Ring of steel uses both weapons, supposedly

dual-wielding servitor slicers with softcapped ring of steel for some reason that translated to a damage reduction which i can’t make heads or tails of:

here the flat damage is reduced from ~17k to ~13k but i should now have 2x 290% weapon damage which amount to ~30k each servitor slicer. yet the second page damage displayed for ring of steel went from 58k-68k to 54k-64k (due to the pierce portion, dps on first page is also lower). i don’t really mind the builds performance, it’s fine, but this seems counter-intuitive, maybe bugged?

slot a non pierce dmg aug in your offhand, like chaos/dmg type you don’t currently have
then in page 2 mouse over RoS and see if it’s now listing the expected amount of chaos dmg, if so offhand weapon is applied

i guess this can be moved to bugs, the off-hand does not add damage. and it is not just the ui, tested with internal trauma augment & mutagenic ichor component, neither of the damage over time is applied to the dummy.

It just shows one hand damage.


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so it’s slapping twice, but with MH? :smile:


weird stuff (misinterpreted what you wanted to say)

yarp, even seems to crit independently.

:thinking: I add a Chilled Steel on off hand. So my main hand damage and off hand damage should be different. But dummy shows 2 same number.

Main hand: 914+377=1291 ~1290
Off hand: 956+377=1333


Then I change main hand and off hand. So many hand with Chilled Steel, off hand with nothing. Then damage goes up to 1323.
Main hand: 946+377=1323


same as my prior test, offhand does nothing so as your screenshots and @Gnomish_Inquisition suggest it seems to hit twice with main hand.

This reminds me of Shattering Smash dealing the same damage twice to the first target hit. :rofl:

that’s different, that’s because smash is kinda acting like Upheval/explosive strike, main hit triggering a “boom” so it’s 1 single target hit that applies an “additional” aoe hit
Normal dualwield wield scaling is supposed to hit twice, but with right+left weapon stats separately, but for whatever reason RoS is then just (set to?) the MH hitting twice

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I’m looking at ringofsteel.dbr right now and I can’t figure out why it’s doing this. Perhaps I’m looking in the wrong place. Anyone got an idea? I’m too invested now to give up :smiley:

It’s built into the animation, you won’t find it.