[REL] Grimarillion v90d

does anyone experience crashes from time to time ? i tried ro reintall the game and the mod, my last char was BARBARIAN + ARCANIST

Try turning off auto tooltips in the settings if you haven’t already.

If you’re using grimmest try turning it all off.

Also try playing without Grim internals and rainbow filter if you’re using them, just to be sure there’s nothing else at play.

If it still crashes even with all these changes, try changing your items, if you’re using any items with autocast skills use items without them.

If it still crashes, just try another class combo, vanilla classes would be most stable.

The truth is this issue has been around for years and there’s really no way for us to find or fix whatever causes this issue.

i see i see ty u for the answer i will test it all :slight_smile: ty u man

A couple of Runes with tag not found on them.


Replace the following language pack to solve the problem:
text_en.zip (328.9 KB)

Unzip the in the compressed package text_en.arc to …\mods\GrimArilLion\resources
Overwrite a file with the same name.

Add two missing TXT texts.

thanks, it fix the problem! :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:

There is a 2h axe called mythical bastion revered or something like that, that is crashing my game whenever i try to scroll over it to sell or just try and see the name of the item. I can’t move it or sell it fast enough and the game goes black. I’ll try and post a pic if i can get it up long enough not to go black screen again

Screen goes black and game goes to Grim dawn not responding in windows task manager anything i can do fix this would be great.

Grim Dawn (gyazo.com)

I hope that helps

Update I was able to use GD Stash to delete item, but if it is a glitched item it might happen again, wow the GD Stack and just make items out of thin air lol

Thanks for the report, it should be fixed in a later update.

I read a post online about delete items that are problems with GD Stash, question though are there some items in grillarillion that won’t show up in it? Still can’t see or get a drop for the Illidan Warglaives, there is not for it in GD Stash Data base too.

Thanks for the great mod!

Edit actually it shows up after some digging around as Hendl Stormrage’s Divider of azzinoth, so i back to farming roguelikes for my sword i want to get the drop fair lol

So i tested all ur tipps and it was definitly the TOOLTIP that leads to the crashes :slight_smile:

Edit : 240hrz resolution can also lead to crash

I dont know is it correct, but the skill Redemption in the Champion class works wrong. Description says, that Redemption activates when health drops below 100%, but it stays active all the time and every 5 secs trying to restore HP. Also it is not reserving energy. Conviction has the same problem - it is not reserving energy and i can’t say is it works or not (I mean -%res to nearby enemies)

If you drop below 100%, the buff activates for 5 seconds. You’re always 100% HP or below (you can’t go over 100% HP), so the buff constantly reapplies every 5 seconds. It works as intended.

Conviction needs a tool tip update, it only triggers when you are hit.

As for the reserves, they were meant to be removed but I forgot. Redemption is technically a passive I guess so it can’t apply a reserve, and Conviction isn’t a buff or a passive so the reserve wouldn’t work anyway.

Oh, thanks. :+1:

When updating from playing v80 what is the best way to avoid losing all my stuff in my bank’s shared stash tabs? Should I take everything out and stash them on mules? I like using Steam Cloud saving since I use several computers so I don’t use GrimStash or Item Assistant.

Also does Grimarillion v81 include the latest version of Shattered Affixes? It was updated to version 2.17 on 19Jun2021 (after Grimarillion v80 was released but before v81).

Thank you for all your hard work on this mod. Incorporating Shattered Affixes really helps make this my favorite Grim Dawn mod.

The SA version isn’t the most up to date one, but it is newer than the one from Jun 19 I think.

The stuff in your bank tabs should be fine, the only issue with the new UI is the player’s primary bag is much smaller than before, and even then it’s not game breaking, just tedium.

Is matougi releasing an updated rainbow file or should the old one still work? Thanks for your response and this GREAT mod.

Is Conviction up all the time when I get hit or is it only up for 5 secs every time redemption is up?

Having a blast with the mod but I’m getting quite a few “tag not found errors”. I tried using the rainbow tool and followed the instructions with the localization file but it caused even more tag errors so I reverted to not using rainbow and putting it back on U.S English but there are still quite a few errors, mainly in the custom vendors.

Is there a fix I’m missing? Cheers.

look up about 13 posts - there is a fix for it with file “text_en” :slightly_smiling_face:

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