[REL]The Judicator

As some of you may or may not have heard from a certain someone, I’ve created lightning focused mastery, a highlight of which, would be a certain chain lightning skill.

What to expect?

Not much, all the skill icons are recycled from GD, all the sounds, the visual fx I have made a handful of edits but they’re all mostly stuff that already has existed and changed. That said, there wasn’t much that NEEDED to be done to get this mastery to work as intended. I mean, we already have tons of lightning effects in the game, I don’t need to reinvent the wheel.

A grand total of 31 skills, including transmuters. A mirror mastery to Arcanist, this magic user is similar as it is nearly purely offensive, with a different shield, some health regen, no invulnerabilty and less CC. The class should provide options to at least 4 builds that focus on lightning damage, all which can cater to different playstyles.

What this doesn’t include (yet) is custom skill art, custom sounds, custom class selection art, etc. You will feel like you are still playing Grim Dawn when you play this mod, hopefully.

Anyway, this is a “minimod”, as it will be part of a larger mod (asylumsmod2.0!!! lol)when I make the other masteries eventually, but this specific class was expedited. I’ll be back to Grim Quest after this.

Here are a few teasers:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osqZrMqKNZU&feature=youtu.be(credit goes to sfbistimg for the clip)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZY3FjXF_Mc(credit goes to sfbistimg for the clip)

And here is the download:

*Edit 1: Fixed a bug that was causing Voltaic Barrier’s projectiles to collide with enemy projectiles.

Attachment: GD_1.0.04_filesizes.jpg

[Obligatory question about merging which you’ll be asked 20 million times]

Nicely done, ASYLUM! Looking forward to giving this a try!

That’s a minimod? Looks really good :wink:
I’ll give it a try tomorrow.

Asylumsmod ? Man, we so need more mastery slots :slight_smile:

Aw yiss. We don’t have enough lightning spells around the block, it’s good to have things like this.

enemy projectiles destroy voltaic barrier orbs, which isn’t really an issue until you take the transmuter. is it possible for the transmuter to prevent orb destruction?

i’m confused by why there’s an arc, max targets, and a radius on thunderclap? seems like having a radius ignores the other two.

If I download the new version, will it still read my character correctly?

It should be fine, make a backup just in case though. I didn’t change any skills, that’s usually where the problem lies. Changing numbers/icons doesn’t usually cause a loss of skills.

Radius is for projectile attacks, arc+targets is for melee.

Fixed, thanks. Already reupped

Must have been the modifier that was hitting everything then. I take it if you hit three targets the mod will arc from each target? Will probably be op with dual wielding, but fun! :smiley:

Thanks! I assume you changed it for the base skill as well? Now that i think about it, it would be more of an issue for the base skill, because spamming it would basically make you immune to ranged attacks, haha.

This maybe a stupid question but considering I thought mods were the same as TQ but doesn’t look like it, how do I install this?
I was expecting to find a Folder in the zip file with name of the mod and inside that folder I was expecting to find 2 more folders Database and Resources and II was just going to extract it to the mods folder in install location however when I downloaded the zip it only have the following files:

So what do I do with these files to install the mod?

Did not yet try the mastery, but either you somehow did not extract the dirs or they are not there…

arz goes to database, arc to resources, all of it under mods in its own dir, choose a name :wink:

Huh wet to do what you said but turns out the dir were already there, just for some reason they didn’t show up in the WinRAR program but showed up when I unzipped it, weird…

I just downloaded the mastery and if I create a new character I can’t gain any XP and the level one xp bar is maxed out. It says maximum level has been met.

I dunno what you did but that’s not what happens for me when I use the download link. I get the folder within the zip, then the resources/database folders within that, etc etc.

No other reports of that so… no clue.

How did you install it?..

I just downloaded it, clicked open and those files are all I saw, doesn’t matter though because it extracts the files inside folders :weird:

…huh. Very strange. You must have a magical fairy doing all the lifting for you. :stuck_out_tongue: