Chaos Thunderstorm - 2H Lightning Rod Chaos/Vitality/Decay Corn Juror
What is the connection between Rotgheist, Primal Strike, Doom Bolt, and Storm Totem? A hybrid Chaos/Vitality build.
…yeah be confused y’all.
- It summons red lightning bolts, everywhere
- Chaos and Vitality build that somehow also a Decay build
- -115% Vitality RR and -78% Chaos RR
- 2K% damage, can reach 3K% with spirit and all proc active
- Crits between 200k-300k, with proc can reach 400k and 600k on SR
- 3.3K/2.8K OA/DA with at least 225 OA/DA shred for both
- ha ha healthbar go yoyoing
- can’t take Rattosh due to devotion path
So this build was made years ago(, when I’m trying to find which weapon should work best with Rotgheist set. Wrath of Tenebris was chosen because I just get lost midway, and decide to mix chaos and vitality. The result is pretty good at that time, but I decide to left it as a meme.
Main skill is Primal Strike and Doom Bolt, with Storm Totem as supporting fire power against swarm. First version use Bloodlord sash for additional vitality to chaos conversion, but I change it to Stolen Dream belt and fixing the energy problem, the change drop the damage, but equalizing the damage. I also go with Rattosh devotion for more vitality RR, but decided to drop it and taking dying god instead, to buff both damage type, the trade is between -28% RR vs 200-500% damage for both damage type.
With lucky roll from the Rotgheist set, it is capable to do mix chaos and vitality on the totem by dropping the storm totem transmuter, and still maintaining the decay damage part, but it change the Fx to the original blue. I decided not to do that despite it will be an increase of damage. Overall the build is a pretty quick clearer of shard 32 despite the healthbar go yoyo against some enemies.
I add the save file to anyone interested to play the build (1.5 MB)