose because they will be added once all content of the mod has been added and that won’t be until final version release.

Here is a screen showing that the portal is already gone, and also there are rocks missing by you from top left side, that’s what i mean with old build(i can see it from your minimap).

OK! Hope to play to the final version as soon as possible.

Doing my best to bring it as fast as i can ! :3

When moving to the hagrate island, you appear under the boat.

I have to try this when i have time. Kinda scraped for time at the moment with work etc… But will most def give it a swirl in my free time.

I played a bit of the mod, I really like the idea of the new gauntliet-eque areas and removing the level cap. I didn’t really enjoy getting 18 devotion points per shrine, that threw off the balance of everything and made me a god too quick. Would you ever consider making a version where it’s just 3 or 2 points per shrine?

Hi there.
Nightblades shadowe strike doesnt work. He disappears but wont teleport or hit the target. Instead he stays where he is and only reappears if the target dies. But the Nightblade sounds like he is walking.

Unfortunately i have lost access to my GrimReaper account, so i made a new account here.

About the project:

This has been a starting point for a larger project and it is called Open Grim Dawn, i have been developing it all this time, only downside is that it’s not running on latest update of the game(for development reasons).

The Grim Dawn Plus project is inside of it and the world map area containing the base game has been expanded with a new island that connects to the original game map from all sides, Devils Crossing has been added inside the island as a new starting location, the standard gateways of the base game have been moved to the new island with teleporters that connect to the original paths the piece of land would bring you to (chunks holding base game gateways have been replaced with an empty piece of land containing an teleporter) this has all been done so that the flow of gateways and teleporting of the original game stays intact while traversing a new land and exploring it, the land connects all the way to the malmouth dlc and towards the end of base game to the Necropolis and in the middle it’s connected to the mountain areas of Arkovia.
all base game land are there nothing ripped, only thing that has been ripped are some endless dungeon maps to make space for the island.

Much work has been done so far and i am reaching finish line soon, whole Malmouth DLC city + slums have been remade (many city houses removed and in place new enemies and areas improved with corpses and cult influence) keeping the flow of the levels intact. Entire slums have been remade and houses redone with different textures. more info and pictures of the project will be posted at it’s new Forum post that will be posted here once ready. EDIT: [REL] Open Grim Dawn Project

The Island is called Chthonian Underworld and the land reflects the darkness of Chthonian’s. It’s a open map so unllike the normal maps of Grim Dawn and as open as possible to explore.

It’s a good idea, the balance is pretty tricky to get right, it needs a lot of testing so maybe in the future