[Request] Main Menu Selection

Yeah, probably confusing the two. I thought I’d seen it done sometime over the years, but can’t find anything about it.

+1 for Main Menu Selection

I have linked two ZIP files with which anyone who is interested can replace the FG main menu. Simply copy the content of the preferred ZIP file to your Grim Dawn installation directory.

There is no need to make a tutorial for this kind of modding;
it’s just a copy&paste method. Which file I copied can anyone see in the ZIP file.
The only changes I made are removing the FG logo as it interferes with the AoM logo.
The FG logo particle effect is still there, but it doesn’t bother too much (or change it yourself).

I stitched it all with a hot needle, so don’t blame me if you encounter any errors.

Edit: I reduced the color orange from the FG logo particle effect to make the AoM logo better readable.

Edit2: I have completely removed the particle effect from the FG logo.



Maybe I’m misunderstanding what you were going for here, but I’m pretty sure when someone buys the game, they are paying for what the product is, not a perpetual train of free additions, although I dare say we’ve done an extensive share of those, many of which were taken from community requests over the years.

What matters to us is how we are investing our resources. Top priority, being a business, is obviously to stay in business. Oftentimes, that need overlaps with the desires of the community as we introduce desirable features for players which in turn attracts new players.

As time and resources are not infinite, and there are diminishing returns to be considered, we have to weigh various features against each other and decide what’s going to have the biggest impact, what will appeal to the most players.

As we’ve said a number of times in the past, things like Menu Backgrounds or Load Screen selection did not seem as critical to the majority of players as say…loot filtering, search functions, monster totems, overhauled old skill fx, overhauled melee animation tech, updated old monster models, deferred rendering, dynamic skill lighting, auto-looting…

Remarkably, item/skill refining doesn’t take artists. And having to make that clarification is why we also say things like this…

Although you took that way too seriously. :stuck_out_tongue:

Not to mention how much of our work over the years WAS focused on aesthetic, so your statement is simply disingenuous, or perhaps not aware of all that we did in game updates, in which case I’d recommend going down the memory lane of dev updates.

No, we do not, but we do need our TWO artists to contribute to the array of projects we have going on at the company right now. Things that are more important than upscaling class art to meet our high standards required to be suitable for load screen art.

I’m not sure where our “want” comes into play with feature requests such as this. I don’t have any personal investment in whether this feature exists or not other than I don’t care about it in other games at all. My “wants” are entirely irrelevant and have been in the past when we’ve added features requested by the community.

It continues to be as simple as we do not consider the time and resources required for this feature to exist to provide enough value to the GD playerbase to outweigh other priorities.

Damn, I should have read this part first! :smiley:

Not to mention, as mentioned in comments above, the game is moddable to your heart’s content. You can change the main menu to whatever you like.


Thanks @medea_fleecestealer. Your title should be forum scribe/historian.
Many thanks @GlockenGerda for the upload. Don’t know how you even got ahold of those. Will experiment with it tonight. I take it the music at the main menu would still be Forgotten Gods?

Ah, sorry then. This forum makes me more prickly and defensive than usual for some reason.

I think the missing piece there that a modder couldn’t do is the code required to add a proper menu selection in the Options menu, though maybe it’s possible.
I’ll just have to take your word for it that it would be very time consuming to code that in, since the menus themselves are already created, so no additional artistry would be required.

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Thanks a ton. You’re the best. And you don’t even need to run a modded game.
(I was waiting for @powbam to test it but I couldn’t bear it anymore)

From now on I’m making all the Fashion Dawn pictures in the AoM menu. It has the best/most natural lightning and vibe.


This change also the music and ambient or just the background?

I didn’t have music on but the package contains


I uploaded new versions.


Yes, this also changes the menu music.

It seems to me that the time spent to actually reply why you don’t have the time to implement this feature (which has been done more than once) is about the same as the time spent to implement a menu option to switch between screens that already exist, but what do I know?

I don’t know, did you account for the time it would take for me to study programming languages, learn the software, acquaint myself with the codebase and implement the change?

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Adding an option to switch the main menu takes a lot longer than you might think.

Then who did the menu options changes that were done recently? Are they no longer working for Crate?

Um, the programmers on the team? Of which I am not one.


Well didnt mean to be rude or something, was tired as hell and wanted to see where you stand in some feedback and suggestions, nevermind, I love GD, and I’m sure you do as well since you’ve put thousands of hours in making it, so thank you for that!

I hope I didn’t sound ungrateful. You have made a lot of good recent changes that I am happy about. The one that has come to mind often recently is making spirit and cunning useful for endgame and not having every character with max physique. Great change!

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Ah :wink: I haven’t had a chance to try it out yet. Got 'em downloaded tho. Will probably give it a whirl in a bit here.

@GlockenGerda - Just wondering, is it possible to upload a package also that contains the FG menu too? For people that have a need to disable FG and/or AoM. I actually wonder if it would still work with one or the other disabled. My thinking is that it would, or should, but I might be wrong.

AHHHH you are my hero! Even before it loaded, I heard that dismal drone of the Malmouth menu song, and I had that wonderful familiar feeling. I guess it’s just cause I’ve been looking at the cacti for a while now, but this menu has never looked better. :partying_face:


How did you get rid of the bird? Is there a way to remove it from the loading screen, or is that just an edit on your part?