Fleshcarver - DW Melee / Beronath’s Fury/Ring of Steel Witch Hunter
- 4/4 Blood Knight Set for Defensive & -RR% support
- Dual wielding Crimson Spikes for 100% Acid /Chaos conversion & Ring of Steel buffs
- ~2300% Vitality /~3300% Bleeding Damage with ~600% Bleeding Duration before Cunning/Spirit Bonus
- -87% Vitality /-111% Bleeding RR
(vs Dummy with all buffs active via DPYes)
Build Comment: I was inspired by @fordprefect’s [] The Pith Hunter or DW Vitality Witch Hunter. SR 85/Ravager of Minds/Mogdrogen as it seemed that there was a decent DDD Witch Hunter build that could be made. After some tweaking I managed to make this very smooth to play Fleshcarver WH, although the finished product gives it slightly more Bleeding Damage vs Vitality. Overall, the build is fast to move, easy to play and does not require much skill to survive. What really makes the build is the fantastic Fashion Dawn that ties in the WH auras quite nicely! The character really looks like it belongs among the cannibals carving up some flesh in Barrowholm…