[REL] Grimarillion v90d

I believe the reference is to AssetManager.exe in the GD install dir

well… once you extract the .arz you can edit the item stats

Only time I ‘cheated’ with Grimarillion using GD Stash was crafting like 1-2 items with +1 Earth Mastery and a specific pet bonus after doing 60+ crafts at the satyr blacksmith and only getting 1 or the other. Rest of the gear is just plain Grim Dawn gear or easily crafted Satyr gear that is already listed by default.

Ouch, that’s not good…
So basically, for a beginner, I can only use already-in-game gear and modify that?
I do not want to ‘delete’ or overwrite stuff… :frowning:
That would be silly…

Assetmanager, now that I have.
Thank you.
I was actually looking for an Artmanager. :slight_smile:

The idea is not to cheat, but to add items for classes/skills that are not yet supported.
As I mentioned, some classes are truly well supported with gear, some then not at all.
The truly well supported ones I want to leave alone, and add ‘new stuff’ (being it an actually unused yet item (those level 0 ones which are not ingame) or duplicated and altered gear from ingame).
I’ve been looking around in GDStash, and I saw a ton of added skills (the red ones).

Obviously this is not Fallout, TES, or even Freelancer (yes that space game, I was one of the modders for Freeworlds, the Star Wars TC).
And obviously, the tools here are quite a wee different, but, who does not try… :wink:

Pretty sure i wasn’t able to find any regular gear that Supported Earth (Geomancer) mastery, mostly just 3 pieces of Satyr crafted gear with +1 to all skills and using GD Stash to ‘craft’ a medal with +1 Earth mastery and a pet bonus. Then again is was hard to find the right gear when the full Shepherd of Lost Souls set was needed.


Idea: could we make a list of the “forgotten classes and skills”, and I’ll see what I can come up with?
This means all masteries/skills that have no support from gear…


Ok, i get it, its supposed to be hard but legit on the bridge legit the first group of enemys not only has like 10 enemies but ALL of them one shot me. I havent even been able to get a attack off, how the !@$@% is this playable, please help i want the extra classes but it dont matter cause i cant get past first enemy…yet alone all 10.

At first you gotta take it slow, you can’t just rush those enemies on the bridge. Wait for the Devil’s Crossing guards to damage them and kill them if you have to.

Death is a normal part of Grimarillion, it’s really not a mod designed around hardcore.

What he said.
Lure, kill, lure, kill…

Oh, and do not toggle Hardcore if you like to survive the first group but fail for whatever reason so you got to recreate a character, unless, like me, you ARE a hardcore idiot…

Number 73 is coming up now.
Not even got to the second passage with this one…

What are you talking about? There is no softcore option.

Of course there is. When you choose the mod you still have the option to choose Normal/Veteran/Hardcore as far as I’m aware. Been a while since I’ve been able to play it, but that should be the case. So if you just use the default Normal when you die, you’ll be resurrected as in the base game. That is softcore. Hardcore means if you die, that’s it for that character, won’t be resurrected and can’t be played anymore unless you edit with a character editor.

Ofcourse there is, good Sir!!!
It runs when you game without the hardcore box checked. :slight_smile:

Softcore: box unchecked.
Hardcore: box checked.

There is, however, no “extra-soft game mode”, that is, obviously, quite a different thing.

Of course there is, good Sir!!!
It’s called Ungrim

My sincere apologies.

This error proves once more I am still a noob!

On a totally mod-unrelated side note:
Happy Holidays everyone!!!
May all the best life could ever offer, be on your path, evermore!
And then some.

For this, I pray.

Well, I wouldn’t call ungrim extra-softcore mode. Ungrim is where I forcibly stripped grimmest assets using a script. So… it’s vanilla spawns, or should be close to it.

In comparison to Grimmest it is softcore)))

Grimarillion 0.62a:

2h primal strike Shaman as main class, looking for an excellent defense combo whats a good synergy

I bet Champion would work really well with that.

First off, a quick bug report. The D3 Necromancer blood golem transmuter causes a crash to desktop. It seems the author fixed a similar bug with the Wizard hydra transmuter, but I didn’t see this one on the list. I will report the bug there as well. Also, there was a big update to the D3 masteries recently that quashed several bugs and also changed the D3 Necromancer pet display to mimic the vanilla necro (a hud icon) which is a big QoL improvement since the 12 pets really clutter the pet display area in the current version.

Edit: Author posted a fix for this bug in his Update 3 of version 2.5.

Second, a few suggestions for the GQ masteries.

I adore the recent changes you made to Spirit! I’ve been playing this mod compilation for a long time and Spirit has been my favorite mastery. The recent changes to the auras were very well thought out and work well. The thing that still feels missing in Spirit is some type of closing skill for the skeletons. The speed boost from Relentless Evil is noticeable at high ranks, but I think a non-damaging charge ability would work better, similar to the skill the vanilla necro skeletons use. Perhaps reduce the rank level for relentless evil to 12 and place the charge skill at 8/12? Improved ranks decrease the skill recharge (starting at 4 seconds then reducing 0.5 each rank to 2 seconds at 12/12).

In Nature, the Nymph could use a bit more move speed and attack speed. For move speed, she lags behind by several meters which causes her to engage late. For attack speed, because she engages late, she frequently targets a mob that is nearly dead and ends up wasting an animation when the mob dies before she attacks. This pattern then continues throughout non-boss fights. For Kodama, is it possible to make him also target pets for healing? At higher levels the wolves and other pets will often take a beating and having the Accelerated Growth proc help heal them up would be a nice QoL addition. As it is now, Dissemination and Accelerated Growth don’t help much with pets because I don’t take enough damage to cause Kodama to heal me.

Can someone take a look at the quest i think its called ( can’t leave them) in the flesh works, it is where you have to blow up the place, there is nothing to click on to blow it up so you are forced to port back to town and go back if you haven’t killed the last boss, thanks for a wonderful grim dawn mod, I Love It.

I feel the game in standard rates is very slow. I would like to play this mod and have increased xp rates. I played some smash & grab mod, and that was alot of fun. Was wondering if theres any tinkering i could do myself to increase the xp rates for this mod pack? Thanks in advance.