Returning Player -physical forcewave good for a 1st toon?

Hi guys,

After a few years I have decided to come back to the game, got it on GOG.

Will physical forcewave soldier + demolitionist be good for my first toon? I am starting from scratch here guys! Is it an ok toon to get me back into the game and farm a few items for other specs?


Yes, for a soldier-based character two-handed FW is solid. Just remember its a spell, so %casting is more important than %attack speed.

If this is your first character for a while, don’t hurry to choose a second mastery. You can safely and easily take soldier up to level 50 before choosing, and Forcewave will get you there. Just max it out slowly (it’s quite energy-exhausting), pump the mastery bar, go for Oleron’s Rage and put a point here and there into field command / squad tactics. Don’t forget to get Blitz for mobility.

Devotions? Obvs you’ll rush Kraken (Fox synergises nicely with FW for damage to get the green stars) then go for assassin’s blade (procc’d by FW) and ghoul (assign it to field command) for a melee character.

Then look at the equipment you have and the build compendiums then choose your second mastery.

Just my 2 pennies YMMV

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No unless you’re planning for Fire Forcewave in the endgame.

Good support masteries for Physical Soldier FW are:

  • Occultist
  • Necro
  • Oathkeeper

Demo is for Fire as mentioned.
Inq for Elemental.
Shaman for Lightning.
Nightblade for Cold.

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Physical forcewave is great for 1st character, but not for commando, you need shar’zul worldeater for it (so it would be fire fw actually) and it takes a lot of farming to get one. Warlord or DK are far better options.

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OK, thank you guys!

You can sort-of make do with Sunherald Claymore if you go fire and have a good mod on it.