[REL] Grimarillion v90d

what makes a skill a celestial power, the template ?

I assume this issue only exists if the skill itself refers to the celestial power directly in its definition, not when you attach one to the skill and it gets triggered that way. Is that correct ?

I did some more testing and it seems to be any skill with a built-in celestial power of any kind. Many custom classes use these for various effects.

Still not sure what you think makes a skill a celestial power… the fact that it is triggered by an autoCastSkill entry ?

In general this sounds somewhat like a GD issue more than a mod issue as many item skills use that approach and do not seem to have an issue - or need fixing as well…

The skills have a blue icon and list the celestial power in the description. This screenshot is from another mod, but it’s the same.

Hi guys.
So Spirit’s skills, “spirit ward”, gives +% health to me+pets when I’m on low health.
So, a question.
Does it increase my… Max hp? or does it just give me “+% health restored” like most Curcuit breakers do?
And if it’s Max-HP, what’s the point of having + to max HP for 5 seconds?

While your health is below this threshold, the buff remains active.

If I have less than 66% HP - how does it help that my max hp is 4% bigger? I need more hp now, not when I’m… at full health. That’s why I don’t get this skill.

As I understand it you get a temporary hp boost for the duration of the ability, which can help you survive until for example your potion cooldown is ready again.

OOOOOk thanks! that makes sense… =]
Like, really. heh.

Guys, how is it that I can dual wield melee?
I’m a deceiver with no special items (no blues\relics). Why is it possible?

I think it’s because there are some base dual wield skills implemented for all characters (you can see them if you open one of your characters with Defiler and check the skills tab).

That’s sharp!
Zenith has universal skills. Amongst other things, lets you dual melee+ranged.
But… why? is this intentional? Doesn’t it make masteries which enable that kinda redundant?

Obviously it’s intentional. You don’t make that change accidentally.

As for redundant… how would it be? You still get tons of other bonuses from skills and items that enable it.

Redundancy = so minimal it really doesn’t matter

I get what you’re sayin’.
It’s just that now new builds are open, those who can wield 2 uniques dual-wielded, which maybe weren’t intended to be possible if you’re not using the specific unquisitor\nightblade masteries. That maybe damages the balance.
Moreover, lets all other masteries enjoy the damage-amplifying ability of dual-wielding.
I’m not saying it’s a broken feature - just thinking if it was done with haste because it’s “cool”, or it was a thorough desicion of “it just doesn’t make sense to not let people use dual wielding. They can… they just won’t benefit from it as much as others do. the ‘clumsy’ way. Such as other RPG’s like skyrim”

Well, it’s a mod - that’s what mods often do. Change shit up to how the modder wants them to be.

And anyway, I believe Zenith was Ceno’s mod. He doesn’t tend to make changes like that to be cool.


I’m not sure what Ceno’s reasoning is, but I’d imagine it’s something like this. How hard is it to hold two swords and attack an enemy with them, one at a time? Not very. As you said, you will wield them clumsily, but you can wield them. It really doesn’t provide a monstrous benefit, it’s for fun, play the dual wielding melee arcanist/occultist you always wanted to.

Just enjoy it, it’s not breaking the game whatsoever.

@Grimer Do you plan to change the D3 skills that have innate autocast skills to fix this issue ?
If yes I can make a fix for the barbarian.
I am not playing MP so I can’t really test this but it seems a huge bug in MP.

Hold on to your Dookie. It’s about to get SPOOKY! :jack_o_lantern:

Custom Class List wont display V72

Tried both using grim internals and not using internals… still no display, made sure to put the Grimarillio_Full Folder into mods folder…

Edit: Okay fixed it by renaming Grimarillion_Full into Grimarillion , for some reason I didnt think the _Full would make a difference… Would you be able to remove Full From future uploads to prevent the issue in the future…

Maybe, maybe not. Lots of work goes into making the mod and packing it for every update, chances are something gets forgotten.

If you follow the instruction listed in the OP, you should never have a problem. The folder must always be named Grimarillion. Whether or not it is changed on my uploaded version doesn’t matter, I change the name to differentiate between different sources when I upload since I do have a few to sort through sometimes. (full version vs update versions)