Request for 1.0

I love the game. I have a few improvement suggestions for 1.0

  • HiDPI icons in build menu (current ones look very 1995)

  • Fix collapse glitch on un-docked villager info screen (if storage section is collapsed, there is a transparent gap under the portrait)

  • While trying to place a building make the mouse perfectly still so when dragging map, rotating, zooming, the building stays in place

  • Fix glitch with info tool-tip over resource icon like Hawthorn (does not happen on all icons) when zoomed max in and slowly moving the mouse: the tool-tip resizes vertically for no good reason. Also these resource icons are blurry when mouse not hovering over them. Make them Hires all the time. And color (not gray). Also, more rounded corners on tooltips and nicer font.

  • When placing a house farther into the view, the info overlay goes outside the visible area. Improve dialog placement so it’s visible at all times

  • Hires game intro screen (make it nice and sharp for 4K+ screens/resolutions) so that the 3D animated stuff blends nicely into the static image (similar to the loading screen, which looks much better for some reason)

  • Sharper title font on the interface (put blue overlay behind the text)

Thank you!