[REL]The Judicator

Haha that I must :stuck_out_tongue:

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Same here…10chars

Just tested this and have not been able to reproduce. From my reading on this forum, I suspect DAIL hard-mod was applied and that is what is causing this issue. If Davood has not provided you with an uninstaller, you need to let steam re-download the normal game to play with other soft-mods.

I think voltic barrier is OP no energy cost until 3rd upgrade and you can have infinite of them running around you making it into an extremely fast proccer, plus it deals good damage as well

Yeah I haven’t had time to test til last night, there’s a couple skills that are on a much higher power level than intended. Tempest is another, and chain lightning probably can use some tweaking.

Don’t be too harsh on Voltic Barrier though make it so that you can only have 6/7 out at once and give it a 20-30 energy (for base skill and each upgrade) cost by max level maybe 50-60 at supermax depending on super max scaling
Tempest looks like its going to even out though.
Also are you able to make the mod into a bounce one so that I can use my items I have (started again) stored as the storage programs don’t have access to the custom stashes and there doesn’t seem to be anyway to access the custom stashes to replace

Tempest was not intended to have any electrocute damage, and the base damage starts off way too high. I’m going to drop the damage a bit but increase the scaling, it should even out but start at a level that isn’t over the top. I just play tested it at lower crossing last night and you can cast two Tempests to kill the Reanimator… lol.

Bounce - if you know how to do it I’ll upload it, but I don’t have the time to do it myself. As mentioned in the OP, this is just a minimod, the plan is to expand on the masteries with “asylumsmod” classes as well as some new/changed ones. (my demolitionist class from TQ is being scrapped for … obvious reasons, I think)

Awesome! I just gave it a quick spin this morning and the skill descriptions sound great. Also I never noticed until now, but the lightning sound effects are a little underwhelming.

I play with my game on mute and I had no feedback on that til now, so I didn’t notice but again, the mod uses all existing content sooo I think there is probably not much I can do about that.

Fair enough, maybe hold off till I beat the warden as taking on the slith boss below DC made me realise Temptest and Voltic Barrier might not be so OP so that I can give more feed back

Wouldn’t it be the same as in TQ?

Ok just killed the Warden, with and without using Tempest.
Indeed Tempest need to be toned down as you have suggested.
As for Voltic Barrier all that needs is an energy cost a 3rd of that of Calidors Tempest per upgrade, so that when all 3 upgrades is maxed it costs the same to spam as Calidors or maybe slightly more, but don’t limit the number of orbs you can achieve.
My reasoning for this as as follow, the damage each one does is actually really low and even placing something like Aetherfire on it, it still takes a fair amount of time to kill the Warden and I had to run (well teleport) away multiple times.
The other reason not to limit it beyond a similar energy cost to Calidors is because unlike Calidors 99% of the time you have to be kissing the enemies to actually hit them which places immense danger upon you.

If you want I can provide a video of a run through Wardens Lab or Cronley Hideout.

I didn’t know DAIL is hard-mod because I put DAIL in custom mod. All of my chars are custom only. I don’t play main campaign anymore because uhh you know…boring. Anyway, Justicator is in mods folder, created new char, named it judicator for the lazy, select judicator and veteran, got to lv 2 (supposed to level up) but exp bar stuck at 100%.

Thunder Dome is a pretty boring skill, add Aether Dome to it and it becomes extremely fun however it needs a damage buff especially on the aether damage, also I think the detonate is broken as it explodes but 80% of the time it deals no damage and it can’t be because of OA as the lightning bolts almost always hit

Can you confirm the file sizes on your system with those in attached image?

You need to restore database.arz in grimdawn\database to normal for non-DAIL mods to work properly.

Detonate is an iffy effect, I’m not sure why it doesn’t always work. Might be because the radius is smaller than it looks since I recycled the Calidor effects.

Thunder dome is just like an alternate version of the Shaman storm totem isn’t it? Instead of shooting chains it shoots bolts. My original idea for the skill was for it to be a skill line that works like it does now, but the second skill was meant to give attack speed but for some reason I couldn’t get it to work. I’m guessing it has something to do with the player scaling pet, or maybe the totem animations… shrug But yea the skill probably needs a lot of work. It went through a minor testing phase, most of the testing went to chain lightning, storm orb and arcane shell.

Fair enough

Well it you just wanted higher attack speed then totally get rid of detonate and buff the aether bolt to same as lightning bolt as the occurance of lightning strikes is doubled/tripled due to the replicating like ability you gave it (which is what makes it fun)

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I see Cornupocia 2 in my database (deleted). Resources look the same. I ran integrity check on Grim Dawn in Steam and fixed the file…now DAIL is not working so i downloaded the latest and installed…now everything works. It was weird though.