Roadblocks that randomly appear each session. Do we need them?

Are you referring to Chesterton’s fence?

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Why yes I am, or would have been if I got the spelling right.

It’s a rather simple principle, but quite universal - interesting.

This is what I see from above:

Player A: I ran for item x 100 times. Because of road blocks I lost y minutes. If I didn’t lose y minutes, I could have gotten z more runs in.

Player B: Filthy easy mode casual. Crate, change the game and I’ll revolt.

Player A: ——-> ran the same map 100 times = casual? 900 hours playtime is not casual.

Who is really playing the game? And of the person who is threatening bad reviews if they don’t get their way? The original post was more of why is this here and I don’t get it because I am losing time and time is costing me.

As for the poster I referenced. It is the only post in the thread so were they reading the thread as it went along or did they happen to find it, rage post, and then left? If that’s the case it’s more of an attack, which it seems to be since there was no further buy in as the posting from that person stopped.

This comes down to human nature (as mentioned didn’t read the link and likely won’t). All I see is someone coming on a social platform, being volatile because the internet allows for ambiguity without repercussion. Where I was born and raised, if this occurred in person you would likely be picking up your teeth off the ground.

I have nearly 3200 hours and still don’t consider myself as elitist, hardcore, or anything else. I play 2-4 hours like every other day. I don’t see the issue with the random blocks.

If Mr. Fence is a viewer of human nature you can ignore my reply.

Chesterton’s Fence at its simplest is the idea that one should first understand why something is the way it is before they approach changing it. Seizing upon a topic without being sufficiently informed can strike blindly at key underlying fundamentals that tie into a larger necessary structure.

In Crate’s case this is a thematic choice that differentiates their product from the others on the market. While D3 and PoE are played on overlay autopilot the very essence of GD calls for an engaging world and the roadblocks were one such compromise to bring that about.

Calls for the removal of roadblocks have been demonstrated to run parallel to overlay autopilot play that Crate wishes to mildly dissuade.

If the complaint is about roadblocks limiting quantity of runs we are not debating roadblocks, we are debating loot efficiency and there are other methods to address this without removing roadblocks. In this case of boosting loot efficiency it is a lack of big picture understanding that drives the suggestion which has unintended consequences beyond what is desired. Throwing the baby out with the bath water as it were.

It’s when people come along with a chisel removing foundational elements to influence a few end results you’ll see people speaking out loudly in protest.


This is exceptionally true. No space for me to argue this. Bravo!

I think I’ll go read that now…:+1:

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