[REL] Grim UI

ok, if i knew i would :frowning_face: maybe if one day you feel like it

Hi. Any news when we will get the malmouth anf fg themes for hoarder and strategist? I am playing dawn of masteries and I would kill to have malmouth theme everywhere again :slight_smile:


Welcome to the forums and thank you for using my mods! I’m slowly making progress, but I have no ETA, sorry.

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No worries. Take your time. Happy that the project is not abandoned :smiley:


Little input from someone who considers Grim UI an essential mod:

After many hours using the new Hoarder version, I’ve come to the conclusion that “classic” Grim UI is the best balance/fair without being absurd etc…

(PLEASE don’t allow the classic version to break JMD!!)


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Thank you, sir! I value your opinion and will keep it updated.

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No updates to the themes or mods were necessary for the patch.


Hey there JMD, you’ve made an awesome mod here! I am working on a mod myself, and I was hoping that perhaps I could use your hoarder mod files to increase the available inventory and storage space in my mod (which of course I would fully credit you for :slight_smile: ) but I don’t actually know how I would go about combining your mod files with mine. Would you know how to do that?


Hello and thank you!

Yes, you can absolutely use the files.

In order to access the database (.arz) files from the Hoarder mod, you need to extract them. The ArchiveTool.exe is the way to do that. Once you’ve extracted them, it’s a just matter of adding those files to your mod.

As far as the texture (.arc) files are concerned, you don’t need to extract them. Just add the .arc file to your mod’s resources folder.

In the event you only want the inventory and storage space files (as you mentioned), you can extract the .arc file and use only those specific texture files. Instead of re-packing them into another .arc file, you can add them to your settings folder. Make sure you preserve the directory structure of the .arc file.

For the inventory and storage space features only: :crossed_fingers:

  • arz

  • arc
    misc\caravan and character prefixed files
    caravan prefixed file
    character prefixed hoarder files

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Awesome, thanks so much for the detailed advice! I just have one other question (I am seriously slow with this stuff lol) uh how do I use the ArchiveTool.exe? If I try to open it nothing happens. Do I need to do something special with it?

It is just a DOS program, and you need to add the relevant arc file path later.

No problem.

It’s a command line program and will require a .bat or .cmd file. Here’s a thread about it:

[Tutorial]Use the archive tool to uncompile *.arz and *.arc - Grim Dawn / Modding - Tutorials and Help - Crate Entertainment Forum

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Thanks, with assistance I managed to get the files extracted! I believe I got all of the .arz resources put into my mod correctly. It was pretty simple to just import them in their .dbr form into the proper places in my mod. However, I’m having a bit more trouble with the .arc assets. Just putting the .arc directly in my resources folder doesn’t work, as when I build the mod it removes it. I can extract the needed .tex files from that as well (as you suggested) and import them as sources, BUT the Asset Manager says it can’t auto-create assets for them. Since they aren’t actual assets, the mod can’t use them. I also tried directly putting the .tex folders into my mod’s assets folder but my mod just gave me a slew of errors saying that they weren’t properly imported assets. I’m so close - do you have any more advice on how to proceed from here?

Content to be integrated: …\mods\Grim_UI_X-Mod_Hoarder

Great, I’m glad you got them extracted!

Yeah, I see your problem and that’s my fault, so I apologize. I didn’t take into account that everytime you build your mod, you’d have to replace the .arc file. My advice is, you should just extract the .tex files I mentioned and put them in your “settings” folder.

Here’s the deal with the Asset Manager and the .arc file:

It’s looking for source files to create the assets and then, ultimately, the .tex files from. These would be .psd (or .tga) files, which is what you would Auto-Create Asset ► Bitmap with. Then the AM would be able compile an .arc file correctly.

The TexViewer.exe allows you to save a .tex file as a .psd, as well as other formats, for editing.

Alright. Yeah I tried manually saving each file as a .psd and then turned each of them into an asset .tex, which when I built no longer gave me any errors. However, in-game, nothing still shows up, or I should say the character sheet is invisible with weird colored squares all over lol. Where is this “settings” folder you mention? The only settings folder I can find is directly in my GD Directory, and not related to any of my mods. So adding anything there wouldn’t allow anyone else using my mod to also have the assets available I assume?

I’m not quite sure what you’re trying to show me here, sorry. I can directly put the .arc into my mods sources but it doesn’t do anything for my mod in itself, and I can’t create an asset out of it.

The missing textures are most likely due to an incorrect path issue. If you’re creating the .arc file, it has to be named Grim UI X-Mod.arc, otherwise, you will have to change each .dbr file’s texture path to that of what you are naming your .arc file.

I assume that the Settings folder you’re referring to is in ...Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn, correct? If so, you can use that or you can create one in Grim Dawn’s installation directory. If one already exists in GD’s installation folder, you must’ve created it. Whatever the case may be, you can use either one.

And yes, if you use the Settings folder, there are no assets available to share. You can, however, simply share those .tex files.

I did notice the other day that the paths weren’t right, but unfortunately setting them to the proper directory didn’t seem to do anything. I’m pretty stumped as to what else I can do at this point. To break it down, here’s what I’ve done and what I’ve got:

  1. I extracted both the .arz and .arc files from your mod.
  2. I placed all of the .drb files from the .arz you mentioned with “caravan” or “character” in their name into my database via the Asset Manager and the import button. I made sure to create the proper folders and subfolders for them to be located in.
  3. I converted the .tex files from the .arc into .psd using the TexViewer and then imported them into my sources. I then auto-created assets out of them. Note that I tried both bitmap and textures of each format and all final results were the same.

  4. I discovered that my new .tex files were in my Resources folder of my mod, and double-checked them in TexViewer to make sure they did indeed contain the images you created for your mod. They do indeed seem to be the proper images.
  5. I manually set the path of each .dbr file I imported to the proper .tex file from my resources. I used the little search button that lets you directly choose where to grab the image path from.
  6. That should be everything as far as I know, but when I build my mod (which at this point gives no errors) I still end up with this…

    Sorry for the large slew of pictures but I’m hoping that maybe if I lay everything I’m doing out on the table you might be able to see if I missed a step or got a step wrong. (Sorry I’m bugging you so much with this).
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Do you mean extract the files? Because if I just slap the .arc into my mod then building it immediately deletes the .arc. I have to import the files manually or my mod won’t save them. At least that has been my experience thus far.