[Retaliation Battlemage] Avenger - Retaliation, Reflect, "Counter-Hit" Build with fast killing speed

Thanks for the new guide. Like you and many others, I started with squibs retaliation warder build, and I’m trying to adapt it to more single target damage without needing to get the retaliation mod. I can tell your choices from your guide and items selection, but was hoping you might explain the following in a little more detail for me:

  1. The resistance reduction from the plaguebearers masters spellblade is that much more of a benefit, that it’s greater than using the Dawnbreaker sledge, despite the sledge having more damage out right?

  2. in looking for a frequent/main attack, I have been considering the skill granted by Riftstone, or by Shard of Beronath. Obviously, you chose Oleron’s blood. Can you do a bit of comparison between the three, and why you chose the one you did for use in the spellblade?


  1. Yes

  2. You don’t have enough flat damage, Oleron’s Might, Blitz and Cadence would hit harder than Beronath
    Not sure about Riftstone since Blitz covers whatever riftstone can do.

Also, if gearing is an issue then scroll down to find Retaliation Commando. It shows you how to use Markovian Set for Retaliation. Markovian set uses lesser greens btw

Updated the commando. BM update to come soon

Commando updated
Did the people a little favor and added a second GrimTool Link w/o MIs since people hate those a lot :rolleyes:

Battlemage update coming later

Finally updated this thing
Will explain changes later today

Nice post and guide!
I recently had started messing around with a really similar idea after I had found the Mythical Turrion’s Reprisal, never really got it to work yet however (still missing a whole bunch of other, better gear). I was doing less “counter-hit” and more traditional retal & reflect, yours is very well thought through.
May I ask? I was thinking, since I’m not doing much traditional damage (my setup: much less than yours), I might as well go for Aeon’s Hourglass and as much CDR as possible for permanent Overguard and as much Mirror as possible. I know that would come at a big price in your devotion setup – do you think it might be doable however?

I am not sure if CDR will help me with Retaliation

The gain (from Retaliation POV) is minimal when going permanent Overguard and Mirror.

But hey, if you want to try it then go for it. An innovative approach the Retaliation concept is welcome

Love yer builds man, you do a really great job.
I have an 82 Commando,

Using fire strike as the main attack skill…mainly all fire attack with a melee weapon
how would you change devotions to fit?


Pop a Tonic of Clarity and do everything from scratch

Did some leveling with Arcanist first (yes, the cheesy OFF + elemental component of the day, be it fire/ice/lightning) w/some Overguard added to the mix.
Did think about replacing Arcanist w/Necro, but that damn Nullification…
Wish there would be an option for other masteries too, maybe a weaker version in the form of traditional “Dispell Scroll”, since me thinks Nullification is much needed due to auras, pools etc game likes to throw at you.
Also is the lack of MSoP due to lack of points or dps-loss?

Yeah Reflection DK is something I want to try myself but Arcanist seems to take the cake for now

Maiven isn’t a DPS loss, I lack skill points so kept it at level 8.

A simple question from a beginner: Why not put at least a single skill point in Markovian’s Advantage? Since the helmet significantly boosts it, it seems like a lot of value for a single skill point.

I wouldn’t say it’s worth it really. The character has really low attack speed so won’t be triggering it often and also has low flat damage. Abilities like Oleron’s Might/Final Stop/Blitz try to make up for this a bit with their high % weapon damage but Markovian’s Advantage even with the helmet modifier does not have nearly enough to warrant using it. Blindside covers reduced Defensive Ability as well (and it doesn’t stack with Markovian’s Advantage, highest gets used between the 2).