[REL] Grim UI

Oh no, sir, no problems at all. Everything is fine with both versions.

What we’re talking about is the vendors buy/sell capacities are still at the default settings. @front210 wanted to increase the vendor’s buy capacity only, leaving their sell capacity default, to take advantage of the expanded inventory space. He wasn’t able to accomplish that, unfortunately.

In short, it’s nothing more than aesthetics.

Apologies for the alarm, sir.

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No updates to the themes or mods were necessary for the patch.

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Thanks for the head’s up JMD!

(AND for assuring me all is well with the Hoarder version :+1: -I’m OCD like a lot of ppl here ha)

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hi, is there an easy way to add your “Strategist” interface to another mod (Custom Game)?

You can try the method I described here LINK (back-up your saves beforehand)
The details are in the instruction but in short

  • make a special shortcut running Grim Dawn with /basemods argument

  • copy Grim UI X-Mod.arc to Grim Dawn / mods

  • copy Grim UI X-Mod.arz to Grim Dawn / mods and renamed it to database.arz


  • run the game from the shortcut (so it loads normal game with UI mod)
    and then you go to Custom game and run the 2nd mod

  • can reverse the mod order if needed for some reason

I’ve tested it and it worked - I ran my small mod turning off sounds of WoR and PB on top of this UI mod.


hi, sorry if I still disturb you, do you know if there is a way to enlarge the font or DPI interface, without having to enlarge everything? because with your mod if I turn everything up, things remain off the screen (I attach photos)

Normal 2022-02-15 12_48_30-Greenshot|690x388
Enlarged 2022-02-15 12_49_18-Greenshot|690x388

Sorry, I don’t know of any other way.

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No updates to the themes or mods were necessary for the patch.

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Hi, otherwise to solve we could reduce the inventory space in the backpack by one line?
Sample 2022-02-18 18_16_58-Greenshot|690x388

Yes, I suppose that would work but, it’s not something I’m going to do. You’re more than welcome to make those changes yourself though.

ok, if i knew i would :frowning_face: maybe if one day you feel like it

Hi. Any news when we will get the malmouth anf fg themes for hoarder and strategist? I am playing dawn of masteries and I would kill to have malmouth theme everywhere again :slight_smile:


Welcome to the forums and thank you for using my mods! I’m slowly making progress, but I have no ETA, sorry.

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No worries. Take your time. Happy that the project is not abandoned :smiley:


Little input from someone who considers Grim UI an essential mod:

After many hours using the new Hoarder version, I’ve come to the conclusion that “classic” Grim UI is the best balance/fair without being absurd etc…

(PLEASE don’t allow the classic version to break JMD!!)


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Thank you, sir! I value your opinion and will keep it updated.

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No updates to the themes or mods were necessary for the patch.


Hey there JMD, you’ve made an awesome mod here! I am working on a mod myself, and I was hoping that perhaps I could use your hoarder mod files to increase the available inventory and storage space in my mod (which of course I would fully credit you for :slight_smile: ) but I don’t actually know how I would go about combining your mod files with mine. Would you know how to do that?


Hello and thank you!

Yes, you can absolutely use the files.

In order to access the database (.arz) files from the Hoarder mod, you need to extract them. The ArchiveTool.exe is the way to do that. Once you’ve extracted them, it’s a just matter of adding those files to your mod.

As far as the texture (.arc) files are concerned, you don’t need to extract them. Just add the .arc file to your mod’s resources folder.

In the event you only want the inventory and storage space files (as you mentioned), you can extract the .arc file and use only those specific texture files. Instead of re-packing them into another .arc file, you can add them to your settings folder. Make sure you preserve the directory structure of the .arc file.

For the inventory and storage space features only: :crossed_fingers:

  • arz

  • arc
    misc\caravan and character prefixed files
    caravan prefixed file
    character prefixed hoarder files

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Awesome, thanks so much for the detailed advice! I just have one other question (I am seriously slow with this stuff lol) uh how do I use the ArchiveTool.exe? If I try to open it nothing happens. Do I need to do something special with it?